GlobalPORT-2011 «St. Petersburg — the Sea Capital of Russia. Environment»
On the 17th-18th of March 2011 the II International conference “Environment” will be held in St. Petersburg within the framework of the project “Saint Petersburg – the Sea Capital of Russia” supported by the “United Russia” Party, devoted to issues of sea environment, general water resources’ protection and prevention of all kinds of pollution dealt to seas and rivers.
Environment is one of the key priorities for development of the world community at the modern stage. Keeping our surrounding nature clean and bringing the already harmed and destabilized ecosystems back to their normal state is the essential task for governments, NGOs, business community and every single individual, citizen of the planet Earth. Environmental responsibility is something that all of us, including the government officials and businessmen, should learn and always keep in mind in our daily activities and decision-making.
The previous conference hosting 250 delegates was held in March 2010 raising a number of urgent environmental issues including waste water management, environmental impact of ports and sea cargo transportation, as well as the legislation on water resources’ protection.
The second conference will continue the initiative inviting even more government officials, NGO representatives and businessmen from Russia and abroad. Among these there will be delegates from the top of Ministry of natural resources and Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation, experts from WWF and other environmental organizations, representatives of oil and gas production and transportation companies (Nord Stream AG, Shtokman Development AG, Lukoil, etc.), intergovernmental commissions (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM and OSPAR commission protecting and conserving the North-East Atlantic and its resources), international sea ports, freight, shipping and forwarding companies, producers of water purification and waste filtration facilities and many others.
The conference aims at working out a shared view on and approach to environmental problems of seas and rivers within Russia and between the RF and other countries. This event is a new ground for setting up new partner projects of environment protection, introduction of eco-friendly technologies, waste management.
Decisions made at the conference will be fixed in the Resolution to be submitted to the respective ministries and agencies in order to improve the environment protection legislation.
Organizational committee of the conference: +7 (812) 327 9370, +7 (812) 370 1602