GlobalPORT-2015 "St-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia. Ecology"
St – Petersburg will become an ecology capital of Russia for two days.
February 26-27, 2015 the VI International Forum «Ecology» took place in Saint-Petersburg within the «UNITED RUSSIA» Party Project «Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia». The aim of the event was to make important decisions contributing to ecology safety of water resource in Russia. The event was held with the assistance and participation of both chambers of Federal Assembly of the RF, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the RF, Ministry of Building, Housing and Public Utilities of the RF, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RF and other relevant ministries and institutions. The general information partner of the Forum was INA "Russia today".
Hydro economic and ecology safety determine national security. Water resources influence on national economy development and realization of regional social and economic programs. State policy and normative regulation in sphere of water resources defense will be discussed in the framework of open dialog. More than 600 people representing federal and regional authorities, business and non-profitable organizations from 50 regions and 30 foreign countries participated in the forum.
Programme of the first date included several discussion platforms which allowed experts to analyze situation and elaborate important initiatives in sphere of utilities modernization in Russia in 2012 – 2020, tariff regulation of water and sanitation, integration of Crimean water economics in water economics of the Russian Federation. Special consideration was given to issues of implementation 416-FL about “About water and sanitation”. Participants of the round table will discuss the latest legislation amendments concerning discharge of sewage water; liability of enterprises for pollutants discharge; new demands for local waste treatment facilities which are obligatory for several types of enterprises according to 416 – FL “About water and sanitation”. Impact of transport infrastructure on ecology condition of water objects was discussed by subject experts and specialists. The most topical issues are utilization of hulks, environmental activity of ports, and condition of pipelines as one of causes of oil spills. In the context of importance of this topic, Forum organizers attached the great importance to issues of water objects pollution from petroleum industry. Two-day conference programme allowed specialists to determine measures which should be taken to liquidate so called “oil spots” in Russia.
The second day of the International Forum «Ecology» was dedicated to international cooperation in sphere of trans border water object management and development of water resources utilization systems of Russian regions. Representatives of Eurasian Economic Community, China, Finland, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands participated in the plenary session. Heads and representatives of Russian regions will answer questions concerning water resources pollution. There were representatives from the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, the Kostroma region, the Kalmykia republic, the Buryatiya republic, the Komi republic, the Krasnodar region etc. Representatives from more than 500 regions participated in the event.
There was an exhibition along with business programme. International and regional innovation projects in sphere of environmental protection, industrial and domestic water conditioning and purification, safety water resources development, water objects control and monitoring, technogenic pollution consequence management were represented on the exhibition. Such companies as “Okeanos” LtD, “Vodoroy” LLC, “ECO-potential M” LLC, “Megatekhnika SPb” LLC, the Leningrad State University named after A. Pishkin, “Poltraf” LLC and others were among exhibitors. Each participant was able to find new partners, estimate situation of the field and consider about main tendencies of its development in the future.
The main result of the event was a resolution with propositions and recommendations from forum participants which will be sent to special-purpose committees of Upper and Lower Houses of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, relevant ministries and institutions for water defense legislation advancement.