GlobalPORT-2012 «St. Petersburg — the Sea Capital of Russia. Environment»
On the 29-30 of March 2012 the III International Forum «Environment» was held in Saint-Petersburg, and it was devoted to the issues of water resources protection and conservation. It is among the events of the «UNITED RUSSIA» Party Project «Saint Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia» supported by the United National Front.
The Forum was held at the initiative of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation, the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource Use, the Federal Fishery Agency, the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, the Federal Agency for Water Resources, the FSUE “Rosmorport”, the Saint-Petersburg Administration, the Guild of Ecologists, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The event was participated by the representatives of Federal Ministries and Agencies, State Duma’s Committees, members of regional government and of the Economic Commission for Europe, top-management of business sector and professional organizations. They include: Artur Chilingarov, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Coordinator of the Project “Saint Petersburg — the Sea Capital of Russia”; Vadim Tulpanov, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, “Saint-Petersburg – the Sea Capital of Russia” Project Manager; Vladimir Leonov, the Head of the Federal Agency of Natural Resources Supervision; Konstantin Palnikov, the Director of State Policy Department in the sphere of Marine and River Transport of the Transport Ministry of Russian Federation; Nadezhda Schebina, the Deputy Director of the Federal Agency for Fisheries; Leonid Karlin, the Rector of Russian State Hydrometeorological University; Konstantin Bobrov, the Executive Director of FSUE “Rosmorport”; Vladimir Tkachenko, the Deputy Director of the Trade Negotiations Department of the Economic Development Ministry, and many others.
In the framework of the Forum there was a discussion of global ecological issues. The following issues were discussed in details: reduction of the negative impact of the transport industry on water systems’ ecology, new decisions’ implementing to provide ecological protection of water objects, recultivation of inner water objects and wastes recycling, reduction of the anthropogenic impact on water resources and restriction of business sector reliability, as well as many others.
The issues of Russia’s entering the global ecological community were paid great attention to. The discussion of this direction was held within the round table “Russia's Joining the WTO: Environmental Aspects”, which was moderated by the Deputy Director of the Trade Negotiations Department of the Economic Development Ministry Vladimir Tkachenko.
The ecological state of the Ladoga Lake was discussed at the Forum. During recent years the quality of water and the biologic resources’ state of the Ladoga Lake have been deteriorating. As was noticed by the participants, it’s important to estimate its condition every year, as well as to look after changes in ecosystem and to take measures. The ecological state of the Ladoga Basin influences directly the drinking water quality of the inhabitants of Saint-Petersburg, the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia. The Coordinator of the Project Artur Chilingarov suggested in the name of Forum’s participants to address the Deputies of the State Duma sixth convocation with a petition so that the largest water body in Europe would get the special status.
The discussion of issue of Saint-Petersburg’s beaches improvement was started at the Forum. Within the framework of the social action “For clean beaches” there was gathering of signatures to support the open letter to the city’s government. According to the “Saint-Petersburg – the Sea Capital of Russia” Project Manager Vadim Tulpanov, this initiative can help to enlarge the number of city’s official beaches, to conduct water and sand expertise, as well as to equip beaches with live-saving stations. This experience will also be useful for other regions with the same problems.
The Saint-Petersburg ecological Forum was the debut Project’s event of a new format. It was for the first time when the business program was complemented with an exhibition, where the latest achievements of international and Russian ecologic industry companies were displayed. Individual expositions were presented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource Use, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean “VNIIOkeangeologia”, the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
Increasing quality and quantity of the Forum’s participants are the bright evidences of the Forum’s work effectiveness. Here one can successfully enter into cooperation, including those at the international level, as well as proposals about transport complex development can be formed here.
A number of persons interested in Resolution creating keeps growing: be it authorities and nongovernmental companies’ representatives or certain citizens. In the State Duma there have been determined the Deputies who are responsible for each direction of Project’s work to control efficiently the realization of the proposals into laws and other regulations. These parliamentarians which are presenting “UNITED RUSSIA” fraction have considerable experience and they are entirely competent in the issues under consideration.
In 2011 there was created an Institute of Regional Coordinators to form more efficient and deep cooperation between federal and regional Project’s levels. A sort of an “electronic government” of the Council of Regions will be created in the near term in order to raise the interaction efficiency. For experience exchange and for the intercourse of the sectoral expert community there will be created an online-platform based on the site of the Project Also it’s planned to implement an electronic system of proposals submitting to the bodies of legislative and executive power, moreover this service may be used by any citizen of the Russian Federation.
According to the Project’s Manager, the experience of the “electronic government” implementation will be in demand at a regional level as well. Today one of the priority directions of Project’s activity is to support regional entrepreneurship. Realization of the Party’s initiative about creation a kind of “social elevator” for small and medium regional enterprises has begun. Presentation of small and medium entrepreneurship at the International Forum is the “elevator”, which can give an opportunity for a steady economical growth of companies and for an increase in investment attractiveness of the Russian Subjects.
It must be noted that this is not the first time when the initiatives about living conditions improvement in our country are being realized in the framework of the Project “Saint-Petersburg – the Sea Capital of Russia”. Thus all the Resolutions of the Project’s events are being directed to profile State Duma’s Committees, Ministries and Agencies for legislation and state regulation perfection.
All the participant’s proposals about Russian ecological branch development will be included to the Resolution, which will become a representation of the Forum’s result.
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