Address to the participants
Member of the Supreme Council' Bureau of the Party “UNITED RUSSIA”
First deputy chief of the faction “UNITED RUSSIA” in the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation
Dear participants of the Conference!
Russia has great potential for the development of international and interregional transportation. Connecting Europe and Asia, East and West, road, rail, sea, river and air routes across the territory of our country, become an important component of global transportation and logistics process.
For effective integration of Russia into the world market of transport services and the implementation of state and economic interests in this area it’s necessary to pay great attention to improving of the competitiveness of the national transportation system, reduce transport costs and increase innovation and environmental factors. Transport strategy for the period up to 2030 propose the country's transition to a balanced and harmonious development of all types of transport as part of an integrated transport system, supporting the interests of the state, business and the public.
It is extremely important that government officials and business community have the opportunity to be engaged in dialogue as equals to discuss the most exciting and challenging topics in the field of transport and to find its solutions at the annual Conference “Transport and Transit Potential”. I am confident that the delegates of the IV International conference “St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA. Transport and Transit Potential” will carry out effective work on improving of the transportation system of our state!
Director of the Project “Saint-Petersburg — the Sea Capital of RUSSIA”
Chairman of the legislative assembly of St.Petersburg
Dear participants of the Conference!
The development of St. Petersburg as a major trade and transportation center of international importance are recognized as one of the basic tasks within the framework of the Resolution “On the Concept of socio-economic development of St. Petersburg until 2025”. To fulfill the tasks in life it’s necessary to solve a number of issues related to the promotion of the movement of export-import goods through St. Petersburg or surrounding area, simplification of border crossing and customs clearance and the construction of new customs terminal.
Reconstruction and modernization of the Big Port of St. Petersburg, ring road around St. Petersburg, Western High Speed Diameter, bringing into operation of the terminal “Pulkovo-3” and the adjacent areas of economic development will ensure the growth of exports and imports carried out with the European Union and the number of companies engaged in cargo handling will increase.
I am sure that at the IV International Conference “St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA. Transport and Transit Potential” the conditions and measures for implementation of many federal programs in this area not only for St. Petersburg, but also for the whole country will be voiced and taken into account for further consideration in relevant departments.
I wish the participants of the Conference an active and successful work!