May 31, 2012
Russia and China will develop a new long haul plain
The United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the Chinese Comac are intended to establish a joint venture for developing a new long haul plain based on the Ilyushin Il-96. Russia is to grant a know-how, and China – money.
The agreement concerning a joint venture establishing is planned to be signed on 5-6th of June, as was told by the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Yury Slyusar. The aim of the partners is to create a new long haul plain based on the Ilyushin Il-96 (code name “2020”).
Cost of the project is not yet determined. “In this issue we may be guided by the experience of Boeing and Airbus, - considers Slyusar. – It is from $7-12 billion with the cycle of project’s realization of seven years”. At the first stage it’s planned to conduct a marketing research of the markets in the PRC and Russia. It’s clear that the project may be repaid only after producing several hundreds of plains, - adds the official.
The new plains will be produced on the territory of the PRC, says Sanakoev. But Russia will profit of this situation: it will obtain a huge outlet market and an impulse to scientific and technical development. Together we can challenge Boeing and Airbus aircraft producers, - assures Sanakoev.
In producing regional plains each country had its own way. Russia has developed Sukhoi Superjet 100, China — ARJ. But the latter will obtain a competitive ability only after several years of development, acknowledges Sanakoev. The collaboration with Russia could half this cycle, he states.
May 17, 2012
Projects of high-speed traffic development in Russia
In the first quarter 2012 the Russian Railways has prepared proposals in a long-term national program of Russian high-speed traffic development with consideration for new regulations of the main strategic documents of the railroad industry development.
The project will be implemented in 2 stages.
The first stage of 2012-2020 is to create high-speed mains in Moscow – Saint-Petersburg segment (with the extent of 658 km, travel time 2 hours 30 minutes) and Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan – Yekaterinburg (1145 km, 4 hours 40 minutes) with the total length of about 1800 km.
It’s planned to organize high-speed traffic on the existing railway infrastructure with a maximum speed of 160-200 km/h both on the inner communication railways: Moscow –Yaroslavl (282 km, 2 h. 30 min.) and Novosibirsk – Omsk (627 km, 5 h. 30 min.), and on the international ones: Moskow – Krasnoe – (Minsk – Warsaw – Berlin) (within the territory of Russia – 487 km, 4 h., total 750 km, 6 h. 30 min. to Minsk) and Moscow – Suzemka – (Kiev) (within the territory of Russia – 488 km, total 856 km, 7 h.).
Moreover it’s assumed to create a high-speed direction with transit train traffic on the territory of Ukraine – Moscow – Kharkov – Adler (line length – 1826 km, travel time – 16 hours). Meanwhile the realization of this project will lead to creation of a special passengers’ direction (Way of Kursk) and a special cargo direction (Way of Voronezh) which in turn will let to explore the volume of growing cargo traffic in the ports of the Azov and the Black Seas’ basin. The total length of the high-speed lines may compose up to 4.3 thousand km by 2020.
According to the experts’ estimates, a promising passengers’ traffic on the high-speed mains of Moscow – Saint-Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan – Yekaterinburg directions may reach 8.6 million people by 2020. This project got the particular importance in relation to the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia. Railway transport may become one of the main methods of tournament spectators’ arrival.
The second stage of 2021-2030 is to complete the Moscow-Yekaterinburg high-speed main forming by constructing a Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod segment and by branching from Kazan to Samara.
A high-speed main is also expected to be constructed in international communication and in the connections with Ukraine and Belarus (with a possible extension to the West Europe).
In this period high-speed coverage area is to be broadened by 4 000 km thanks to projects in the Volga region (Moscow – Saratov, Samara – Saransk, Samara – Penza, Samara – Saratov, Saratov – Volgograd), Ñàìàðà – Ñàðàòîâ, Ñàðàòîâ – Âîëãîãðàä), in the Urals (Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk), in Siberia (Novosibirsk – Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk) and in the Far East (Khabarovsk – Vladivostok).
Thus the total extent of high-speed lines will reach about 12 000 km as the result of the national program of high-speed traffic in the Russian Federation (in the period of 2012-2030). A passenger flow of high-speed traffic will be about 32 million persons a year. The total amount of investments in the infrastructure is evaluated as 6.3 trillion rubles, including 2.5 trillion by 2020.
May 15, 2012
Roads in Russia will be being constructed by foreigners
One of the first orders by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin was a proposal to allow foreign companies participating in roads construction in Russia.
Putin commissioned the Government with development of the relevant bill until December 1st of the current year. The project is supposed to attract foreign organizations possessing modern technologies and managerial competence which are ready to apply for federal and regional highways construction.
One of the first orders by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin was a proposal to allow foreign companies participating in roads construction in Russia.
May 4, 2012
Customs Union’s countries will create a Unified logistic railway company
As was stated by the Minister of Transport and Communications of Belarus Ivan Scherbo, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will create a Unified logistic railway company in the next year.
Scherbo also mentioned that representatives of the Transport agencies of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan will discuss next month deregulation of transport services market within the Common Economic Space of these three countries.
May 3, 2012
The Transport Ministry has developed a scheme of Moscow airports’ union
The Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation returned to the idea of uniting Sheremetevo, Vnukovo and Domodedovo while discussing the financing system of the airports’ state property, above all take-off runways.
Unified company of aerodrome complexes is suggested to be privatized and introduced into registered capital. As the result, the government will get control over it even upon condition of the consolidation of the Moscow biggest private airport Domodedovo.
Alternative financing options present concessions, examples of which are single in the world practice.
According to the data of the Transport Ministry working group on main development directions of the Moscow Air Transportation Cluster (MATC), the most critical situation appeared in Domodedovo, which has a real terminal power shortage and serves meanwhile the biggest quantity of passengers. The airport transports 26 million passengers a year and operates only 170 000 sq.m. terminal areas. Air-terminal complexes Sheremetevo form 350 000 sq.m. area and serve 22.5 million passengers. The Domodedovo power shortage leads to an outflow of the air companies like Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian Airlines, Turkish Airlines, SAS and "Transaero", as stated by officials. Thereon the expert group predicts Domodedovo to lose about 10 million passengers during the period of 2012-2013.
The second important issue of the MATC is a budgetary stringency for airfield infrastructure construction in Domodedovo and Sheremetevo. As follows from the materials, the Domodedovo shortages compose 33.2 billion rubles including shortages for the second take-off runway, platforms reconstruction and building of new ones, and Sheremetevo gaps 18.2 billion rubles for constructing the third take-off runway, reconstruction of the first take-off runway and the platforms. Officials propose uniting the three airports with load redistribution between them as one of the ways to solve the financial problems.
April 25, 2012
The President of Russia enacted a bill to ease cab service requirements
The President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev enacted the bill which eases cab authorization procedure.
This law provides authorization of the legal persons and sole proprietors as cab drivers if they use their own cars, cars on the basis of the right of economic management, leasing or a rental contract.
Moreover this law establishes at the federal level an exhaustive list of five documents to be submitted by the business owners to have permission to cab. Before that this list was determined by regions.
The amendments solve the problem of taximeters as well. From now on they are to be installed only in the cabs of big cities, where the cost of a ride depends on time and distance.
At the present moment there are only 10% of drivers who are allowed to cab. As estimated by experts, there are at least 1,5 million cabbing persons.
The law also grants a respite until 1st of 2013 for coloring cabs according to the stated by a region rules. The respite is explained by the necessity of considerable expenses made by carriers for car repainting. Each subject of the Federation is supposed to introduce not less than two colors for licensed cabs.
April 11, 2012
The State Duma of the Russian Federation passed a bill about small size vessels
In a second reading the Russian State Duma passed a bill “On amending particular legislative acts of the Russian Federation in term definition of small size vessel”. The bill gives an unambiguous definition to the term of “small size vessel”, its status, as well as separates executive bodies control over it.
April 10, 2012
Duty free shops on the railway
Russian government allowed duty free shops opening on the border railway checkpoints. The relevant direction is signed by the prime-minister Vladimir Putin on 5th of April and published in the bank of federal standard and executive acts.
The document is completed with a list of business and other activities which may be performed at the Russian border checkpoints, in particular at the railway ones. The list is expanded with an option “retail distribution of goods in the duty free shop premises”.
“The Russian Railways” announced the intention to open duty free shops on the objects of the railway infrastructure on 14th of March. The Head of the Railway stations directorate Sergey Abramov informed journalists that the first shop may start operating this year at the Finlyandsky Rail Terminal of Saint-Petersburg. The company wants to create duty free shops at Russian rail terminals with international traffic. For this to happen we need to amend the current legislation and the company is already working with executive power bodies, mentioned Abramov.
April 5, 2012
Law on strengthening responsibility for violating rules of international road transportations
The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a Federal law directed at the strengthening administrative responsibility for violating rules of international road transportations, as stated by the Kremlin press relations service.
The Federal Law “On amending the Code of the Russian Federation about administrative violations” and the article 11 of the Federal Law “Concerning state control over international road carriage and concerning liability for violation of the procedures governing such carriage” were approved by the State Duma on 16th of March 2012 and by the Federation Council on 28th of March 2012.
March 26, 2012
A new unified flights schedule for civil aviation in Russia
Information about flights will be transmitted in the international booking systems more clearly by means of introducing new rules of unified flights scheduling.
The order stating procedures for forming, confirming and transmitting the schedule of regular passengers and cargo air transportations are being published in «Rossiyskaya Gazeta».
From now on air carriers are obliged to send data about their takeoff and departure time in the Central Bank of the schedules and slots, which in located now in the Transport clearing house.
Moreover a new order sets uniform procedures and standards of flights’ parameters specification while scheduling. "These standards satisfy the requirements for schedule message exchange of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). They promote considerable expansion of air companies’ capabilities in realization of their commercial interests and they raise informative richness of the schedule by means of international standards”, as explained by the press service of the Transport Ministry.
The unified schedule is composed on the basis of analyzing the demand for transportations, the airport working hours, the weather forecast. The noise regulations for different types of aircrafts in particular airports are also taken into account. Besides the Russian schedule is required to be composed in Russian and is arranged for both summer and winter seasons. Schedule forming, approving and transmitting make provision for planning and executive periods. The winter schedule is being formed from the 1st of April and has to be arranged by the 30th of September. The summer schedule is being arranged from the 1st of September to the 28th of February. Of course it may be updated from the 1st of October for the winter season and from the 1st of March for the summer season. The summer schedule is published on the 28th of February and the winter schedule – on the 30th of September.
Meanwhile carriers are obliged to specify the type of an aircraft, time, days of week (dates) during the period of flight operations, which are allowed by the airport for arrival and departure apart.
Besides if an air carrier last season performed 80% of his flights stated in the schedule, it’s easier for him to get an access to the airport structure for the next season, it means he gets a historic slot.
Together with that, air carriers have to send information about irregular (charter) flights to the Central Bank of the schedules and slots. This helps the Federal Air Transport Agency to make decisions about meeting air carriers’ charter requirements, which may be unscheduled. The Committee that issues charter permits (especially to the resort directions) operates the whole year; and the changes in the schedule must promptly be displayed in the Central bank of the schedules at least 3 days prior to the departure (Source – Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
March 20, 2012
European countries accepted Russian form of inspection sticker on 13th of March 2012
10 European countries (Finland, Estonia, the Kazakhstan Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ukraine, the Belarus Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, the Aland Islands) accepted Russian form of vehicle inspection sticker approved by the order of the Russian Transport Ministry on 21.11.2011 #290.
From now on, there is no need to get an international inspection certificate for automobile transportation in the stated countries.
March 20, 2012
Vessel’s senior command staff will be obliged to have a higher education from 1st of January 2015
According to the certification and watchkeeping Regulations, signed recently by the Transport Minister Igor Levitin, the obligatory norm for captain, first mate, chief engineer and chief electrician to have a higher education will come in force from Januaty 1st 2015. It was reported by Vitaly Kluev, the deputy director of the state policy on river and marine transport of the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation.
«Today those who have a certificate will continue working even if they have got a secondary education of relevant speciality. Everyone who gets it until 1st of January 2015 will also be able to work, but after 1st January 2015 vessel’s senior command staff has to get a higher education. Appropriate training programs will be accorded with the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency», - he explained.
March 15, 2012
Federal Road Agency of the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation has accorded new standards of road construction
The Federal Road Agency has developed and submitted to the Transport Ministry approval a new set of standards for road construction, stated the deputy head of the Agency Nikolay Bystrov. At first the system of standards will operate simultaneously with the existing All-Union State Standard, it may enter into force only by the end of this year.
As estimated by the Federal Road Agency, the new standards will let using new technologies and materials in road construction. The deputy head specified that the complex standard was developed by order of the vice-premier Igor Sechin. The operating standards for bitumen went out of date and don’t consider new technologies and materials. As the result, organizations have to get a separate agreement for its use.
March 15, 2012
Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of the RF suggests introducing open-skies regime in respect of all Europe countries
It was reported by the Head of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS) of the Russian Federation Igor Artemiev.
He stated that Russia has open-skies agreements with the USA and Germany, that’s why «there are no limits for German or American air companies to fly to Russia». The like situation would be favorable for the whole Europe, he says.
The liberization of the international air service market is supported by the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation as well. «It’s important not to stop at Italy», - said the Head of the FAS. In the end of 2011 the Service initiated proceedings regarding routes limitations in Italy by the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviation). The FAS then stated that the Rosaviation didn’t allow charters by «Transaero» air company in this country.
As the result of air carriers’ growing quantity, the prices for air tickets will fall considerably, believes Artemiev. «Emergence of an air carrier means reduction in prices for 14-17%, two air carriers – for 30%», - explained the Head of the FAS.
March 14, 2012
Determination of criteria for air companies’ access to international flights
The Transport Ministry disclosed details about the procedure of getting points by air carriers who claim to execute foreign flights. The more points they get, the higher their chances are to get an access. On the Agency’s website there are now published the criteria for air carriers’ access to international air carriage and valuation rules for interdepartmental committee members.
The list is headed by one of the important conditions that goes as the absence of reprimands about safety on the site of international civil aviation organizations.
If an air company “had no uncorrected within the established time limit directions (reprimands) issued by an authorized body in air traffic safety control during two successive seasons”, it deserves 20 points. If there had been such directions, it loses 5 points for each of the uncorrected within the time-limit reprimand.
If a carrier has got the IATA certificate (the International Air Transport Association) for Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) it is given five points, and in case of tax clearance it gets five more points. The number of delayed flights is also supposed to be counted. The flights’ regularity rate from 100 to 90% adds five points, from 90 to 80% – four points, from 80 to 70% – three points.
Air carriers will also get five points for the use of the modern aircrafts of domestic manufacture (Tupolev Tu-204/214, SSJ, Antonov An-148) on the aerial line that is intended to get an access to.
All these parameters will be taken into account by the interdepartmental committee of licensed air carriers’ access providing for operating of both passengers and cargo international air transportations.
But until the committee is established, the Federal Air Transport Agency is to decide whom to set up on the international routes. When there is the final decision on the authority delegation to the interdepartmental committee, it will include representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Sports, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tourism Agency, and the Federal Agency for Transport Supervision. The committee will be headed by one of the Deputy Transport Ministers.
The decisions of access will be issued in the form of an order of the Federal Air Transport Agency within five working days after the date of committee session. The Agency itself will provide data about the financial situation of a company, its flights punctuality and the level of the committee safety (Source – Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
March 6, 2012

Involvement of private investors for construction of a high-speed railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg
The Transport Ministry presented to the government ways to finance construction of a high-speed main between Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cost of each is over 1 trillion rubles. A private investor who is to be chosen by the end of the year is supposed to give 202-505 billion rubles to the project and to get a budgetary subsidy for the branch line operation in the amount of 260-791 billion rubles. Moreover the Transport Ministry proposes a guarantee for project loan obligations and the minimum profitability of the investor.
The Transport Minister Igor Levitin made a report to the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin about strategies of high-speed railway transportation service development in Russia. According to his report, there are two ways of the Moscow – St. Petersburg high-speed main financing (HSR-1 project).
As follows from the report, the estimate cost of the project is 1.12 trillion rubles. The Transport Ministry supposes that by means of this money the government with a private investor will construct a 658-km branch line by 2018; the speed of railway traffic there will reach 400 km/h (now “Sapsan” reaches the speed of 250 km/h only at the rare railway segments). This sum includes 76 billion rubles to be spent for construction site preparing, 26 billion rubles for designing and the rest for construction and project management.
The Transport Ministry accepted an implementation scheme of the JSC «High-Speed Rail Lines» which is an affiliated company of the OJSC “RZhD” and is occupied in project preparation. The construction of the branch line will be paid by the government and a private investor (concessionaire), and then the government will prepare to the concessionaire subsidies for branch operational maintenance. Moreover the concessionaire is reported to get a right in the name of the consortium for passengers’ transportation, though a third party was supposed to be occupied in that.
The Transport Ministry proposes to the government to appoint the Federal Rail Transport Agency and OJSC “RZhD” as a concedent of the agreement, to inquire for amending the budget for 2013-2014 and to prepare a government edict launching the procedure of the concessionaire selection.
The report also contains main regulations introduced by the state program of high-speed railway traffic development in Russia. The program is structurally divided into two stages: until 2020 and until 2030. During both periods it’s planned to realize several projects of particular high-speed lines construction, but the main part of the work falls to the organization of the high-speed traffic on the existing infrastructure on the example of “Sapsan” from Moscow to Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.
March 5, 2012
Passenger transport age is to be limited
Manufacturers keep fighting against the negative impact of Russia’s joining the WTO. Automobile plants ask the government to limit age of cars used for commercial passengers’ transportations: 5 years for taxis and 10 years for buses. This initiatives are already included in the “plan of main adaptation activities”, approved by the committee of the first vice Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.
"We see the main risk from bus customs reduction after joining the WTO in opening the market to second-hand machinery, which doesn’t correspond with safety and reliability standards", — reported the vice-president of the GAZ group Elena Matveeva. After Russia’s joining the WTO the duties for three to five-years buses (with diesel engine and seating capacity for over 120 passengers) will fall at once from 30% to 15%, in three years – up to 10%. Duties for five to seven-years buses will fall from 15% to 10%. As was said by Elena Malysheva, there must be initiated some measures to limit buses service life, similar to those in Germany (10 years). As predicted by the GAZ, if there aren’t any restricting measures taken, the level of the used buses on the inner market may reach 80% from the total import volume.
February 27, 2012

Russia will finance railroads’ construction in Serbia
This march Serbia plans to sign an agreement with Russia of 800 million dollars loan for railroad infrastructure development.
It’s planned to come to agreement about details of the document next week in the framework of negotiations with the Deputy Minister of Finance of Serbia - Goran Radosavljevic in Moscow, stated Serbian Minister of National Infrastructures Milutin Mrkonjic. The parties of the agreement will discus more specifically loan rates and extent of participation in the project of Serbian and Russian companies. The credit line agreement itself will be signed in two weeks, said M. Mrkonjic.
The agreements provide project financing of the Zeleznice Srbije (State Railroads of Serbia) modernization, including purchase of the Russian diesel engines for 100 million dollars, as well as reconstruction of more than 400 km of railway line from north to south of the country and railway main line from Belgrad to adjoining Montenegro. The agreements of the Serbian government with the OJSC "Russian Railways" ("RZhD") in 2011 concern modernization of a 15-km line between Belgrad and Pancevo where there are petroleum and chemicals processing plants; they also apply to completion of a construct of the new railway station in the capital, as well as laying of a 68-km railway between west cities Loznica and Valjevo.
February 27, 2012
Russia intends to introduce limits for the EU air companies
Russia will possibly introduce restrictions for the EU air companies in raising frequency of Trans-Siberian mains use as counter measures against trading system of greenhouse gases emissions by aerial vehicles, stated the Deputy Transport Minister of Russia Valery Okulov.
He stated that if Russia rejects European air companies to raise frequency of Trans-Siberian flights, it may lead to the situation when air carriers of Japan, China, Korea and other Asian countries get substantial advantage over air companies of the European Union.
Russia also may introduce a statutory bar for Russian air companies’ participation in the trading system of greenhouse gases emissions. V.Okulov mentioned that such bill is already developed and has to be approved at the State Duma.
As was explained by the Deputy Transport Minister, in the framework of the international conference on greenhouse gases reduction by the civil aviation, 29 delegations have signed a declaration to introduce counter measures against inclusion of the civil aviation into a trading system of greenhouse gases emissions.
February 24, 2012
Sukhoi SuperJet 100 got the right to fly in Europe
Russian regional plain Sukhoi SuperJet 100 got a certificate of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The solemn ceremony of the EASA-type certificate distribution to the plain developer CJSC “Civil plains of Sukhoi” was reported to have been held in the headquarters of the International aviation committee in the Russian capital.
The presented certificate approves that the developer has met the current EASA-requirements to the flight worthiness and environmental impact. The EASA-certificate is known to permit getting and using of “SuperJet” plains to the European air companies and to the countries where the EASA norms are regarded as the standard.
As was stated by the Head of the UAC Mikhail Pogosyan, the “United Aircraft Corporation” is going to export 10 plains of Sukhoi Superjet 100. Supplies in Mexico, Indonesia and Laos are expected to begin at the second half of a year according to the completed contracts.
February 22, 2012
"Aeroflot" is planed to be deprived of the monopoly on the Italian area
In mid-February the intergovernmental negotiations between Russia and Italy on regulation of the air traffic took place, a number of amendments were agreed, substantially mitigating the conditions of flights between the two countries. In particular, it was decided to introduce a second designated carrier on each side for regular flights between Moscow and the Moscow-Rome-Milan.
This information was confirmed by the Ministry of Transport. One of the sources said that the Italian side made the proposal on the liberalization of aviation market, noting that the protocol with the changes was not yet signed.
The second designated carrier to Italy is expected to be selected at the meeting of Federal Air Transport Agency on the admission of the airlines to international transportation, which is going to be held during the month. Market participants thus believe that the admission is likely to receive "Transaero", although there is also a chance to "Siberia" and "UTair".
Let us remind, that in the end of the last year, "Transaero" had difficulty in agreeing charter flights to Italy and was forced to change the destination airport (in Milan and Rome) to Bergamo and Rimini.
February 8, 2012

Ministry of Transport was advised to withdraw responsibility from the Russian Railways for containers that are in excess of the norm in the RF
Commission of Transport and transport infrastructure of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) recommends to the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Customs Service of Russia and open joint stock company "RZD" to amend the Customs Code to eliminate from the Railways responsibility for the containers, which exceed the norms of staying in Russia in case of transferring them to the river transport.
The corresponding proposal is contained in the materials of the commission, headed by the President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin.
According to the document such responsibility is advised to be stopped for all the rail carriers within the Customs Union.
In addition, the Ministry of Transport and Russian Railways commission propose to consider the possibility of coordination of "infrastructure solutions" in the implementation of the subprogram "Inland water transport in the Federal Program "Development of Transport System of Russia in 2010-2015 "and the concept of creation of a terminal - logistics center in Russia.
February 7, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev signed the law on judicial protection of Russian sailors
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law "On Amending Article 29 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation" (in terms of ensuring judicial protection of rights of crew members of Russian sea vessels in the payment of wages and other amounts).
Federal law was adopted by the State Duma on January 25, 2012, and approved by the Federation Council on February 1, 2012.
The draft law stipulates that members of the crew can go to court to recover wages and other sums due to the work on board the ship, the cost of repatriation and social insurance contributions, not only at the location of the organization, the shipowner, but also at the location of the defendant's vessel or the home port of the vessel.
Adoption of the Federal Act is caused by the need to improve the efficiency of judicial protection of crew members rights of the Russian sea vessels.
February 7, 2012
Upgrading BAM - priority development of the Far East
Modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) will be among the priorities of the state program of development of the Far East and Trans-Baikal, which is currently being developed in the Ministry of Economic Development and will work since 2013.
The Baikal-Amur Mainline - an alternative to the Trans-Siberian Railway for Russia to the Pacific. BAM-2 project envisages the construction of the second branch of the BAM, the electrification of individual sections and replacement of rolling stock. The need for transportation through BAM by 2025 will be about 100 million tons of cargo, while carrying the possibility of BAM is now around 12 million tonnes.
The project for the development of the BAM is supposed to extend the railway line to Sovetskaya Gavan, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and Lazarev settlement in the Nicholaevsk area. Today, it reaches only to the Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This greatly hinders the development of infrastructural facilities and port areas. Extension of the road will give a powerful impetus to the forest and mining industry, oil and chemical industries.
Two variants of increasing traffic - minimal and optimal. In the first case, the annual flow of goods could rise to 51 million tonnes at a cost of about 447 million rubles. The second is supposed to bring the cargo to 100 million tons.
The cost of the project - 1.087 trillion rubles. The sources of funding will be federal and regional budgets, as well as big investors.
February 2, 2012
Federal Customs Service has prepared an explanation for the importation, registration and identification of goods according to the SEZ Act
Federal Customs Service (FCS) has developed an explanation for the application of certain provisions of the law on special economic zones (SEZ) in the Russian Federation. Explanations are prepared in connection with amendments to the law since January 7, 2012.
In particular, it is reported that the import (export) of goods from(to) the territory of SEZ temporarily, until the publication of a normative legal act of the FCS, is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Federal Customs Service of April 16, 2008 "On approval of the issues of permissions for import (export) of goods and transport on their importation into the territory of special economic zones and their exportation from the territory of special economic zones ", using as a notice of importation of goods on the territory of the SEZ transport (shipping) document or notice on imports, the form of which is set by the application number 1 to the order. At the same time the importation of goods on the territory of the SEZ is notifying and issuing permissions for the importation of goods by customs authorities is not required.
January 31, 2012

Regions will be obliged to disclose spending on road repairs
By February 2012 all regions of Russia will be obliged to publish information about the repair of roads planned for this year, and the amount of funding for these works.
As the Minister of Transport, Igor Levitin, told, at the end of 2011 in each subject of the Russian Federation the Road Fund was established. Funds that will come back this year have already been identified. As previously reported, the total amount of funding for regional road funds in 2012 will be approximately 391 billion rubles.
Earlier, Levitin offered to publish data on the financing of road construction. According to the minister, public control over the cost of materials and operations of land sales will reduce the cost of highways’ creation by 25 percent.
January 31, 2012
For the Olympic Games in Sochi the single transport ticketing system will appear.
Administration of Sochi and the JSC "RZD" create a single transport ticket system "Sochi - transport" in the city to improve the quality and convenience of passenger service.
Created in the frames of preparation for the Olympic Games in 2014, the new transport infrastructure requires new approaches to transportation, as well as improvement of the quality and convenience for passengers. One of them will be a unified ticketing system.
"It is a tool for the identification of fare in all transport modes of Sochi: public, registered vehicles, suburban railroad transport, cable cars. In addition, the system can provide payment and access to Olympic sports objects," - said the Vice-President of JSC "RZD" Oleg Tony.
"Residents and visitors of Sochi can get high quality transport services using contactless smart cards, integrated transport card, Olympic cards and universal social credit card. One can also pay with the help of a mobile phone," - said Tony, adding that a single transport card is the most convenient information carrier.
The completion of the Olympic construction, which will not only enhance Sochi railway line Tuapse-Adler, but the new lines to Krasnaya Polyana and the Olympic Park, as well as new station buildings and railway stations, will create a system of intercity rail transportation on the resort. The system, consisting of nine transport hubs, will allow bypassing traffic jams, to navigate through the Big Sochi, including Krasnaya Polyana.
After the Olympic Games the unique transportation system will be implemented in the Kuban region: in Novorossiisk, Anapa Armavir and Maikop.
January 30, 2012
Restrictions on the ice class of the Big Port of St. Petersburg can be introduced not earlier than February 20, 2012
Restrictions on the ice class of the Big Port of St. Petersburg can be introduced not earlier than February 20, 2012. This was reported during the meeting of the Staff of ice operations by the Harbour Master Peter Parinov.
Currently port icebreaker "Thor" works in Vyborg and Vysotsk, linear icebreaker "Mudyug" - in Primorsk (until the atomic icebreaker "50 Years of Victory" comes). The other icebreakers operating in the Big Port of St. Petersburg, and there is no need in other linear icebreakers yet.
As Peter Parinov explained, a ban on entry of vessels without ice class may be introduced if the ice thickness exceeds 15 cm.
All in all during the current winter navigation 62 vessels were carried out in the Russian Gulf of Finland including the Saimaa Channel. Currently the ice dam is forming.
Let us remind, in the waters of the Big Port of St. Petersburg with 0.00 January 27, 2012 restrictions on ice navigation mode were placed. According to the order of the Harbour’s captain, from January 27 barge towing arrangements are not allowed to swim in the ice; vessels without ice strengthening (without ice class) are allowed to swim in the ice just under the icebreakers’ assistance. Ships with ice strengthening (with any ice class) are allowed to swim on their own according to the permission and recommendation of the ice-breaker or under the icebreakers’ assistance.
Currently, the nuclear icebreaker "50 Years of Victory", stepped forth from Murmansk on January 27, 2012, moves into the Gulf of Finland. As previously was reported, the contract of freight to this icebreaker with "Atomflot" signed on 100 days.
January 26, 2012

The Russian State Duma unanimously adopted the third reading of a bill on the judicial protection of Russian sailors
On January 25 the State Duma of Russia passed the third reading the bill "On Amending Article 29 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation" (in terms of ensuring judicial protection of crew members of Russian ships in the payment of wages and other sums). As it is stated in the materials of the lower chamber of Russian parliament, the document adopted unanimously.
The draft law stipulates that members of the crew can go to court with a claim for recovery of wages and other sums due to the work on board the vessel, the cost of repatriation and social insurance contributions, not only at the location of the organization, the shipowner, but also at the location of the vessel or the defendant's home port of the vessel.
January 26, 2012
Airport "Sergei Diaghilev" will attract investors to Perm
The project of "United Russia", "Saint-Petersburg - Sea Capital of Russia" supports the government of Perm region to create a major regional air transport unit.
Another important step is taken in this direction. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the transfer of FSUE "Perm Airlines" (manages the airport, "Large Savino"), to the regional property to remove impediments to private investment in major transport project.
Further development work on the reconstruction of the airport commented the Regional Project Coordinator, Deputy Chairman of the Perm City Duma Yuri Utkin. One of the focuses of his work – increasing the attractiveness of Perm for investors and tourists.
According to him, the importance of reconstruction of the airport can not be overestimated. The current airport terminal was commissioned in 1965 and is designed for 500 thousand passengers per year. And in 2011 it amounted to more than 850 thousand people, including 258 000 people on international flights. Naturally, the old terminal could hardly cope with the increased passenger traffic, especially since it is constantly growing. In addition, guests of Perm, including potential investors, raise many questions on the quality of service and out-of-date view of the airport.
"Attracting investment in the economy of the region - one of the main areas of my work. Now I am preparing for inclusion to the City Council the concept of long-term target of the program "Improving the investment attractiveness of Perm." It should be noted that among the investors, especially foreign ones, not only their own business etiquette and ethics adopted, but also a kind of aesthetics." - Emphasizes Yuri Utkin. - "In Russian the easiest way to translate it is the proverb: "Meet by clothes." Therefore, the new airport will facilitate the initial contacts with investors of Perm. And for that, "Seeing off by mind", this year we intend to launch a series of major initiatives. In particular, it is decided to create a non-profit partnership with the working title "Investors Club". It was the specially formed in December last year working group that will unite on one platform representatives from business, government and investment companies - all entities interested in attracting investments in Perm."
By the time of handover of federal property to the regional, a lot of preparatory work on the old airport was done on the basis of a modern transport hub. Increase in passenger traffic 500 thousand to 1.5 million passengers a year is expected. This task is designed to solve a new ultramodern terminal, which, according to developers, will not be similar to European counterparts, but significantly outperforms them in terms of comfort and functionality.
The world-famous Spanish architectural studio Ricardo Bofill designed the new terminal. The future terminal in its external appearance resembles a flying glider or aircraft of the future. The development of the Master Plan of the updated airport also charged with foreign private investors. The name of the new airport proposed to the Minister of Culture of Perm Krai, Nikolai Beginners. In his view, the international airport should be named after Sergei Diaghilev, born in Perm, the organizer of the famous "Russian Seasons," which took place in Paris in the early XX century. This idea fits to the overall concept of positioning Perm as one of the largest cultural centers of Europe, which is actively promoted by the regional administration.
"I have always supported and will continue to advocate for the development of the geography of flights, especially on international routes, - says Yuri Utkin - A modern international airport for Perm - a kind of window to Europe and other foreign countries, the influx of investors into the region. And the increase of investment attractiveness of the edge leads to the creation of new businesses that provide jobs. Therefore, as a Regional Project Coordinator and Deputy Speaker of the Perm City Duma, I will give assistance to colleagues in government territory, to build a new terminal in the shortest possible time."
January 25, 2012
The situation at October Railways will be controlled by a new high-tech center
President of JSC "RZD" Vladimir Yakunin and head of October Railway Victor Stepov opened in St. Petersburg center of infrastructure management.
Establishment of the infrastructure management center is a pilot project at the October Railway. Information on any incident, state of facilities and the safety of rail facilities in the Tver region and other regions, along which the October railways goes flocks in the center. According to Vladimir Yakunin, it's not just the first, but the only center of its kind, which every moment in the on-line and in accordance with appropriate regulations can control everything that happens on the infrastructure.
As it is noted in the company October Railway is a pilot one, the most advanced, so the most advanced technologies, which are then replicated to the railway network are practiced here.
January 24, 2012
By year's end “Russian Railways” will launch new high-speed long-distance trains
By the end of 2012 JSC "RZD" is to launch the Spanish trains Talgo. The contract for the train supply was signed with the Talgo in the summer of 2011. These trains will be used on routes Moscow - Berlin and Moscow - Kiev.
The main objective pursued by “RZD”, wishing to bring equipment into operation is to reduce the time that road usually takes.
As a result, the route from Moscow to Berlin should be about 18 hours, instead of the 27, and to Kiev - about 7 hours instead of 13.
This happens due to the technical features of trains and the procedures of border and customs control on the way. Let us recall that the main technological features of the Talgo trains are a mechanism to automatically change the track width (without the stop-motion) from the national standard of 1,520 mm to European 1,435 mm and the system of tilting, which gives savings of 20-30 percents of the time due to the higher rate of passage of small radius curves (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
January 24, 2012

Number of vessels going along the Northern Sea Route in 2012 will increase by 40%
FSUE "Atomflot" in 2012 expects growth of vessels going along the Northern Sea Route by 40%, compared with the 2011.
In 2011 820 tons of goods in transit was transported over the Northern Sea Route. Till the 18 of November 34 transit trips were made. In 2011 by NSR 2 million tons of cargo was transported by NSR.
Let us recall that the FSUE "Atomflot" is intended to support the operation and technological service of nuclear icebreakers and auxiliary craft. The main activities of the company are providing icebreaking pilotage along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and in freezing Russian ports, sea transpoertation of containerized cargo at the atomic lighter carrier "Northern Sea Route", etc.
January 23, 2012

In 2014 UN will introduce new standards for toxic emissions of vehicles
Experts from the European Economic Commission of UN decided to implement new standards for toxic emissions of heavy vehicles engines, particularly trucks and buses. The purpose of this decision is to halve the content in the exhaust of harmful particles and contaminants such as hydrocarbons, non-methane hydrocarbons, methane and nitrous oxide. The new standards will be adopted in June 2012 and fully come into force in early 2014.
January 20, 2012

Main Department of the State Examination allowed construction of the third landing strip at Domodedovo
Main Department of the State Examination of Russia allowed the construction of a new landing strip at the international airport Domodedovo.
FAI "Main Department of the State Examination of Russia" in late 2011 issued a positive opinion on the project documentation, "Renovation and development of the airport "Domodedovo". Federal property (first and second stage)".
In accordance with the project documentation and expert opinion the new landing strip will be located at a distance of 1837.5 feet parallel to the existing landing strip -2 to be decommissioned due to the reconstruction.
Length of the new landing strip - 3,800 meters, width - 60 meters, which corresponds to a code designation - 4F (classification ICAO). Geometry characteristics and load-carrying capacity of the new landing strip will let accept all types of aircraft including the A380.
On the new landing strip equipment that allows performing takeoff and landing operations in weather conditions, corresponding III A of ICAO category will be installed. The capacity of the flight zone of the new landing strip will be at least 45 take-off and landing operations per hour.
January 13, 2012

The State Duma will consider amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, expending the rights of Russian sailors
On the 13 of January 2012 the State Duma in the second reading will consider the draft federal law on introducing amendments to the Civil Procedure Code of Russia in part of ensuring judicial protection of Russian ships crew members in the payment of wages and other sums. This was reported in the media of the State Duma.
The bill was introduced by the Russian Government and passed on first reading on the 18 of November 2011. After the law was adopted, the crew of the Russian courts will be entitled to apply to court for recovery of wages and other sums that are due for work on board of the vessel, the cost of repatriation and social insurance contributions, not only at the location of the organization-shipowner, but and the location of the vessel of the defendant's or home port, it is explained in a statement.
January 13, 2012

Ministry of Transport is preparing a measure to "a tax on CO2" did not increase the price of the ticket
Russian Transport Ministry is preparing proposals to ensure that the introduction of quotas on greenhouse gas emissions by air would not increase the ticket price, the head of department Igor Levitin said.
On the 1 of January, 2012 the European Union in order to combat climate change imposed with the fee for emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. All airlines flying to EU countries were prescribed to acquire quotas for emission of 85% of baseline emissions in 2010 for free, while the remaining 15% are paid for. About four thousand carriers from different countries get under this requirement.
"We prepare a set of proposals that it would not affect the ticket price for passengers", Minister of Transport Igor Levitin said.
Earlier, Brussels Airlines has raised the price of the tickets, thus shifting the costs of "tax on CO2" to passengers.
According to Levitin, Russia should not be on the path of the imposition of unilateral measures, as the European Union did.
In March, the U.S. Congress will consider legislation to ban the participation of American companies in the European quotes trading scheme.
January 12, 2012

"Aeroflot" and "Russian Technologies" signed an agreement of intent to lease 50 Boeing 737 NG
JSC "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" and the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" signed an agreement of intent with respect to operating leasing of 50 aircraft of Boeing 737 Next-Generation type.
"Modern high-performance passenger aircrafts are purchased in connection with a major extension of "Aeroflot" to include a number of regional carriers, which were previously the aviation assets of "Russian Technologies",it is said in a statement.
As it was previously reported, in September 2010, "Russian Technologies" and Boeing Corporation signed an agreement on the order of airliners B737 NG. "Aeroflot" will get them through the Company "Aviakapital-Service" - a subsidiary of the "Russian Technologies" on leasing of aircraft equipment.
Delivery is expected in the period from September 2013 to 2017. 737NG aircrafts will come in versions B737-800 and B737-900 ER. Number of aircrafts of each modification will be determined by "Aeroflot" closer to the time of delivery. Boeing 737-800 seats up to 189 passengers, Boeing 737-900 ER - up to 215. Term of Lease - 144 months.
The group of "Aeroflot" will operate the new Boeing aircraft, along with other contemporary domestic and foreign airliners on domestic routes as well as in overseas areas.
January 12, 2012
Installation of the railroad to the Elga deposit in Yakutia is complete
New rail line in Yakutia was paved from the BAM (Ulak station) to the Elga coal deposit.
About 321 kilometer of railroad tracks was laid and 76 bridges were built. Investment accounted about 40 billion rubles.
“The opening of this passage to the Elga coal mining complex in 2012 will greatly facilitate the delivery of goods, which is needed to ramp up production, and it also allow to send coal produced from the mine by rail”, said the chairman of the board of directors of JSC "Mechel" Igor Zyuzin (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
January 12, 2012

Vadim Tulpanov: "As senator I will be working on major St. Petersburg projects, which are needed in the federal support"
The "United Russia" Party Project Director "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia" Vadim Tulpanov, representing St. Petersburg Parliament in the Federation Council, as senator will promote St. Petersburg subway development, activation of work to prepare the stadium on Krestovsky island for the World Cup 2018, the project prolongation.
Elected by the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly deputies as a senator Vadim Tulpanov told about the plans on new post.
"I had the great honor to represent St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly in the upper chamber of the Federal Parliament. I hope that on this post I will be able to work effectively to be of benefit to my native city. I am well informed about all problems, and I know how solve them at the federal level. As member of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, I'll be working on major St. Petersburg projects, which are needed in federal support. The first of all, it is the subway development and federal budget investment in financing of the new stations construction and the branches completion. Along with the speaker of upper chamber Valentina Matvienko, we intend to achieve a positive decision on this issue".
Another important project for what I want to be in charge is the "St. Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia". Within the framework of its implementation very much was done - St. Petersburg Marine Facade was built, ferry lines were launched, 72 hours visa-free enter to St. Petersburg was introduced for cruise ship passengers. All of this contributed to growth of sea tourists, visiting our city.
40 subjects of the Federation have already participated in the project, because it includes not only the marine component, but a range of issues related to transport. In particular, today the measures concerning the transport modernization are discussed. Due to them the prime cost of bus passenger transportation in St. Petersburg could be reduced in half. Such pilot projects on transportation upgrading are already being implemented in Rostov, Pskov and Novgorod regions. I intend to support this initiative, as I understand, it is most likely that this goal will require significant financial resources from the budgets of both levels: from the regional one - to compensate costs of carriers, to upgrade the road, to renew rolling stock, and from the federal one - to construct new roads.
Finally, there is one more city project, which I sincerely support - it is the stadium construction on Krestovsky Island. Alas, now works at the stadium are going very slowly. If we want that one of the semifinal matches of the FIFA World Cup in 2018 will be possible, it is necessary an emergency and operational involvement of federal funds. Therefore, my task, as a representative of St. Petersburg in the Federation Council, is interference in the resolution of this issue".
December 29, 2011

Hydrocarbons of "Khvalynskoye" will load the new port
Another important step in this direction made. In Moscow, at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the development of subsoil conditions at the field "Khvalynskoye" and the drafting of a production sharing agreement, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Energy Minister Sergei Kudryashov, the regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", First Deputy Prime Minister of Kalmykia Republic Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov.
In his speech, he pointed that the development of oil and gas field in the Caspian Sea off the coast of Kalmykia is of great importance for the further socio-economic development of the region. Large reserves of natural gas, gas condensate and oil of "Khvalynskoye" are able to employ not only oil and gas processing enterprises of the republic that are planned to be constructed, but also a sea port, which will be built in Lagan. Through this port hydrocarbons produced in the "Khvalynskoye" can be exported to the caspian countries, and further along transport corridors of East-West and North-South. A construction of a railway Lagan - Ulaan Khol will link the port with the Russian and European railway network. All this will not only help to optimize supply routes of hydrocarbons, but also will create new prospects for the coastal regions of Kalmykia.
"As for a coordinator of the Project and the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic for me it is very important that the production sharing agreement have been fully taken into account the interests of Kalmykia, Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov commented on the meeting. - Moreover, the onshore facilities of "Khvalynskoye" will be posted on Kalmyk territory. The site ER.RU has already raised the topic of social significance of the construction and operation of the new port and oil and gas infrastructure. And yet, as I said, that is, above all, the creation of thousands of jobs in the republic".
Let us recall, according to plans of an international consortium of companies involved in the field development, it will be put into operation in 2016. By that time, according to Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov, it is scheduled to complete construction of the first port in Lagan and begin construction of the railway Lagan - Ulaan Khol.
December 28, 2011

The concept of a high-speed railway line Moscow - St. Petersburg project is approved
The Board of Directors of JSC "Russian Railways" endorsed the concept of a high-speed railway line Moscow - St. Petersburg project, which will be a pilot project for the construction of highways in Russia.
Trains will cover the distance between Moscow and St. Petersburg for 2 hours and 30 minutes, developing a maximum speed of 400 km / h. The projected traffic volume will exceed 14 million people per year. The road may be running by 2017.
The fact that the "Russian Railways" plan to apply for this state subsidies in early November was reported by General Director of JSC "High speed railway" Denis Muratov. According to him, money will be divided into two parts: during 2012 - 15 billion rubles and for 2013 - 9 billion rubles.
This project is to create HSR between Moscow and St. Petersburg is planned on the principles of the lifecycle contract. The intention to participate in the tender was announced by consortia from Germany, France, South Korea and China.
The organization of high-speed transportation on specialized highways with a speed of 300-400 km / h for the FIFA World Cup to be held in Russia in 2018, is assumed on the Moscow - St. Petersburg and Moscow - Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Yekaterinburg.
December 27, 2011
In 2017 in Russia recycling of nuclear-powered icebreakers will begin
A timetable for the decommissioning of Russian icebreakers with nuclear power plant is set. This was announced by Deputy Chief Engineer - Head of the Special lines of "Atomflot" Andrey Abramov.
According to him, icebreakers "Siberia" and "Arctic" has been decommissioned. In 2015, nuclear-powered icebreaker "Russia", and in 2017 the icebreaker "Taimyr", which is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance in dry dock "Atomflot" will be removed from operation. At about the same time icebreakers "Vaigach" and "Soviet Union" will be removed from operation.
As Andrei Abramov stressed, then the problem with disposing of icebreakers have to be solved - this operation will be carried out in Russia for the first time. It is still unclear what company will fulfill it. Today experts of "Atomflot" preferred shipyard "Nerpa", which team has extensive experience in utilization of nuclear submarines decommissioned from the Northern Fleet (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
December 19, 2011

The construction of the railway Kyzyl – Kuragino began
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will pay a working visit to the Republic of Tuva, where he will participate in the ceremony of beginning of the railway Kyzyl – Kuragino construction.
Road Project, which is of strategic importance for the economic development of the south-east Siberia, the Russian government approved in 2007. It is expected that construction will give thousands of new jobs: only in the construction of the branch itself it is planned to involve more than 8 thousand people.
As expected, the railway Kyzyl - Kuragino length of 402 km will connect with Tuva Krasnoyarsk region, will establish sustainable inter-regional passenger transportation and transfer of goods, integrate Siberian regions previously difficult of access to national and international traffic flows. The new railway will accelerate the development of Elegest coking coal deposit of Ulug-Khem coal basin. Explored capacity in all categories of coal deposits is about 820 million tons.
On the road there will be seven stations and 12 trips, 136 bridges, seven tunnels, 526 culverts and 16 galleries and 16 retaining walls. The length of roads in the territory of Tuva - 123.7 km.
Construction of railway line is being began by JSC "Yenisei Industrial Company" which belongs to the shareholders of JSC "Russian Copper Company".
December 12, 2011

It is expected a document on Russia's accession to the WTO to be signed on the 16 of December
Signing a document on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is expected on the 16 of December. This was announced by Russia's permanent representative under the EU Vladimir Chizhov. Almost simultaneously with the EU-Russia summit in Geneva the conference, which will include signing of the document at the ministerial level will be opened, he said.
Earlier it was reported that Russia plans to join the WTO before the end of this year.
December 6, 2011

Aircrafts not equipped with warning systems of the ground approach and mid-air collision, will not be allowed to fly
From the 1 of January 2012 not equipped with warning systems of the ground approach and mid-air collision, will not be allowed to fly, Deputy Transport Minister Valery Okulov said.
"The decree was released in 2009, 2.5 years have passed. Companies have had the opportunity to equip aircrafts with those systems or buy new ones. Cancellations and postponement will not be", Okulov said.
As it was noted by the Head of state aviation oversight for the Far East Federal District, Viktor Ivanishko at the meeting today new safety requirements in the district are met by all 38 mainline aircrafts, 12 of 69 regional and five of 60 local aircrafts, required equipment is installed on two of 163 helicopters.
"Domestic aircrafts An-24, An-26, Yak-40, An-2, An-28, helicopters, which are 80% of aircraft’s park that are in-service of airlines of the District, don’t meet requirements", Ivanishko said.
According to him, until January 1 it is planned to complete 31 aircraft and 43 aircraft are need to be ready to meet the requirements. Contracts for the installation of equipment for 105 helicopters were made.
December 5, 2011

Russian President signed the law about the state informational system of fuel and energy complex
The President Dmitry Medvedev signed the federal law “About the state informational system of fuel and energy complex”. It was said by the Kremlin press service.
The federal law was passed by the State Duma on the 21st of November 2011 and approved by the Council of Federation on the 29th of November 2011.
The document was sent to legal base formation, determining the procedure of creation, operation and improvement of the state informational system of fuel and energy complex, which contains data about condition and development of fuel and energy complex.
The federal law determines structure and the participants of the state informational system of fuel and energy complex, list of types of information, which should be included in the system, and also powers of Russian authorities at the moment of its creation, operation and improvement.
December 2, 2011

The Russian Government welcomes foreign companies’ participation in Russian transport infrastructure development
The Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov said that Russia welcomes foreign companies’ participation in the national transport infrastructure reconstruction and construction.
"We need a radical reconstruction of many airports. We have already worked with foreigners, so we welcome the participation of foreign, particularly French capital, in the airports reconstruction and construction," - Deputy Prime Minister emphasized. In addition, according to his words Russia is ready to provide all assistance to French companies in the transport projects on its territory. He noted that it concerned the “Moscow - St. Petersburg” high-speed railway line construction, scheduled for launch in 2018.
"We are satisfied with the joint work on “Moscow - Saint Petersburg” high-speed toll highway construction. Russia is ready also to cooperate with France under other projects, aimed at Russia's road network development, e.g. M4-Don road reconstruction", - S. Ivanov said.
December 2, 2011

Lagan turns in new Dubai
Iranian delegation visited Kalmykia Republic. Along with Russian, Japanese, British and Thai investment funds Iranian business circles also show great interest in port construction in Lagan and related infrastructure units.
Iranian businessmen met with the regional ministers and "Kavzheldorproekt" institute director (Rostov-on-Don) Alexander Baranov. Guests went to the future port and railway construction site. According to the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party regional project coordinator "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of RUSSIA", First Vice Prime Minister of Kalmykia Mr. Ilyumzhinov, who took part in the organization of the negotiations, "this visit concluded with the signing of the “Memorandum about Better Understanding between the Kalmykia Republic Government and the Iranian delegation”.
Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov says that Kalmykia has a favorable geopolitical location, but its potential is not fully used. The Republic is at the intersection of global transport corridor the "North-South" and the "West-East". Undeveloped transport infrastructure and lack of modern seaport not only prevent from Kalmykia development, but also hamper the transit flows expansion between Russia and Europe on the one hand, and the Asia-Pacific region countries – on the other one.
The idea of the Memorandum is that Iranian companies are interested in port and logistics facilities construction in Lagan. In particular, the Memorandum recorded Iranian obligation “to guarantee company terminals’ availability to transit 2.5 million tons of cargo from Iranian ports ... in the projected port in Lagan by means of “North truck” ("North-South ) for their further delivery to Russia and to European countries and in the opposite direction ...."
According to Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov, the port construction at Caspian Sea, the railway and refinery building will give more than 20 000 new jobs to the region. In addition, these programs implementation will increase revenue in municipal budget and in region as a whole. It will happen to a large extent due to the guaranteed growth of transit cargo base.
It should be noted that the new port construction will strengthen Russia's position in the Caspian region, and will contribute to our country transport and transit potential development on a scale of international transport corridors.
Discussing the social significance of a port construction, the head of the Iranian delegation, the company president, Mr. Quavet Mohammad Sadegh drew an analogy between Lagan and Dubai. According to him, a few decades ago, Dubai was a small provincial seaside town, but after the oil discovery and port construction, it became one of the richest and most famous cities in the world. Oil and gas field development on the coast of Kalmykia is already carried out, it is necessary only to construct the port.
This year cooperation between Kalmykia and Iranian businessmen goes to a new higher level. In particular, it is planned to open mutually representative offices in Elista and Tehran. It is possible that the best students from Kalmykia State University, specializing in port affairs, will train in Iran.
December 1, 2011
Medvedev signed a law establishing a Eurasian Economic Commission
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law "On Ratification of the Eurasian Economic Commission" adopted by the State Duma on the 22 of November 2011 and approved by the Council of Federation on the 25 of November 2011.
Federal law provides the ratification of the Eurasian Economic Commission Agreement, signed in Moscow on 18 of November. The agreement is drawn up in accordance with the decisions of the Interstate Council at Heads of Governments level of March 15, 2011 and May 19, 2011.
Agreement provides the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Commission as a single permanent supranational regulating body of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space, and establishes the general principles of its functioning.
The main goal of the Commission is to provide the operation and development of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space, as well as the development of proposals in the area of integration within the Customs Union and Single Economic Space (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
November 30, 2011

Asymmetric icebreaker for the Gulf of Finland is to be built in 2015
Asymmetric icebreaker intended for work in the ports of the Russian part of Gulf of Finland is to be built at the beginning of 2015.
A distinctive feature of the ship to fight the oil spill and rescue operations is the ability to skew the course. The project was developed by Finnish company Arktech Helsinki Shipyard, the customer - the Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot). The contract was signed on the 6 of October 2015. The vessel will be built at a shipyard "Yantar".
As the Deputy transport minister of Russia Viktor Olersky said, the cost of the ice-breaker - more than 3 billion rubles. Part of the work (about a third of the volume) will be done by the Finnish company.
November 29, 2011

Yamal is developing
In Salekhard, there was a meeting, devoted to the solution of a social regional problem – to providing people from remote areas with the transport. It was chaired by Eugene Miskevich, who is the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party regional project coordinator "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of RUSSIA", First Deputy Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.
After it Eugene Miskevich told about the solution of the most important problem. "As for the programs, implemented in the district, which are important for our country, first of all, it is Yamal Peninsula north and other northern areas development, which will provide Russia with hydrocarbons for many years. But in order to accelerate the realization of these programs we should create reliable transport infrastructure for the residents and workers.
All transportations (passenger and cargo) in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District are social. Our main problem is the lack of transport links between major cities and towns. For example, Salekhard and Labytnangi cities are separated from each other by the river Ob. The difficulty is that the airport is located in the district capital, but the railway station - on the opposite side. In addition, a majority of people in these cities cross the river every day, because they should be at work, which is on the other side. In summer ferry operates, in winter – snowmobiles, but in the off-season there is only one way - it's all-terrain vehicles with air cushions. For example, spring 2011 more than 8000 passengers used this transport. It is an impressive figure for two Yamal cities. Having considered the needs of people, we decided to allocate subsidies for passenger transport across the Ob River by the autumn. Thus price on travel and on baggage reduced by three times. Salekhard and Labytnangi residents, who often need an all - terrain vehicles, have already felt this significant difference.
Despite the fact that Salekhard is the administrative capital of the district, it cut off from the "mainland". Now cars can enter the city only on winter road. This situation can change only due to one of the most ambitious projects, undertaken in Yamal – it’s a Nadym-Salekhard road construction, which is a part of future federal highway Surgut-Salekhard. We can see results already now: we are building the first 150 km. In 2012 it is planned to increase the speed of construction. The main road network creation will make it possible to construct other important highways, which will connect Nadym with the village Soviet, settlement Urengoy - with Krasnoselkup and other settlements of District. In the future up to 2020 there are plans to build roads between Salekhard and Syktyvkar, between Tazovsky and Gyda, between Kharampur and Tolka.
Today we also pay attention to transport connection with remote villages. In the off-season the connection with them is carried out by means of air transport, in particular, by helicopters. Here there are also difficulties: many people want to fly, but there is lack of tickets. We have developed a special order, when passengers, having no tickets, can address to the representatives of the municipalities. In turn, these spokesmen inform the Transport Department and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Highway Agency about number of passengers. Then, these authorities together with the airline "Yamal", flying into remote villages, solve the issue concerning additional flight. Today 22 intermunicipal helicopter routes are used, and all of them are subsidized from the district budget.
During the navigation cargo and passenger transportations by waterway are foreground. Summer in Yamal Peninsula is short, but in spite of the fact thousands of passengers use waterways during navigation. So, just in 2011 more than 56 000 residents of Yamal were transported by 5 inter-municipal social and meaningful routes. By the way, this year preferential tariffs for transportation decreased. We work not only over the price of tickets, but also buy new and modern ships.
In particular, we think about replacement of the "Mechanic Kalashnikov" motor ship, which navigated by route Salekhard - New Port - Antipayuta. It was produced in 1955, that’s why it morally and physically outdated. Meanwhile, demand for this area among residents is high - only for the last navigation more than two thousand people has been transported. We are considering purchasing a new high-speed passenger vessel A-145, produced by PHC “Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky” (Republic of Tatarstan). It is absolutely another type of vessel - a more comfortable, more equipped, and the most important - safe. After all, today the security has a main significance during passenger transportation by any transport ", - Eugene Miskevich said.
November 28, 2011

"Rosatom" will build the first of three nuclear-powered icebreakers of new generation for the Northern Sea Route
State Corporation "Rosatom" in the near future plans to start building the first nuclear icebreaker of new generation. Results The series will consist of three ice-breakers, who will pilot the Northern Sea Route.
Icebreaking "Trio" will be a so-called two-tier ships precipitation. This will allow new icebreakers unlike their predecessors to work not only in the open ocean, but also in estuaries. "Performed at the St. Petersburg CDB "Iceberg" project of universal nuclear icebreaker of new generation confirmed the effectiveness and validity of the construction of new icebreaker," the corporation noted.
The head of "Rosatom" Sergey Kiriyenko earlier emphasized that "the decision to build three nuclear-powered icebreakers capable to pass through ice floes of the Arctic of three-meter thickness with cruising speed".
At the moment, icebreakers fleet is pined hopes on in connection with planned increased use of the Northern Sea Route. As previously the Minister for Regional Development Viktor Basargin said, development strategy for the Northern Sea Route is finished and awaiting approval in the government.
"With appropriate investments the Northern Sea Route can become a real and weighty alternative to the traditional route from Europe to Asia via the Suez Canal," a member of the Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology Vasily Zhurko said.
He believes that one of the major problems of "Rosatom" in the coming years will be the commercialization of the Northern Sea Route. "This year Atomflot did several times more commercial fligts than before, and increased the volume of goods. It is noteworthy that the services of Russian icebreakers are used by major international transport company. I think that this would be a good stepping stone for the development of the Northern Sea Route in the coming years ", parliamentarian said.
November 25, 2011

USC and the Ministry of Transport has recently signed a contract to build four icebreakers
United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and the Ministry of Transport will contract for the construction of four icebreakers. Deputy Transport Minister Viktor Olersky said.
"The contract for four icebreakers will be signed the other day. We are now developing technique - a difficult order", he said.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov noted that on 2011 results production of vessels in Russia will increase, and revenues, by contrast, will decrease. He explained that there were large shipments of expensive vessels in 2010.
Manturov noted that now the emphasis has shifted toward the river shipbuilding.
Let us recall it is provided the allocation of 20 billion rubles from the Russian federal budget for 2012 and the planning period 2013-2014 to build nuclear-powered icebreaker and more 17 billion rubles for construction of diesel.
November 24, 2011

Murmansk will create "Arctic harbor"
Construction of a new passenger port in Murmansk will not only contribute to the development of cruise tourism in the region but will form the basis of the new facade of the city from the sea.
In Murmansk, under the chairmanship of the regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA", First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region Natalia Portnaya a meeting on the development of passenger sea transport infrastructure and the development of cruise shipping was held.
Natalia Portnaya commented its results. According to her, the Murmansk region is of great interest for tourists from all over the world, primarily due to the fact that Murmansk is the world's largest city, located above the Arctic Circle, and sea port Murmansk is the only ice-free Arctic port of Russia.
However, port Murmansk doesn’t have modern infrastructure to provide service for ferries and ships, passenger checkpoint of the Russian border does not equipped.
For this reason, cruise ships calling at the port Murmansk, moore at the berths of cargo port areas that are not intended for passenger service.
According to Natalia Portnaya this situation impedes the development of cruise shipping, adversely affects the image of the city of Murmansk, the Murmansk region and Russia, as a maritime power.
In preparation for the 100th anniversary of the city of Murmansk the Murmansk region government initiated the creation of "Arctic harbor" based on the existing seaport buildings.
Natalia Portnaya emphasized that the implementation of "Arctic Harbor" program would establish the necessary infrastructure for the provision of quality and safety of passenger sea transport, the adoption and maintenance of cruise ships and ferries.
This, in turn, will provide an opportunity to organize a regular ferry service to Norway and will provide an increase in calls to the port Murmansk of cruise companies ships of such countries as UK, the USA, Germany, Finland. In addition you will create a new kind of Murmansk city from the sea.
To reduce the time spent on the registration of the arrival of foreign tourists and increase the number of excursions, the Government of the Murmansk region in conjunction with the Project is working to ensure 72-hour visa-free stay of cruise and ferry tourists in the Murmansk region.
"As coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA" I can say with confidence that as a result of the program of creation of the "Arctic harbor" Murmansk could be called a center of Arctic tourism and will provide new opportunities for international ties in the region", Natalia Portnaya said.
November 24, 2011

In order dangerous torches to become dim
In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous area Days of Science and Innovation of St. Petersburg were held. The main topic of discussion was the innovation in the production of hydrocarbons. On the eve of this event in Noyabrsk (YNAA) one of these innovative facilities - rail loading dock for transportation of products of associated petroleum gas (APG) was opened.
With the launch of rail loading dock gas refineries of investor in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area will be combined into a single network of associated petroleum gas transportation.
"I, as a regional coordinator of the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA" primarily concerned about the environmental impact of APG, First Deputy Governor of Yamal Eugene Miskevich commented. The fact is that Russia is in the first place in the world in harmful emissions of combustion products of the APG into the atmosphere. The Russian government has responded to this fact, and from next year the fines for flaring of associated gas will increase tenfold. Nevertheless, even the biggest Russian factories of APG processing have a lack of raw materials. The problem lies in insufficiently developed transportation network. As a result, oil-producing companies have to burn APG at the site of production. Near the well giant torches grow. Together, they burn in Russia in the year 200 cubic meters of gas, releasing about half a million tons of pollutants into the atmosphere.
In this case APG is a very useful product, processing of which can give a great social noticeable effect. APG processing products are used to manufacture modern heaters which are used in building of energy efficient homes and buildings. In the Far north a warm house is particularly important. In addition, new manufacture and construction are thousands of jobs for residents of our district.
Therefore, we can only welcome the construction of the rail dock, connecting traffic flows associated with the APG processing in a single network. And we should hope that soon all the polluting gas flares in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area will go out ", Eugene Miskevich said.
November 22, 2011

Transport Ministry submitted the government program project on Russian transport system development
Transport Ministry submitted the government program project on Russian transport system development up to 2020. It costs more than 12 trillion rubles. By the end transport mobility of population should increase by 20,4%; 602 new planes should operate, and about 7,8 km of federal highways should be rebuilt.
The government program “Transport System Development” (the project published by Transport Ministry yesterday) should replace all current and terminated federal programs in the industry.
“Because of financial reduction in transport system the main efforts should be focused on prevention from the transport infrastructure degradation and on the transport system segment development, having solvent demand, on provision of people with available qualitative and safe transport service, on satisfaction of transport needs of oversee trade” - it is pointed in document. The Transport Ministry acknowledges that in spite of favorable tendencies in work of individual transport “the current state of the transport system doesn’t correspond to the needs and development of Russia”.
November 21, 2011
Oil and gas cluster will be a catalyst of Kalmyk port construction
Construction of a port in Lagan and other transport infrastructure facilities in Kalmykia is closely associated with the formation of oil and gas cluster of the republic.
Regional Coordinator of the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA", First Deputy Prime Minister of Kalmykia Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov held working meetings with the Director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund Tagir Sitdekov and representatives of several banks and investment companies of the UK and Russia. The purpose of events - attracting investments in oil and gas cluster and transport projects of the republic.
"As you know, the Russian Direct Investment Fund established this year at the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. One of its main goals is to attract foreign investments into Russian economy on the basis of the mechanism of co-investment (part of investments is of the Russian state fund), Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov said. The fund's experts praised highly the investment attractiveness of the transport and oil and gas programs in the region. I am convinced that the development of oil and gas cluster Kalmykia should be closely linked with the construction of new transport facilities - the sea port in Lagan and Railway Lagan - Ulan Khol. Now the agenda is the preparation of production sharing agreement (PSA) between Russia and Kazakhstan in the development of subsoil conditions at the field "Khvalynskoye". The development of this field will become a pillar of oil and gas cluster of the republic. That’s why it’s to take into account the regional potential of Kalmykia. That's what I was talking about at the meeting of interagency government commission held in Moscow and dedicated to the subject. Headworks of deposit will be located on the coastal territory of Kalmykia. A generally accepted in international practice principles of PSA suggest social development of the area next to the deposit, as well as maximum using of local resources: production, labor, all existing infrastructure. We plan to build its own gas processing infrastructure in Kalmykia, gas processing plant with a line for production of mineral fertilizers, oil refinery with a workshop for production of paraffin wax. The output of these enterprises will be transported to regions of Russia and for export: through a new sea port in Lagan and by rail. Thus, the development of oil and gas cluster is directly connected with the construction of key transportation facilities, Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov said. There are plans to build oil refinery in Ulan Khole and creation of its own tanker fleet to transport oil directly from oil fields in the Caspian Sea, what will significantly reduce production costs".
Let us recall that oil and gas field "Khvalynskoye" is located in the northern part of the Caspian Sea near the coast of the Republic of Kalmykia. Its reserves are estimated by categories as follows: natural gas - 332 billion cubic meters, gas condensate - 17 million tons, oil - 36 million tons. Initially, the rights to develop were given to Russia and Kazakhstan, but Kazakhstan has sold half its share to two French companies. To date, the operator of the field is a joint venture "Caspian Oil and Gas Company", whose shareholders are: Lukoil (Russia) - 50%, KazMunayGas (Kazakhstan) - 25%, Total and GDF Suez (France) - 25%. Approximate time of field commissioning - 2016. The main products of the deposit will be gas, and a broad fraction of light hydrocarbons (NGL). NGL processing products are used in further petrochemical processes for production of wide range of plastics and synthetic rubbers. The technical sulfur used for production of dyes in pulp and paper, textile and other industries will also be produced.
November 18, 2011

The Russian State Duma adopted the bill on the Northern Sea Route in I reading
The State Duma adopted a bill "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding state regulation of merchant shipping in the waters of the Northern Sea Route", which introduces the NSR Administration and establishes rules for navigation on it. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Russian parliament on the 17 of November.
The bill would create a single management system in the waters of the Northern Sea Route and the modern infrastructure that provides safe navigation of vessels in the Arctic seas, including navigational and hydrographic support and icebreaking escort.
Let us recall that for the improvement of legislation in the regulation of relations connected with ships sailing in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, Ministry of Transport of Russia in late June of this year, has prepared a draft federal law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding state regulation of merchant shipping in the waters Northern Sea Route".
November 17, 2011

"Russian Technologies" sold shares of the five flights to "Aeroflot"
"Aeroflot" has completed its acquisition of shares of the five airlines. Buyer has been "Aeroflot-finance" (100% owned by "Aeroflot"), which got "Vladivostok Avia" (52.1%), "Saratov airlines" (51%), "Sakhalin air routes" (100%), airline "Russia" (75% minus 1 share) and "Orenburg Airlines" (100%).
The majority of assets received by "Aeroflot" are either unprofitable or have a minimum income. Total debt of new subsidiaries Vitaly Saveliev priced at $ 800 million. "Aeroflot" believes they can to bring airlines to break-even level in two years.
At the same time detailed plans of the development were approved by "Aeroflot" only for "Vladivostok Avia" and "Donavia". They should become the largest regional airlines in the Far East and south respectively, driving passengers to flights of "Aeroflot". A similar concept is to be approved for the "Russia" in the Northwest region. "Orenburg airlines" will likely operate charter flights, "Sakhalin air routes" will continue to work without any changes. Definitive understanding of "Saratov airlines" (runs the park Yak-42) the carrier still does not have.
November 16, 2011
Russia goes over to the European rules of echelonment of civil aircraft
In Russia, the new rules of echelonment of civil aircraft at high altitudes will start to work. They are the same as in Europe, what reduces the risk while transitioning from one flight system to another. Aircraft entering the airspace of Russia, will not change altitude. Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Valery Okulov believes that it will have positive impact on flights safety.
According to forecasts of Deputy Minister, the capacity of our air space will be doubled. Transit flows will be increased. And fuel consumption will decrease by five percent. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 3-5 per cent.
In addition, new echelonment system of aircraft will introduce six additional flight levels and make Russian and neighboring states airspace "seamless". "The increase of capacity will allow, in particular, to reduce the delay of aircraft flown by 40-45 percent", Okulov said (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
November 15, 2011
Finishing of Arctic navigation
On the 14 of November icebreaker "Admiral Makarov", moving to the south, past the Cape Dezhnev. For sailors this means the end of Arctic navigation.
For 136 days of navigation, vessels took from the ports of the eastern Arctic and delivered to recipients in Chukotka 164 000 tons of national economic goods, including 28.2 thousand tons of solid fuel and 15.8 thousand - a liquid. Freight transportation to the eastern Arctic region used 24 transport ships, which made 39 trips.
The last unloading in the port of Pevek was made by the ship "Anatoliy Kolesnichenko" on the 10 of November. "Admiral Makarov" broke the ice around it and took it under steering. It is expected that the home port Vladivostok icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" will return on the 22 of November (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
November 14, 2011

New railway will link the Central Yakutia with Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway
890-km railway line from the station Berkakit will link central regions of Yakutia with BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway. Builders laid her in the difficult conditions of permafrost. And half way from Tommota to Nizhny Bestyah, built in record time - nearly three years.
With the laying of the "golden link" the building will not stop. In 2012 there will be a lot of work connecting with way ballasting and construction of necessary for normal road maintenance facilities at the station Nizhny Bestyah. In addition, the government and people of Yakutia are hoping that at the federal level the decision on the construction of a combined rail-road bridge across the river Lena will be made, what will lead track on the left bank, in Yakutsk.
According to the Head of the region Yegor Borisov, until the railroad did not come to the capital of the republic, its construction can not be considered complete. The fact is that transport hub has already created in Yakutsk, including a federal highway, airport and river port with access to the Northern Sea Route. To create a major logistics center there is a lack of rails, which would allow the republic to reduce significantly the volume of goods stored for future use for a year during the navigation season.
November 11, 2011

Tariffs for railway transportation in the Russian Federation will be bring into accordance with WTO rules by July 2013
Tariffs for railway transportation in the Russian Federation will be bring into accordance with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules by July 2013.
Railway tariffs for imported goods will be equalized with tariffs for transportation within the country. Tariffs specific data will be announced before it will become operative, the report says.
On the 9 of November 2011 in Geneva Russia and Georgia signed on a compromise agreement on Russia's entrance into the WTO, developed through the mediation of Switzerland. This agreement removed the last obstacle to Russia's entrance into the WTO, which member it has been trying to become since 1993. On Thursday the working group on Russia's entrance into the WTO approved the protocol of accession, including the final report of the working group, the obligations of the Russian Federation on market access for goods and services and recommended to the Ministerial Conference to take Russia into the organization.
November 10, 2011

Flying Altai
The opening of a modern airport in the Altai Republic is called a historic event. It will not only greatly improve the situation with transport accessibility of the republic, but will also lead to a significant increase of tourist flow.
Grand opening of the reconstructed airport in Gorno-Altaisk took place.
This important for the republic event was commented by the regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia", First Deputy Prime Minister of Altai Republic Sergei Tevonyan.
"Today our airport is ready to receive medium-range aircrafts - such as the Tu-204, Boeing-737, -757, -767, Airbus-319, -320, -330. Now Gorno-Altaisk will be connected by regular flights mainly with Moscow and Novosibirsk. The airport will be able to take charter flights carrying tourists from Europe. So, our region expects a substantial increase of tourist flows. Do not forget that renovated airport will be "window to the world" for the people of our republic, Sergey Tevonyan stresses. All this was preceded by a big serious work. According to the latest technologies airport terminal was renovated, landing strip was lengthened to 2,300 meters and its width is now 45 meters. During the reconstruction the airport was equipped with the most modern complexes of lighting, radio navigational and meteorological equipment. At the airport, the newest system of care and control of passengers, baggage handling was introduced, service infrastructure was dramatically improved.
Work of the airport will allow tourists to travel to Altai quickly and comfortably. The airport plays an important role for the successful implementation of major national projects in the field of recreation - a special economic zone "Altai Valley", ski resort "Manzherok". After its implementation such gems as Teletskoye Lake, Karakol lake sanatorium complex "Altai-west" will be available. It will lead to further development of the area. The opening of the airport will help realize the long-articulated task - to make tourism in the Altai attractive in all seasons. All major projects which are being implemented in the country today, in one way or another linked to the airport", said Sergey Tevonyan.
Let us recall, the reconstruction of the airport "Gorno-Altaisk" is part of the federal target program (FTP) "Modernization of transport system of Russia for 2002-2010" and "Development of the Russian transport system for 2010-2015". 1 billion 275 million rubles, including 496 million was allocated from the federal budget on completion of the work in 2011. The volume of investments from the state budget amounted 188.7 million rubles, which were mainly aimed at creating the modern system of airport security and safety, as well as the acquisition of specialized vehicles. Also the state budget invested into the construction of engineering infrastructure of the airport complex.
November 8, 2011

Medvedev signed amendments to the Regulations of motor transport
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law amending Article 12.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences (CAO) and Article 35 of the "Regulations of the motor and urban land-electric transport".
In accordance with the law the maximum overload of motor vehicles allowed reduced three times and the list of compositions of offenses relating to violations of the rules of cargo transportation expands.
So far, it was permissible to exceed the maximum weight or axle load not more than by 15%. Now this value is set at 5% level.
In addition, the administrative responsibility for the provision of false information by the shipper on mass and dimensions of cargo if it entailed violation of rules for transport transportation of oversized and heavy cargo.
The explanatory note states that in most cases, permits for movement of vehicles carrying heavy loads in excess of weight and dimensions are not drawn, and compensation for roads damage shall not be paid. If the violation is fixed, then mainly drivers are made answers for it, and not the officials and entities responsible for the carriage of goods and departure.
The law also established a penalty for shipper for non-indicating in transportation bill special marks on the properties of the goods, including its mass, dimensions, condition and degree of danger.
November 7, 2011

Law about new measures of shipbuilding and shipping state support was signed
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a federal law about state support of Russian shipbuilding and shipping, which states that mode of industrial production economic zones will be used at the Russian shipyards.
The document was passed by State Duma on the 21 of October and the Federation Council approved it on the 26 of October, 2011.
Shipbuilding organizations that are residents of the SEZ shall be exempt from land tax and property tax for a period of 10 years (in current legislation of the Russian Federation - for five years). Taxation of services on the classification and certification of ships is abolished. Ship owners are also exempt from tax on profits derived from the operation or sale of ships built in Russia.
According to law for the period from 2012 to 2027 for such organizations zero tariffs of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance and the Federal Health Insurance Fund is provided.
Changes to Tax Code, Labor Code, the Code of Merchant Shipping, Inland Water Transport Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws "On special economic zones", "On Obligatory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" are made.
November 3, 2011

The Ministry of Transport has prepared amendments to aviation regulations
The Ministry of Transport has prepared amendments to aviation regulations according to which a missed approach during landing would be regarded as a competent solution of the aircraft commander.
The amendments make it clear that no officer has no right to challenge the decision of the commander of the aircraft on missed approach, especially to apply to him for it enforcement actions.
Now the document passes normal procedure - checking for corruption, and then it will be sent to be signed by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
It was noted in the Ministry that factor influencing on the decision of the crew to execute go-around can be a negative reaction from the leadership of airlines.
- Often the execution of the requirements (of security) leads to the fact that the same pilots are forced to make decisions that subsequently lead to a conflict with a transport company - the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma on Committee on Transport Sergey Gavrilov said.
November 2, 2011

Medvedev called to provide normal shipping along Russia's inland waterways
Worldwide water transportation was and will remain the most cost-effective, and in some Russian regions rivers are the key transport routes, and "we are obliged to ensure the normal shipping by them". This was announced by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the meeting with activists of the Party "United Russia" and the Public Committee of defenders for the development of transport system of Russia.
The President noted that river fleet is worn out, infrastructure is poor, average age of vessels is over 30 years.
Medvedev drew attention that changes into existing legislation aimed at reducing tax consequences, tax burden on domestic producers are directed to support the domestic shipping and shipbuilding.
Let us recall relevant bill passed by the Duma in the third reading and approved by the Federation Council.
November 1, 2011

Autobahn to the Extreme North
Syktyvkar-Naryan-Mar interregional highway construction with approaches to Vorkuta and Salekhard will make it possible to provide more than 500 000 persons, living on the Extreme North, with automobile communication on the solid modern pavement roads.
In Syktyvkar there was meeting, devoted to the large investment project implement, where the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party regional project coordinator "St.Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia", Deputy Komi Republic Head Alexander Burov was present.
As a result, Alexander Burov told about the biggest highway construction on the Extreme North.
"If you look at highway map of the Russian North, you will appreciate at once the scale of Syktyvkar-Ukhta-Pechora-Usinsk-Naryan-Mar highway construction with the approaches to Vorkuta and Salekhard. Only road stretch between Syktyvkar and Naryan-Mar without approaches to Vorkuta and Salekhard is 1085 km. On the Russian North there are almost no such highways. Well, in our region the rail transport is more developed.
That's why the importance of new interregional highway can scarcely be exaggerated and its construction is the foreground program for the republic. The highway has the strategic significance not only for the regions, participating in the program, among which besides Komi Republic there are Nenets and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Areas. It is important for all Russia, because it will become integral part of "North-South" transport tunnel, providing the production shipment for oil-and-gas and mineral resource enterprises, which are situated on the Extreme North. Soon the highway will be claimed during the gas-main pipeline construction from Timano-Pechorskaya oil-and-gas province and Yamal gas field.
In 2011 on the Republic territory the works on the most difficult areas of highway, length of which is 171,5 km, are carried out.
But for me, as for the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party regional project coordinator "St.Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia" and as for Deputy Komi Republic Head, the most important is that after highway construction 500 000 persons will be connected with the capitals of three regions such as Komi Republic, Nenets and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Areas by means of modern highways" - Alexander Burov emphasized.
"Syktyvkar-Ukhta-Pechora-Usinsk-Naryan-Mar highway construction with the approaches to Vorkuta and Salekhard will give the opportunity to link 174 clusters, which are in its attraction zone. Drivers from these regions can go in any Russian region through basic highway system".
October 28, 2011

Russia is building five new icebreakers for the Northern Sea Route
The Northern Sea Route should be viewed as one more transport corridor from Europe to Asia.
This opinion was expressed by the Head of the Ministry of Transport Igor Levitin at the meeting of transport ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. "We need to consider the Northern Sea Route as another transport corridor from Europe to Asia", he stressed. With this Levitin explained that the time of delivery of goods to China by the Northern Sea Route is 2 weeks. Whereas the traditional route to China through the Persian Gulf takes 2 months.
In addition, the Transport Minister said that Russia is building five new icebreakers (including nuclear), which will be used in the North Sea route for the delivery of goods from Europe to Asian markets.
October 26, 2011

Resolution Project awaits for new proposals
Resolution Project of the IV International Conference "Transport and transit potential" has been prepared. The proposals in the document, which is available on the website, are being accepted from participants of the Conference till the 18 of November.
Let us recall the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential" was held on 20-21 of September 2011 within the framework of the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia".
The event was held with the support and participation of the Russian Government, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport, Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport, Federal Agency of Railway Transport, Federal Highways Agency, the Federal Service for Transport Supervision and the Federal Water Resources Agency, the Federal Customs Service, Federal Tariff Service and Rosgranitsa. It was attended by the heads of the executive and legislative branches of more than 30 regions of Russia. The delegations of Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Mongolia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Sweden, Finland were represented.
Representatives from universities, public organizations, transport industry, regional authorities, large commercial structures took part in preparing of the Resolution Project. Among them: administrations of the Khabarovsk Krai, the Bryansk Region, Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory, Russian Customs Academy, Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy, "Board of the services of operators of rolling stock market participants", "Russian Railways" and MCC "EuroChem".
The list of major topics covered in the Resolution Project included questions of improvement of the customs regulation, establishment of customs and logistics complexes; modernization of rail transport systems; solutions to provide railway by rolling stock.
Also the resolution contains proposals: the development of highways and infrastructure of Siberia and the Far East, the development of small aircraft, ensuring effective use of the Northern Sea Route, the development of Tuapse transport hub.
October 25, 2011

A bill on insurance of civil liability of the shipowner, carrying passengers and cargo was introduced in the State Duma
The Russian government introduced a bill to the State Duma. In accordance with it shipowners will be obliged to insure their civil liability for freight and passengers transportation in inland waters.
The bill amends the Code of inland waterway transport. Under the agreement, operation of ships in inland waters (including transit purposes) is permitted if shipowner's liability for damage to property of legal entities and individuals is insured, including contamination of the vessel with oil and oil products, as well as damage to infrastructure of river port, seaport and inland waterway infrastructure.
The minimum insure is established in the contract of insurance in respect of each vessel in accordance with its gross tonnage.
The bill also establishes the minimum list of risks to be insured on a mandatory basis.
October 24, 2011

"Vostochny" spaceport: strategic parity in space, on land and in sea
"Vostochny" spaceport construction will give a possibility to Russia to conduct independent space activity and to participate in the future international space projects.
On October 18-21 in Uglegorsk closed administrative territorial establishment, situated in Amur Region, the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) commission carried out reconnaissance on "Soyuz-2"carrier-rockets launching site location on the "Vostochny" spaceport. Constantine Chmarov, the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party regional project coordinator "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia", Deputy Amur Region government chairman, "Vostochny" spaceport construction minister took part in these works.
Here Constantine Chmarov said about one of the most large-scale object constructions of modern Russia.
"Vostochny" spaceport construction began in this October. Today some objects of the terrestrial space infrastructure are built. Reconnaissance works on "Soyuz-2" rocket system pad location are implemented; interblent highways and railways and power system projection is fulfilled. Geological and typographical works on diversion facility construction and on spaceport complex safety system creation are carried out.
The full-scale construction will start in 2012. 24,5 billion rubles are budgeted in 2011-2013 for spaceport infrastructure. In addition, 57 billion rubles will be allocated in 2014-2015 for the same purposes. Government customer of "Voctochny" spaceport construction is the Russian Federal Space Agency, general designer - "IPROMASHPROM", general contractor - the Russian Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy).
"We are happy that from the very beginning of new spaceport creation due to Roscosmos' decision 6 our regional organizations participate in the project and in geological and typographical works, - Constantine Chmarov noticed. - Totally more than 300 enterprises and about 20 000 people will work in the construction. We are planning that not less 10 000 of them will be Amur Region inhabitants. Certainly, highly-skilled specialists from other Russian regions will be invited.
Job for the regional staff is the most important task for us. Before 2007 in the region "Svobodny" military spaceport functioned and after its disbandment the qualified specialists, capable of taking part in new spaceport construction and operation, stayed here. We should also remember about beforehand young personnel training, but this theme is for other detailed discussion".
According to the plans the cosmodrome will put in operation and can launch spacecrafts of scientific, social and economic, twofold and commercial purposes and also transport freighters and space station modules by 2015. The man-tended mission start from "Vostochny" is planned in 2018.
"It is necessary appropriate infrastructure for full-fledged new spaceport functioning, - Constantine Chmarov said. - Besides those systems, which I mentioned above, these are industrial constructional operating base, hydrogen plant, airport, railway and highway stations, new access highways and railways, telecommunications and connection system, and also administrative business spaceport complex. Of course, we don't forget about ecology. Solid domestic and technical waste collecting, sorting, storing and utilization complex will be built on cosmodrome.
It is interesting to know that 7 large enterprises mainly from Amur Region, which have invested some infrastructure objects since 2010, already participate in the infrastructure development. Roscosmos together with Amur Region Government sought these investors.
"For me, as for Deputy Amur Region government chairman and as for the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party regional project coordinator "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia" the care of people, who will build and operate new spaceport has a particular significance, - Constantine Chmarov emphasized. - The modern satellite town for 30 000 people, where there will be objects of public health, social and community purposes, will be built.
The specialists, who will live in this town and work on the cosmodrome, should provide the future strategic parity of Russia not only in space, but also on the land and in the sea. Today all types of economic activity are carried out by means of space navigation and telecommunications systems".
October 24, 2011

In St. Petersburg plans to build a railway bypass are being revived
Construction of the north-east rail bypass of St. Petersburg will eliminate the transportation of dangerous goods through the city, will create new opportunities for delivery of goods to the Russian ports on the Karelian Isthmus and exports to Finland.
"Rosmodernizatsiya" that is subordinated to Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is preparing a concept of the development of St. Petersburg in the modernization of railways and automobile roads. One of the programs that are considered while preparing the concept - the construction of a deep north-east rail bypass of St. Petersburg. It was planned in the strategy of development of transport and logistics center of St. Petersburg, approved by the city government in 2007 but not implemented due to financial crisis.
Prospects for the construction of the north-east rail bypass of St. Petersburg were commented by the Director of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", Chairman of the city Legislative Assembly Vadim Tulpanov.
"This year within the framework of our Project the I International Conference "Transport Security" took place. In its resolution there is a special section dedicated to the rail. In it we propose to the Ministry of Transport to implement a number of additional security measures while passing through residential areas of settlements by trains with dangerous goods. Given the fact that St. Petersburg - the second largest megalopolis in Russia and second largest railway hub of the country, construction of railway bypass line is appropriate. At ports located on the Karelian Isthmus and in Finland, most explosive cargo goes by rail, and the exclusion of St. Petersburg from this transit route will contribute to the safety of the city and its citizens".
Let us recall that in addition to security provision one of the main goals of the deep north-east rail bypass of St. Petersburg is the exclusion of transit cargo traffic beyond the city border. The strategy for the development of transport and logistics center in St. Petersburg included the building of a new track with two ruts in both directions, with access to the stations Myaglovo and Kapitolovo in the Leningrad region. The program included the construction of a new railway bridge across the Neva River near the village of Pavlovsky on-Neva. Kuzminski railroad bridge that operates in this area is a one-way and can not fully ensure that rail traffic and shipping up to date. It is enough to say that it is the lowest on the Neva River by a height of a movable span. In some situations, when water level is high it is necessary to resort to even a partial dismantling of the bridge for the passage of large passenger ships.
Building of a new bridge and rail bypass will create new opportunities for the transportation of goods to the Russian ports of Primorsk, Vyborg, Vysotsk, as well as ensuring the passage of transit cargo to Finland, bypassing St. Petersburg. According to the JSC "RZD" program of deep north-east rail bypass of St. Petersburg is already being pre-developed.
October 21, 2011

Poltavchenko is interested in cooperation with the Netherlands in the field of cargo transportation between the city and Dutch ports
St. Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko is interested in cooperation with the Netherlands in the field of cargo transportation between St. Petersburg and Dutch ports.
According to the press service of the city administration he said this during a meeting with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte. According to the mayor, the most promising area for cooperation is the development of transport and logistics system. In particular, freight transportation, as well as experience in the development of intraurban water passenger transport. "We plan to explore your experience in this area", Poltavchenko said.
In turn, Mark Rutte called the sphere of telecommunications as one of the possible fields of cooperation. Let us to note that today the prime minister will take part in the opening of the center for the provision of telecommunications services of Dutch company Linxtelecom.
In 2010 external turnover between St. Petersburg and the Netherlands amounted to 3.1 billion dollars. The Netherlands is included into a group of leading countries investing in the economy of St. Petersburg. Today, in different areas of the economy of St. Petersburg about 50 Dutch companies work.
October 19, 2011

Kyrgyzstan is to join the Customs Union
At the meeting of the Heads of the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC) it was decided to join Kyrgyzstan to the Customs Union, which includes Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Currently, a working group on this issue is being created, then the government of Kyrgyzstan is planning to present proposals on the plan of joining, and after the appointment of the chairman of the working group it will start working.
The Eurasian Economic Community is the international economic organization created to promote the effective aspects of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space forming process, as well as the other goals and tasks implementation associated with the deepening of integration in the economic and humanitarian fields. In 2003, the Eurasian Economic Community got observer status at the UN General Assembly.
Treaty on the establishment of the EEC was signed on 10 October 2000 in Astana and entered into force on 30 May 2001 after ratification by all Member States. Members of the Eurasian Economic Community since its inception include 5 states - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.
In January 2006 a protocol on joining the organization of Uzbekistan was signed. In October 2008, Uzbekistan has suspended participation in the EurAsEC bodies. Since May 2002, Ukraine and Moldova have the status of EvrAzES observers, since January 2003 - Armenia. The Interstate Aviation Committee and the Eurasian Development Bank also have it.
October 18, 2011

State-owned company "Avtodor" and the government of Bashkortostan signed the agreement on construction of new toll road
State-owned company "Avtodor" and the government of Bashkortostan signed the agreement on construction of new toll road Bavly - Kumertau which length is 265 km.
It is informed by RIA "Novosti" with reference to the press service of "Avtodor".
"The road Bavly - Kumertau should become a four backbone of the first category with an estimated speed of 150 kilometers per hour. According to the agreement, the road will be included in the network of public highways of federal importance", the report says. Highway will be operated on a fee basis.
Construction of road will be based on public-private partnership, and the track will be part of an international transport route Europe - Western China.
October 17, 2011

Updated Volgo-Balt will link five seas
Reconstruction and modernization of the Volga-Baltic waterway and the Northern Dvina sluice system are among the highest priorities of the transport strategy of the Vologda region.
In Vologda, the regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia", the First Deputy Governor of the Vologda region Nikolai Vinogradov chaired meeting on the implementation of major investment projects in the sphere of water transport.
As the result of the meting Nikolai Vinogradov told about the current status and plans for the development of major water transportation routes in the region. According to him, transport strategy of the Vologda region until 2020 adopted this year paying special attention to the reconstruction and modernization of waterways and water transport infrastructure.
"Volume of freight traffic in inland waterways increase in recent years. The transit flows of foreign goods are predominant. Now it is more than 60% of the total traffic volume, Nikolai Vinogradov emphasizes, while the earlier import-export goods have been minor. More than 8,000 vessels go through sluices of our channels per year. Not surprisingly waterworks of the Volga-Baltic waterway that operates from 1964 is worn. It needs reconstruction and technical upgrading. Work in this direction is conducted annually. In 2012, for this purpose the federal budget will allocate 1 387 700 000 rubles".
Let us recall, the Volga-Baltic Waterway is important link in an integrated transport system of the European part of Russia, providing connection of waterways that go to the Baltic, White, Caspian, Black and Azov Seas. Possibility to produce without trans freight transportation not only between regions of Russia, but also between the seaports of northern and southern European seas has appeared. These services are operated by large-capacity vessels of mixed "river-sea" class with the capacity of 5,500 tons.
On the territory of the Vologda region there are main waterworks of the Volga-Balt, such 5 as 8 shipping locks, 3 hydroelectric, 5 spillways, 3 reservoirs and other facilities.
No less important issue is to upgrade another waterway of the Vologda region - Northern Dvina River sluice system Sukhona. This system was built in 1828 and is a set of retaining and shipping waterworks, connecting a series of lakes. Dimensions of sluices allow using a fleet in the transportation capacity of up to 1,000 tons. During the period of operation facilities were fully reconstructed twice: in 1865 and 1917 using the same wooden building materials.
Today, these facilities are completely out of date. Complete reconstruction of hydraulic work Northern Dvina sluice system provides the Federal Program "Development of Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015 years)". For its implementation it is supposed to allocate from the federal budget 824.1 million rubles. Reconstruction will not only help to restore the full shipping on the river Sukhona, but also ensure the safety of passing ships.
Transport Strategy of the Vologda region development also provides an increase in passenger traffic by river transport. For this purpose, in particular, stationary passenger river terminals and docks in the village of Sheksna, G. Kirillova, Vytegra, Great Ustyug, Belozersk, Gorica village will be built.
"As a regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" I believe that much attention should be given to the development of inland waterway transport, since it is the least expensive among all other modes of transport, Nikolay Vinogradov said. This is explained by the fact that inland waterways are mostly natural. In organization of the shipping considerably less (6-7 times) initial capital investment for 1 kilometer, than to build a railroad or highway equal to bandwidth is required. Thus, development of inland waterway transport is an essential factor in reducing costs in the economy".
October 17, 2011

Petersburg will save trolley buses and trams
In the budget of St. Petersburg in 2012 allocation of 700 million rubles for the purchase of new trolley buses and trams is planned.
In the document submitted to the city parliament it is planned to spend 28 billion rubles for the transport sector what is 11% of total budget expenditures. At the same time 700 million rubles is intended for the purchase of electric transport.
Let us recall that in April of this year statements about the possibility of a complete renunciation of the use of the trolleybus were announced. As for the tram city network, its decline was seen with the naked eye. The need to replace electric buses raised doubts of both the public and experts, who argued for the preservation of environmentally friendly modes of transport.
This year while planning the city budget the wishes of the public, collected by purposefully engaged in All-Russian National Front were taken into account. Proposals for the preservation and development of trolleybus and tram transport in St. Petersburg have been heard and considered in drafting the city's main financial document.
This issue was commented by Director of the Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of RUSSIA", Chairman of the legislative assembly of St.Petersburg Vadim Tulpanov.
"Preserving and developing electric transport in St. Petersburg we follow the trends of developed European countries. I want to remind you that on March 28 of this year, the European Commission - the supreme authority of the EU adopted a policy paper on transport. It provides, in particular, the prohibition on the movement of vehicles with internal combustion engines in the cities of the European Union to 2050. This ban will also affect the buses. So that the development of electric transport is pan-European trend generated by citizens health care".
October 14, 2011

An agreement to develop the general scheme of railway hub development of the transport system of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is signed
An agreement to develop the general scheme of railway hub development of the transport system of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is signed.
Currently on demand of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian federation Program of the transport system of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region development until 2020 is developed. Its main goal is to overcome the transport barrier between the regions, development of communication with the European Union, as well as improving road safety.
In accordance with the document signed by JSC "RZD", administrations of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region take part in a joint fund of the general scheme of the railway hub development of the transport system of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Russian Ministry of Transport controls the preparation of scientifically grounded proposals for the efficient development of transport and technological infrastructure of the railway hub for the future freight and passenger services that are needed to develop the general scheme.
The development of railway infrastructure of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is one of the priorities of JSC "RZD" activity. This is the second transport hub in Russia. Here the main power of the Northwest ports is concentrated. The volume of passenger traffic in suburban and long-distance communication is 120 million persons per year.
"We have to use the platform of the Coordinating Council in order to link our infrastructure with other transport modes, which we are very interested in. This year we invested in the development of railway infrastructure in the region over 33 billion rubles, including 27 billion - in the Leningrad region, 6 billion - in St. Petersburg", Vladimir Morozov said.
October 14, 2011

Murmansk port: safe harbor for the NSR
Modernization and development of the port - the main goal of the program "Integrated Development of the Murmansk Transport Hub" In Murmansk, under the chairmanship of the regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", the First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region Natalia Portnaya a meeting devoted to implementation of major investment projects in transport sector was held.
As the result, Natalia Portnaya presented a program "Integrated Development of the Murmansk transport hub", implemented within the framework of the Federal Program "Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)". According to Portnaya the main goal of the program - the creation of the current year-round deep sea port hub. This will be the largest center for the transshipment of bulk cargo, containerized cargo, as well as oil and petroleum products, integrated in the international transport corridor "North - South".
Implementation of the project involves a number of measures. It includes building on the west coast of the Kola Bay electrified railway station of public service from Vyhodnoi to Lavna, complex for transshipment of coal and general cargo, the terminal for transshipment of oil and petroleum products.
On the eastern shore of the Kola Bay it is planned to upgrade coal terminal, build new logistics center and a container terminal. Modernization plan includes additional equipment of the Kola Bay area, the creation of objects of complex security systems and VTS (Vessel Traffic Management System), as well as facilities for the operation of departments of government regulatory bodies. "The introduction of modern management systems significantly improve the safety of passing ships," Natalia Portnaya said.
For the project "Integrated development of the Murmansk transport hub" within the framework of Federal Target Program "Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)" total funding 117 391 900 000 rubles is provided, including the federal budget - 50 976 million rubles and 66 415 900 000 rubles of non-budget sources.
In 2010 the first phase of the program was successfully completed, within the framework of which border zones of location of federal objects on the western shore of the Kola Bay are defined and approved by order of the Ministry of Transport. Now the design work continues. The beginning of new facilities construction is expected in 2012 and completion of the port modernization in 2020.
"As coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" in the Murmansk region, I am confident that the construction and modernization of the Murmansk sea port will not only increase the turnover of the transport corridor "North-South", but also give a powerful impetus to infrastructural and social development of the region, creation of new jobs. Social significance of this ambitious project can not be overestimated, and the promotion of its implementation - an important goal of the project ", Natalia Portnaya said.
Coordinator of the Project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", Member of the Supreme Council of the Party "United Russia" Arthur Chilingarov commented upon the plans concerning the development of the Murmansk transport hub.
"Modernization of the port of Murmansk - an important stage in the development of the Northern Sea Route. This year we plan to adopt a law that will regulate shipping at this shortest route from Northern Europe to the Asia-Pacific region.
The Northern Sea Route is a new global transport corridor of the XXI century. For comparison, the reference route Rotterdam - Yokohama on the Northern Sea Route vessels pass two weeks faster than through the Indian Ocean. But in order ship owners to appreciate the benefits of the Northern Sea Route, we need modernized ports that are planed to build in Murmansk".
October 10, 2011

Coordinating Council of air checkpoints Varandey is formed
In connection with the establishment of checkpoints and a decision on the initiation of control operations before the official opening of the Coordinating Council of air checkpoint through state border of the Russian Federation "Varandey".
This council was established on October 7. Also the structure of the Coordinating Council is approved. The venue of the meetings of the Coordinating Council will be Arkhangelsk.
Andrew Zabrodin - Deputy Head of checkpoint administration of north - west Territorial Administration of Rosgranitsa was appointed Chairman of the Coordination Council of the air checkpoint at the state border of the Russian Federation "Varandey".
At its first meeting of the Coordination Council of the air checkpoint "Varandey" approved "Regulations on the Coordinating Council of the item through the border of the Russian Federation "Varandey" and discussed the draft of the technological pass scheme through the state border of individuals, vehicles, cargoes, goods and animals in the air checkpoint "Varandey".
Coordinating Council also identified office hours from 08.00 to 19.00 on weekdays. It is allowed to work in no set order of the day time.
October 10, 2011
Meeting in Imatra
In the municipality of Imatra, Finland meeting "Discussion, negotiation and coordination on the development of rail and road checkpoints Imatra - Svetogorsk" was held within the framework of the program ENPI "The South-East Finland - Russia".
The agenda of the meeting was devoted to discussing plans of the October Railway to attract traffic and increase the capacity of the station Svetogorsk, plans of Finnish Railways to attract traffic and increase the capacity of the station Imatrankoski, as well as the prospects for cooperation on joint participation in a program of cross-border co-operation ENPI "South-East Finland - Russia" on the arrangement of railway checkpoint Imatrankoski - Svetogorsk and discussion of the preparatory stages of the project on arrangement of automobile checkpoint Imatra - Svetogorsk within the framework of this program.
The parties expressed the view that growth of transported goods which transportation will depend on the construction of the second track on the site Kamenogorsk - Svetogorsk and Luum?ki - Kouvola is necessary. All requirements of state control bodies concerning arrangement of railway checkpoint in connection with the anticipated growth in traffic should also be taken into account.
Reclassification of the checkpoint in the long term of traffic growth and reconstruction of railway checkpoint was also discussed at the meeting.
The meeting was attended by Mikhail Smolkin - Head of the north - west Territorial Administration of Rosgranitsa and Elena Kitov - Head of state policy in the development of the state border of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation.
October 10, 2011
The Republic of Kalmykia attracts Thai investment
Regional Coordinator of "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", First Deputy Prime Minister of Kalmykia Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov signed on behalf of the Republic with a major Thai company protocol of intent, which aims to attract international investment in port construction in the town of Lagan.
After its signing Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov said that the construction of the port will be carried out on a public-private partnership through a joint venture. It is planned that the first private investment will go to Kalmykia by the end of 2011.
Let us recall the construction of the port in the town of Lagan is one of the priority infrastructure projects of Kalmykia. Within the framework of the project it is planed to organize a passenger, road and rail ferry service by the Caspian sea to the Iranian port of Naw-Shahr. Thus, the missing link of the transcontinental railroad corridor Helsinki - Moscow - Tehran - Dubai will be created. In addition, from the Iranian port railway lines leading to India and Saudi Arabia are laid. Thus, the construction of a port in Lagan will provide delivery of goods without trans form in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. This significantly will reduce time and cost of transportation.
Construction of the port in Lagan includes the construction of terminals for processing 2.5 million tons of general cargo and 5 million tons of liquid cargo. Also four berths will be built 150 meters long and appropriate port infrastructure. Dredging for the approach of ships with a displacement of 10 tons is provided.
To provide additional access roads to the port it is planned to build railway Lagan - Ulaan Khol length of 40 kilometers with access to the railway line Baku - Moscow. Also as part of the port infrastructure development program it is planned to build an oil refinery with capacity of 3 million tonnes a year near the village of Ulan Hall.
The partner of the Republic of Kalmykia in the construction program is a Thai company Eland International, which has extensive experience in financing large infrastructure projects. In particular, a company raise investment in construction of thermal power stations in Mumbai (India), as well as the railway from the city Tibriz (Iran) to the Turkish border.
"As a regional coordinator of the "United Russia" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", I am sure that the construction of the port complex in Lagan will add a powerful impetus to socio-economic development of the Republic of Kalmykia", Vyacheslav Ilyumzhinov said.
October 7, 2011

Hub-port is to accelerate the freight turnover
The deepwater hub port construction in Kaliningrad Region will make it possible not only to increase seaborne freight turnover in the region, but also it will give a pulse for infrastructure and social development.
In Kaliningrad under the regional government vice-president chairmanship, Gennady Shcherbakov, who was the "Saint-Petersburg is the sea capital of Russia" regional Project coordinator, there was meeting, where the large-scale transport projects had been discussed. It was devoted to the results of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov's and Transport Minister Igor Levitin's visit.
On Thursday, 6 October, in his comments to the ER.RU correspondent, Gennady Shcherbakov noticed, that the federal authority attention to the regional transport problems can considerably accelerate their solution. He told that the deepwater hub port construction had been discussed on the meeting. According to his words, today Kaliningrad port on its parameters is at a disadvantageous before it's the nearest competitors from the Baltic States. It is situated in Kaliningrad limit that's why it is unadapted to the large volume transshipment and it is restricted in the areas for the development. In addition, it is necessary to deepen and to broaden more than 40 km channel, leading to the port.
Therefore new deepwater hub port construction, which is stipulated by the "The Russian Transport System Development from 2010 to 2015" Federal Target Programme, is very important for the region.
"First of all, I would like to explain what the modern hub is and what this name means. As you know, to accelerate his movement the ancient Roman sea god Neptune preferred moving on a chariot. The specialists connect sea transportation efficiency increase with the hub port construction. The sense of it is that the biggest ocean crafts, container ships, will call at the limited number of more efficient deepwater ports, where the ship consignments are given on smaller crafts. Routes of these vessels as wheel hub spokes cover the coast territories with less deepwater ports", - Gennady Shcherbakov said. In Kaliningrad Region the hub port construction idea is that the ocean container ships will pass directly to Baltic Sea, and will get unloaded in our port, and only from there they will be transported to the Baltic port mainly by means of sea feeder vessels. During the project realization the deepwater channel, areas of water, automobile and railway roads will be built, on the basis of which the additional terminals construction is possible.
When such port appears in Kaliningrad Region, it will have some advantages with comparison with other ports of the basin. Firstly, it will have advantageous geographical position - in center of Baltic Sea and with non-freezing water areas. Secondly, the port will have considerable territory for infrastructure construction and developed transport communication network with the Central and Eastern Europe, including the opportunity to send the freights by railway with Russian and European track.
We would remind, the government customer of the port construction is the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport. According to investment feasibility on the variant of port location on Balga peninsula the total cost of the port construction will 263 billion of rubles, including 75 billion from the federal budget and 188 billion from the private investments. Now the project works are carried. The Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport" together with Kaliningrad region government study issue concerning shipping base and potential investors who are capable of undertaking the obligation to involve the resources, which are necessary for the projection and construction of the deepwater port infrastructure objects.
"As the "Saint-Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia" Project coordinator in Kaliningrad region, I am sure that new hub port construction will give the opportunity not only to increase seaborne turnover in the region, but also will give a pulse to infrastructure and social development, and to new job creation. Therefore assistance to the development of this large-scale initiative is one other most important project problem", - Gennady Shcherbakov emphasized.
October 6, 2011

Meeting in railway checkpoint Vyborg
A meeting on the organization of vehicles transport in international railway Moscow - Helsinki was held in Vyborg.
The possibility of passengers’ cars rail transportation on the route Moscow-Helsinki by the train "Leo Tolstoy" was discussed at the meeting.
The meeting was initiated by JSC "Russian Railways".
It was attended by Vladimir Samokhin - Deputy Director - Head of the arrangement of the objects of the state border and checkpoints administration.
In accordance with the decision of the meeting for the organization of transportation of this type it is necessary to arrange railway checkpoint Vyborg in accordance with the requirements of state regulatory authorities to create the conditions for implementing control functions. In particular, a current technological scheme improvement and change of the limits of the checkpoint - the organization of box for the screening of cars will be required.
It was also decided that their specifications SCG send to the North - West of Territorial Administration (SZTU Rosgranitsa) for their synthesis and evaluation. After that they will be brought to the JSC "RZD".
October 5, 2011

The Government will bring together all the federal programs for the Far East and Trans-Baikal in a new state program
The Russian government is developing a new state program "Social and economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region", which should combine in one document before acting federal target programs for the development of Far East and Trans-Baikal.
The new state program integrates development basic tools that have a good reputation and within the framework of which state consistently stepped up investment activity", said Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Roman Panov said at the V Far Eastern international economic forum opened in Khabarovsk on Tuesday. According to him, the state program "will absorb" the Ministry of Regional Development programs, activities of targeted programs of Ministry of Transport "Modernization of transport system of Russia", Russian Energy Ministry, Federal Agency for Fishery.
According to him, a source of targeted funding of transportation projects can be an issue of infrastructure bonds of the Russian Federation, subjected to subsequent paying in the authorized capital of JSC "RZD". At the same time to buy bonds the potential of domestic ruble-denominated market, in particular the voluntary pension savings can be used.
"Calculations of the company show that federal revenues from rail infrastructure development projects will ensure a return to the budget invested to the charter capital of Railways for 10 years. This is a very good indicator for infrastructure projects, as return on investment in infrastructure for the company under existing tariffs is over 20 years", Reshetnikov said. In his view, it is necessary to form the tariff terms of "Russian Railways" in such way as to preserve the balance of state interests, shippers and the company itself. At the same time tariffs must be fulfilled with the investment component.
October 5, 2011

Russia and Finland are going to create common clusters
Russia and Finland have all the prerequisites for the establishment of common transport and logistics cluster. According to the correspondent of IA REGNUM, it was said October 4 at an international seminar in Kotka (Finland) by a sales representative of the Russian Federation in Finland Valery Shliamin.
Shliamin noted that "it is time to think about coupling of state transport strategies of both countries". "Our countries already have all the prerequisites for creating a common cluster: joint training, joint projects of safe navigation and safety of Gulf of Finland. We need to try to obtain specialized ports and division of labor, then we will be attractive as a transportation hub for the world community", Shliamin said.
According to Valery Shliamin there are prerequisites for creating a common shipbuilding cluster, and even the forest cluster.
"Finnish barometer of economic climate in Russia shows the "beneficial", Shliamin said and reported that the majority of Finnish investments in Russia are accumulating in the North West. Shliamin gave data of Trade Mission for 2010, the Finnish investments in Moscow amounted to 19% and the Moscow region - 9.7%, while in St. Petersburg - 27.8% and the Leningrad region 12.7% of the total. According to him, within the framework of a joint project between Russia and Finland in St. Petersburg and Moscow biomedical centers will be established, projects in energy efficiency and conservation in the field of nuclear technology will be also developed. Shliamin recalled that a leading developer of supercomputers, the company "T-Platforms" is continuing to consult the Finnish side to create a super computer in Kainuu, similar to one at MSU.
October 4, 2011

Russian Transport Ministry has decided to reduce the number of stations by 10 times
Program of arrangement of federal highways by consumer service complexes involves reducing the number of roadside petrol station by 10-15 times.
According to Transport Minister Igor Levitin, provision of the necessary facilities for federal roads will not only include the establishment of gas stations, but also the organization of items of road food, hotels and other infrastructure.
Program of reducing the number of roadside stations may start as early as next year and will be held in parallel with the reconstruction of highways.
October 3, 2011

As a part of the Transport Strategy of St. Petersburg until 2025 the concept of organization of cycle traffic will be developed
In July, the Government of St. Petersburg approved the Transport Strategy of St. Petersburg until 2025, which defined objectives and priorities of the transport sector development for the long term. One of the main strategy points is the increasing of the availability of the transport system. This target provides a set of measures that includes improving of the conditions for non-motorized traffic, which are pedestrians and cyclists.
The competition of the development of the concept of cycle traffic organization in St. Petersburg announced by the Committee on transport and transit policy, includes work on the analysis of the scale of cycling, identification of preferred routes of travel for residents, determination of the requirements for parking places of cyclists. In addition, monitoring of legal documents in the sphere of cycling in order to assess the relevance of standards to modern conditions of metropolis will be held.
The concept of cycling organization in St. Petersburg will be prepared before this year is out.
October 3, 2011

Medvedev took off embargo on privatization of the Russian nuclear ice-breaking fleet
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has excluded the nuclear ice-breaking fleet of Russia from the list of privatization prohibited objects. It follows from the presidential decree ¹ 1256 from September 28 posted in the database of regulatory and administrative documents of the Kremlin. Changes were made in the state privatization program, which lists the facilities and companies that are in federal ownership, which privatization is prohibited. Now the nuclear ice-breaking fleet and docks intended for its service are excluded from this list.
As it was explained to the RIA News by the source of the industry, the decree will corporatize Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosatomflot" with 100% keeping of the company in state ownership. It is planned that the company will remain under the control of the state corporation "Rosatom".
The structure of modern Russia's nuclear fleet, owned and operated by the company FGUP "Rosatomflot" of the state corporation Rosatom, consists of four two-reactors icebreakers ("Russia", "Soviet Union", "Yamal", "50 Years of Victory"), two one-reactors icebreakers "Taimyr" and "Vaigach", atomic lighter carrier and container ship "Northern Sea Route", and five floating technical bases of service.
During the years of ice-breaking fleet operation in Russia ten nuclear-powered ships were built, nine of them are icebreakers and one nuclear-powered lighter carrier "Northern Sea Route". To date, three nuclear icebreakers are out of service - "Lenin" (the first, founded in 1956), "Siberia" and "Arctic". Earlier, Deputy Transport Minister Viktor Olersky said that construction of three new icebreakers should be completed by 2020 for full service of NSR Arctic ports.
September 30, 2011

Meeting of the Coordination Board of SCP "Murmansk" took place
A meeting of the Coordinating Council of sea checkpoint "Murmansk" took place.
The main aim of the meeting of coordinating council of sea check point (SCP) "Murmansk" was to approve the list of areas of SCP for its presentation to the commission to determine the border of the checkpoint. In the list of terminals were included the following units: OJSC "Murmansk Sea Trade Port", LLC "First Murmansk terminal", terminal of the second cargo area of fishing port, LLC "Gazflot", OJSC "Murmansk Fish Plant", Murmansk transport branch of MIW Norilsk Nickel, LLC "Commercial Sea Port "Lavna".
The discussion of the issues was held via videoconference. At the beginning of the meeting council members were addressed by the Head of the north - western territorial administration of Rosgranitsa Michael Smolkin.
A videoconference meeting with representatives of St. Petersburg, Pskov and Murmansk branches of the federal state public institution (FSPI) "Management of the construction and operation of Rosgranitsa" devoted to readiness to implement the order of the Federal Agency for Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation from 27.12.2010 ¹ 451 - "On approval of the regime of checkpoints on the border of the Russian Federation" and the procedure of pass issues at the checkpoints was held.
In the future such meetings via videoconference will be held regularly.
September 30, 2011

Ukraine and Russia agreed on the integration of transport systems
At a meeting in Odessa Heads of transport agencies of Russia and Ukraine signed a series of conceptual bilateral documents, including a plan for the integration of transport systems between the two countries.
During the 10th plenary meeting of the Sub-Commission on Transport of the Committee on Economic Cooperation of the Ukrainian-Russian intergovernmental commission that was held in Odessa, the signing of a number of conceptual documents of the bilateral intergovernmental in transport took place.
Presiding at a meeting Deputy Prime Minister - Minister Infrastructure of Ukraine Borys Kolesnikov and Transport Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin have affixed by their signatures the following documents: an interagency protocol on cooperation in the sea and aircraft search and rescue in the Black and Azov seas; interagency memorandum of understanding and cooperation in area of transport security, an updated plan to implement the concept of integration of transport of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for the period 2011-2014. In addition, the parties signed a protocol of the 10th meeting of the Sub-Commission on transport issues.
Among the specific areas of cooperation in the railway sector the following ones are marked: the transfer of experience to simplify border and customs control, gained at the railway route Kiev-Moscow, on the other directions of traffic between the two countries (including Kharkov-Moscow), the introduction of fast passenger service on the route Moscow-Kursk-Kharkov-Lozova-Ilovajsk-Rostov-Adler, finding new ways of development of the transit potential of Russia and Ukraine in the sphere of cargo transportation. The work on simplification of customs procedures in the field of container transport will be among the priorities. This problem has been called by the Russian Minister as "total for the transport of Russia and Ukraine".
Among the issues that were considered by the Sub-Commission concerning rail transport, the development of high-speed passenger service between the two countries was noted. In particular, it is determined that the border crossing Cazachia-Lopan will be used exclusively for passenger traffic. In addition, the timetable of Kiev-Moscow route will be paired with the work of the route "Sapsan" (Moscow-St Petersburg).
September 30, 2011

The Russian government intends to impose the exclusive rail tariffs on grain exports from some regions of the country
The Russian government intends to impose the exclusive rail tariffs on grain exports from some regions. It was discussed at a working meeting with the head of the supreme executive authority Vladimir Putin and Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov.
"Today we have in Russia exclusively preferential railway tariffs for the transportation of grain from Siberia to the regions of the Central federal district - the coefficient of 0.5, from 1.1 thousand km - but it operates only within the country. In order to help villagers of Siberia, the Kurgan region to realize their surplus overseas, where, as I said, a very good price, you must also enter an exclusive preferential railway tariffs on grain exports from these regions. This direction - south, our western border, and the Far East", Zubkov said.
According to him 1.3 billion rubles is reserved for this purpose in the budget of the current and 2012.
"We also need to give the opportunity to realize agricultural products from the Far East - there is also a good crop of soybeans, about 1 million tons this harvest, we have not had such a crop for long time- in order soybeans and soybean meal to be sent to our central regions", Deputy Prime Minister added.
September 29, 2011

Ministry of Regional Development of Russia allowed the construction of a new terminal at Pulkovo airport
Ministry of Regional Development of Russia issued a permit to build a new terminal at Pulkovo airport. On the territory of the new terminal all the preparatory work is already done: communication is made, a zero cycle of construction is completed, pile work is made, and some elements of the old terminal are built-down, preventing the construction.
According to the project of modernization and reconstruction of Pulkovo new passenger terminal with a capacity of 14 million people will be built up to 2013. Then it’s planned to increase passenger numbers to 35 million people to 2039. The project cost is 1.2 billion euros, including 700 million euros due to long-term loans. General contractor is a joint venture company Astaldi (Italy) and IC (Turkey).
September 29, 2011

Land area of pedestrian checkpoint Ivangorod is defined
Work at the implementation of activities and preparation of the international project "Complex reconstruction of the checkpoints Ivangorod - Narva", for which Russian part provided works for the development of multilateral automobile checkpoint Ivangorod and homonymous bilateral pedestrian checkpoint.
The act about the choosing of the land to locate two-way pedestrian checkpoint "Ivangorod" is signed.
The location of the object under construction - land area of 860 square meters, located at house number 7 on the Pioneer Street in "Parusinka" district of Ivangorod of Kingisepp municipal district of Leningrad region (category of land - the land of settlements).
Location and occupied area of this land fully meets the project of the general plan of the municipality "City of Ivangorod".
Work at the allocation of land is an integral part of the plan Rosgranitsa to enforce the international project "Complex reconstruction of the checkpoint Ivangorod - Narva".
The project is jointly prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia and Rosgranitsa within the framework of the program of cross-border co-operation "Estonia-Latvia-Russia" of European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013. At the moment the request form of the project has passed the preliminary selection of the European Commission. Parties keep the preparatory work in order to ensure implementation of all the work of the project.
Two-way pedestrian checkpoint "Ivangorod" of the city of Ivangorod, Leningrad region, Russian Federation - "Narva" the city of Narva, Ida-Viru county, the Republic of Estonia is established by agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia about checkpoints at the Russian-Estonian border of June 25, 2002.
September 28, 2011

"Ural Airlines" and the Government of the Chelyabinsk region signed a cooperation agreement
On September 26, at the residence of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region the government of the region and "Air company "Ural airlines" signed a cooperation agreement, the airline press-service informs.
The ceremony was attended by Director General of "Ural Airlines" Sergei Skuratov and the governor of Chelyabinsk region Mikhail Yurevich.
The document includes the interaction of regional authorities and the carrier on the development of international air travel from Chelyabinsk. During the winter season the air company "Ural Airlines" will open three international flights from the capital of the Southern Urals - in Vienna, Harbin and Dubai. Within the framework of the agreement flights to Vienna and Harbin will be subsidized. "For the first time in Russia, a project of such cooperation between the Government of the region and aircompany is being implemented. The authorities of the Chelyabinsk region made it possible to subsidize flights at first. This is a very bold step, it can only be welcome," General Director Sergey Skuratov said. According to him, plans of air company include the discovery of other international destinations during the summer season.
September 27, 2011

There will no any restrictions!
Despite the repair of automobile check point objects across the Russian frontier in Torfyanovka, Brusnichnoe and Svetogorsk, situated in Leningrad Region, there will no changes in their functioning. According to the state contract:
- in Torfyanovka it is planned to repair the frontier guards’ building, tourist groups’ office buildings, customs cargo registration building, automated gate of lifting and sectional type in detailed screening boxes of customs control;
- in Brusnichnoe it is planned to repair four car border and customs control posts, four truck border control posts, cynological service building, frontier guards’ building, car detailed screening boxes, automated gate of lifting and sectional type in detailed screening boxes of customs control, etc.;
- in Svetogorsk it is planned to repair the boiler-house, truck customs control buildings, transforming stations, two sheds with truck customs control posts, etc.
Under the state contract, according to which the customer is the Federal Public Establishment “Management on construction and maintenance of the Russian border objects” (“Rosgranstroy”), all repair works should be finished not later than the 30th of November.
September 26, 2011
About 400 billion rubles on "Belkomur" will be spent
To ensure the loading of the Northern Sea Route it is necessary to build a full road network. This problem can be solved due to the project "Belkomur", on which realization it’s planned to spend about 400 billion rubles. Transport line must connect the Ural region, the Republic of Komi to the White Sea.
Deputy Transport Minister Viktor Olersky noted that it is not necessary to restrict the area of activity of "Belkomur" only in the Arkhangelsk port, "it is possible to extend the motorway to Murmansk". Herewith official said that "the logic of "Belkomur" building consists of the fact that if we do not go out on this diagonal and don’t join Ural economic district with the northern ports by the shortest path, cargo that are going to Murmansk and Arkhangelsk will block the passage to the North-West. In particular, in Primorsk, Ust-Luga, St. Petersburg".
In 2015 cargo traffic of potash fertilizer could reach 15 million tons. It covers a quarter of the planned amount of loading of the Northern Sea Route. All in all, it is planned to deliver 30 million tons of cargo per year by the highway. The length of the railway line, which construction was continued in 2008, will be 1252 kilometers.
At the moment, a draft of financiability study has already made and the next step will be the preparation of project documentation, for which it is given 3 billion rubles. The total volume of investments in view of building infrastructure along the motorway could reach 400 billion rubles (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
September 26, 2011

Coordinating Council of the checkpoint Tuapse decided to continue the work to reduce the time of working a vessel
Coordinating Council of sea checkpoint (SCP) Tuapse decided to continue optimization of state control bodies and agent companies work to increase interest and reduce the time of working a vessel in accordance with the typical technological scheme of the checkpoint. The press office of FPSI "Rosgranstroy" reported.
The Heads of state agencies decided to send in the Sochi branch of FPSI "Rosgranstroy" requests for connection of steadily working channels and the Internet in sea checkpoint Tuapse. In the period up to October 17, 2011 JSC "Tuapse Sea Trade Port" and LLC "Tuapse sea commercial port" will have to prepare and send information about the balance sheet value of the checkpoints property to the Head of the Sochi branch of FPSI "Rosgranstroy" for new contracts on real estate loans for the buildings, premises and facilities owned privately. After LLC "Tuapse Bulk Terminal" received from the Office of the Federal Service state registration of the inventory and mapping of the certificate of state registration of property rights it was agreed to prepare and send information about loan agreement to the Head of the Sochi branch of FPSI "Rosgranstroy".
September 22, 2011
New ice-breaking fleet will be built in Russia
Now there is an active work of a new ice-breaking fleet creation in Russia, Transport Minister Igor Levitin said. Thus, there are 20 billion rubles for three years in the budget, which should be used for building of a new type nuclear-powered icebreaker.
- The construction will begin next year, Levitin said. - Its quality will be higher of the previous ice-breakers one, and it will meet all modern requirements. Also it will have the latest emergency rescue system. Therefore, the new icebreaker will be able to do, not only the piloting the Northern Sea Route, but also perform all the search and rescue functions.
The budget also includes funds for the creation of three diesel-powered icebreakers. The minister said that this decision was connected with the development of new Arctic territory.
Creation of three double draught icebreakers is a fundamentally new step in updating the icebreaking fleet. Double draught of 10.5 and 8.5 meters will allow courts to work not only on the high seas, but at the mouth of small rivers. The three new diesel-powered icebreakers will replace five existing ships of the "Arctic" or "Taimyr", which today form the basis of Russian icebreaking fleet (Source - Rossiyskaya Gazeta).
September 22, 2011

Bus Petersburg: cheaper, faster and without the "black money"
The Working Group of the Project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" has prepared a package of proposals to modernize the passenger transportation, intended for practical use in the strategy of transport development of St. Petersburg until 2025.
Project Director, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vadim Tulpanov within the framework of the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential" handed in a package of proposals to representatives of the Government of St. Petersburg.
According to Vadim Tulpanov proposals are the result of extensive analytical studies conducted on the basis of information obtained from regions of Russia. The result of implementing the proposals could be the reduction of the cost of bus tickets by 25-30%, what will significantly liberalize access to public transport for the population.
"We have carefully studied the new transport strategy of the development of St. Petersburg and produced a series of proposals that could fit well into the overall concept and to help achieve the planned, Valeriy Ivanovski said, the Head of the working group of the Project. We offer a number of operational and organizational measures, whose main goal is the reducing the cost of transportation of passengers up to 2 times, while achieving a positive return of the transport industry and improving the quality of service standards to the level of the EU and Russia".
According to the developers of proposals in St. Petersburg as well as in most Russian regions a paradoxical situation was formed - the cost of intercity bus transportation is higher than in developed European countries. "And the Europeans in this case render a service at the 4-star tourist buses, which operate not more than 4 years old, equipped with toilets and hoists for wheelchairs. And such luxuries can not be found at the same suburban routes. And if in Moscow and St. Petersburg bus fleet is still being updated, then in most regions the situation is deplorable", experts stress.
There are quite a lot of problems leading to such incidents, and most of them are organizing in nature. First of all this is a huge cost. The work of the bus, which has already developed all the normative operation, requires great expenses for repair and replacement of its units.
In addition, in Russia in general and in St. Petersburg in particular, unnecessary competition between transport modes at the same routes is prospering. According to experts, the organization of passenger bus transportation should be based on state planning and state orders. Then we can avoid a situation when major road transport companies are operating at a loss, and minor semi-legal carriers receive profits in "black cash".
"We must come to a situation where the profitability of passengers bus transportation will be 12-15% as in developed countries of Europe", Valery Ivanovo states.
Let us recall in the Novgorod region a pilot program of modernization of bus passenger transport services on the basis of development of the "United Russia" Party Project is preparing to implement. Within the framework of the Project it’s planned to optimize the routes of bus transport and the transport network itself and to upgrade the bus fleet, and introduce a number of the above arrangements.
In Rostov Regional Ministry of Transport with the support of Governor Vasily Golubev it is being prepared to launch a pilot program in the city of Shahty.
A package of documents on the program of modernization of road transport in the Pskov region is in the final stages of preparing. In the near future it will be handed over to the region administration to launch a pilot program.
September 13, 2011
BAM-2 and bridge "Sakhalin-Contin" should be the next big investment project in the Far East Federal District
Far East Federal District (Far East Federal District) will be developing upon condition that large investment projects implement on its territory of, the Russian president's plenipotentiary representative in the Far East Federal District Viktor Ishayev said at a press briefing in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Monday, RZD-Partner reports.
Among the major projects in the future he called the "BAM-2," estimated to cost 1 trillion rubles and bridge "Sakhalin-Continent" that cost is 300-400 billion rubbles.
In the future, we realize that our land will be live, grow, profits will flow to the budget if large investment projects are implemented, if people receive a good salary. Economy driven by people with the ruble, if it is solvent, then secondary and tertiary service sector begins to develop. For us it is very important, very timely," the Plenipotentiary said.
September 12, 2011

The main transport event - hurry up to join!
Registration of participants of the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential" ends on September 14. Those who have not had time to apply should hurry. This year's event will ever personable, and reports and discussions are of particular relevance.
Let us recall that the conference will be held on September 20-21, 2011 within the framework of the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia". At the initiative of the All-Russian National Front the Conference will be a key platform for the formation of the final proposals in the transport block of National programme on transport and transport infrastructure development in Russia.
It is expected the Conference to be attended by the heads of executive and legislative branches of more than 50 Russian regions. The Conference delegates will also be heads of major companies from Russia, Germany, the USA, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Lithuania that represent virtually the entire spectrum of world economic activity.
Only for last week the participation in the conference was confirmed by Multimodal Complex of Ust-Luga, NefteTransServis, Sovavto-Petersburg, Azov-Don Shipping Company, Russian Navigation Technologies, Uralvagonzavod, Eurochem, Voshod TLC, Vegas-Lex. Also the major oil companies Bashneft and Russneft will be presented at the conference.
The following foreign companies have confirmed their participation for the same period: SOLTRADE LTD (Italy), Van der Vlist (Holland), Port of Rostock (Germany) Also at the conference will be attended by Consul General of Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
The list of reports is also expanding constantly.
Acting General Director of "Rosmorport" will present a strategy of the company development and its innovative development program.
The possibilities and prospects of international transport corridor "East-West" in the area "Ulan-Ude - Naushki - Ulaanbaatar - Beijing - Asia-Pacific ports" will be discussed in a joint report prepared by experts of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia and the Ministry of Transport of the Mongolian Republic.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Amur region, Konstantin Chmarov will talk about building of a bridge across the Amur River: Dzhalinda (RF) - Mohe (PRC).
Hurry up to join the main transport event.
September 12, 2011

Russian-Latvian monitoring
In the period from 6 to 8 September, 2011 a joint monitoring of checkpoints through the Russian-Latvian state border was held. September 9 in Pskov a meeting of Russian and Latvian groups of the joint Russian -Latvian monitoring of checkpoints.
On the Russian side the joint monitoring group was headed by the State Secretary - Deputy Head of Federal Agency for Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation Vladimir Goncharov. The work of the Latvian group was headed by Deputy State Secretary of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia Juris Stink.
Monitoring was carried out at the following checkpoints: automobile checkpoints - Burachki - Terekhova, Ubylinka - Grebneva, Ludonka - Vientuli, Brunishevo - Pededze; rail stations - Posin - Zilupe, Skangali - Karsava.
Russian and Latvian parties exchanged information on the results produced on the eve of the joint monitoring of agreed measurement indicators characterized the capacity of border checkpoints and passport data of checkpoints.
Parties, noting the positive work of focus - groups on the collection and collation of information obtained during the measurements, agreed at the expert level to study in detail the findings and recommendations to improve the arrangement, equipment and organization of the checkpoints made by representatives of the parties in the blanks "Characteristics of checkpoints".
The monitoring participants agreed that the questions relating to the reconstruction and modernization of checkpoints that require investment and adjustment of national plans of development, need to be addressed by a working group on checkpoints, which formation is provided by the protocol of V meeting of the Russian-Latvian intergovernmental commission on economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian and cultural cooperation of 10 June 2011.
September 8, 2011
Over 20 thousand tons of long rails were carried by JSC "Freight One" on Russian Railways network and neighboring countries
Over 20 thousand tons of rails were carried by JSC "Freight One" from the West-Siberian and the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plants, a subdivision of "EVRAZ Group S.A.". Deliveries are made during the period from June, when "Freight One" started the transportation to August 2011. In September, shipments of rail products in stock of JSC "Freight One" will continue, the carrier said.
"Freight One" delivers long rails to Russian Railways network, as well as to a number of railway administrations of "1520". Transportation is using the technology of wagon clasped providing the laying of 25-meter rails on two universal platforms at the same time. The company's specialists select and prepare the wagons for quick rail transportation. JSC "Freight One" controls the loading of long rails, the movement and return of loaded strings to the places of unloading and loading at the next.
"Freight One" actively participates in the transport of rails with increased wear resistance and durability for the development of high-speed railway connection in Russia. Earlier, in June " Freight One" put on the Russian Railways network the first batch of Japanese rails manufacturing by Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC), employing up to 700 its own gondola.
September 7, 2011

Top speakers in the main transport event
It is two weeks before the opening of the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential". The composition of its members is updated by the largest Russian and foreign companies all the time. Those who have not had time to apply should hurry. In connection with a particular mode of operation of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, that became this year's conference venue, registration of participants is completed in advance - September 14.
Let us recall that the Conference will be held on September 20-21, 2011 within the framework of "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia". At the initiative of the All-Russian National Front the Conference will be a key platform for the formation of the final proposals in the transport block of National programme on transport and transport infrastructure development in Russia.
It is expected the Conference to be attended by the heads of executive and legislative branches of more than 50 Russian regions. The Conference delegates will also be heads of major companies from Russia, Germany, the USA, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Lithuania that represent virtually the entire spectrum of world economic activity.
Only for last week the participation in the conference was confirmed by Vnesheconombank, KIT-Finance, Murmansk Commercial Seaport, Caterpillar Russia, Atomstroyexport, "New technology in Transportation" company, Sahatranslogistik, "North Gate" company, Sea fish port of Vladivostok, "Metalloinvest" company, Verhnelenskoe River Shipping Company, Sevmormontazh, "Afalin" company, Kondopoga PPM, Transoil, Spetsvagontrans, Insurance Company "Pomosch".
The following foreign companies have confirmed their participation for the same period: Lithuanian Railways, TechVilla, Oy (Finland), VR-Group (Finland).
The delegation of scientific organizations and professional associations will be represented widely. NPO "Board members of the services market of railway rolling stock operators", Research and Design Institute of Regional Development and Transportation, the Commonwealth of outsourcing operators joined to their list recently.
The list of reports is also expanding constantly. Deputy Mayor Nicholay Lyamov will talk about the development of transport system of Moscow until 2016 and freight issues in the priority development of public transport. Transport and Communications Minister of the Murmansk region Yuriy Chuikov - the development of the Murmansk transport hub. First Deputy Prime Minister of the Khabarovsk Krai Victor Chudov will devote his speech to the development of the Vanino-Sovetskaya Gavan transport and industrial hub in conjunction with the capacity of BAM.
The list of top speakers representing major companies is also updated and. So management director of interdisciplinary projects of JSC "Megafon" Oleg Nikolaenko will make a report "The introduction of intelligent communication systems as an effective tool of innovative development of Russian transport system".
Markku Koskinen, head of traffic management, the Port of Hamina Kotka will tell about recourses consolidation experience after the example of the united port Hamina-Kotka.
Join the main transport event.
September 2, 2011

Public Council meeting at Rosgranitsa
Public Council meeting held at the Northwest Territorial Administration of Rosgranitsa was devoted to issues relating to major areas of "corruption risks", and the problems of anti-corruption policy, social control and anti-corruption expertise.
During the meeting, an analysis of administrative practices that has an influence on the attractiveness and competitiveness of areas of multimodal transport corridors was made. According to members of the Public Council, a number of operating procedures at checkpoints on the Russian border is potentially corrupt.
Public Council decided to prepare materials and suggestions on the formation of anti-corruption activities in the functioning of border checkpoints to be submitted to the Public Council at Rosgranitsa. These data will be compiled and submitted to the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation to prepare a report on the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures and the participation of civil society in implementing the policy anti-corruption in accordance with the order of the President of Russia.
September 2, 2011

Chilingarov: we do not need Suez and Panama any more
The task of replacing the Suez Canal to the Northern sea route for freight, set by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in April of this year, starts to implement
From Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Saint-Petersburg for the first time in 20 years come the two vessels, having overcome all the Northern Sea Route, and deliver large quantities of Kamchatka fish.
Transport refrigerator of ice-class "Communards of Nikolaev" delivered to the Northern capital almost five thousand tons of salmon. Behind him, on Friday, September 2, arrival of another ship is expected - "Captain Pryaha" with the same amount of cargo on board. In total, this year it’s planned to deliver only to St. Petersburg by the Northern Sea Route 43 000 tonnes of Kamchatka fish. To ensure an uninterrupted supply ice-breakers are ready to help to refrigerators.
"This is definitely an momentous event, an important stage in the revival of the Northern Sea Route, 1 September "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" Project coordinator, Member of the Supreme Council of the Party "UNITED RUSSIA" Arthur Chilingarov said in comments for ER.RU . Two decades the Far Eastern fish and seafood were brought in the European part of Russia through the Panama and Suez canals. In terms of logistics efficiency is simply absurd, the path is longer by almost double. It would be like to run "Sapsan" from Moscow to St. Petersburg in transit through the Moon.
It is not difficult to guess how this way of transportation of fish was reflected in the final price of seafood. And from a strategic point of view it is very important that the delivery of goods now do not leave the territorial waters of Russia. In this direction of work we don’t need Suez and Panama any more. Therefore, the beginning of the regular goods transportation along the Northern Sea Route could be called the second birth of the national transport corridor, Arthur Chilingarov said".
According to him the most important stage in the development of this corridor would be expected in the near future enactment of the Northern Sea Route. The bill provides for the administration establishment of SMP and other measures to develop the highway.
Let us recall the issues of opportunities of the Northern Sea Route for transcontinental transportation and domestic needs of Russia will be discussed at the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential" to be held on 20-21 September, 2011 within the framework of the party "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia".
Let us note also that this year at the initiative of the All-Russian National Front the Conference will be a key platform for the formation of the final proposals in the transport block of National program on development of transport and transport infrastructure in Russia.
September 1, 2011
JSC "Freight one" has carried more than 5.5 thousand tons of rubble for BAM reconstruction project
Over 5500 tons of gravel was transported by JSC "Freight one" for project of laying of seamless ("velvet") path on the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Deliveries carried out between June and August 2011. The project involves the removal of the old link path of wooden sleeper (lashes up to 25 meters) and laying of reinforced concrete lashes length up to 800 meters, the carrier said in a statement.
On the part of "Freight one" organized supply of its rolling stock on site Severobaikalsk - Taksimo (East-Siberian Railway), where this year the reconstruction of track infrastructure BAM started. "Freight one" carries transportation of big fraction gravel from Ulan Makitsk site of Angasolsk stone crushing mill (Buryatia).
On the network of Russian railways "Freight one" established a favorable level of tariffs for the transportation of gravel. "Freight one" tariff for the transportation of gravel for Russian consumers an average of 3% below the level of total freight costs in the same carriage in trains of the inventory park.
September 1, 2011

The largest dry cargo ship with iron ore concentrate on its board departed by NSR
On August 31 large-capacity dry cargo bulk carrier Sanko Odyssey, with deadweight of 74,800 tons went to the Northern Sea Route in the direction of Asia-Pacific region. According to press service of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Atomflot", it will be convoyed by nuclear icebreakers of enterprise.
Sanko Odyssey, carrying on board 70 tons of iron ore concentrate, produced by Kovdor ore-dressing and processing enterprise JSC "Eurochem", is the largest dry cargo ship that ever moved on the routes of the Northern Sea Route.
Sanko Odyssey belongs to a Japanese shipping company Sanko Line. For the Japanese, it will be the first use of the Northern Sea Route.
Let us recall the day before the tanker "Vladimir Tikhonov" of "Suezmax" size set a new speed record for the passage of the Northern Sea Route. Overcoming the route took 7.4 days. The average speed of the tanker was 14 knots. It was the largest tanker in the history of shipping on this route.
August 31, 2011
Northern Sea Route: the fish must be equated to the forest
August 29 in Sea fishery port of St. Petersburg TR "Communards of Nikolaev" was solemnly greeted. By the Northern Sea Route ship delivered almost 5 tons of Kamchatka salmon to St. Petersburg, RIA
The whole way from Kamchatka to the north capital took a month. On the pier of fishing port transport ice-class refrigerator "Communards Nikolaev", owned by LLC "Dalrifer" - a subsidiary of the Transfiguration of the trawl fleet base was solemnly greeted. Witnesses of a historic event - as by the Northern Sea Route in St. Petersburg fish cargo traveled for the first time in the post-Soviet period - were the representatives of the Federal Fishery Agency, the Office of Presidential Plenipotentiary in the North-West Federal District and the Port Authority.
Vessel sailed from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky July 30 and arrived in St. Petersburg on August 28. According to Captain Yuri Voronov, ice conditions were quite favorable this year. "Average speed of the ice has been quite high. All went well, what we are also very much welcome. We were preparing for this voyage seriously. Everything turned out quite well ", "a pioneer" considers.
Trip along the northern coasts of Russia have always been difficult for the sailors. "We were worried though that directly studied the situation in the Northern Sea Route starting with the 2005. Risks in any case exist, including those related to unforeseen breakdowns, lack of infrastructure in the North and heavy ice conditions. In this trip dangers were avoided, primarily due to the captain and personnel", Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Preobrazhenskaya base of trawler fleet," Sergei Saksin said.
The trip was called as significant by the head of Rosrybolovstvo Andrew Kraini. Right on the dock, he presented the captain of the ship with the medal "For merits in development of fisheries of Russia" of the second degree. Chairman of the Board of Directors PBTF was honored with similar prestigious award
According to the head of the FAS, "route via Northern Sea Route is the most convenient, fastest and most economical. This is an attempt to undermine a system that has been formed. No one had done this before. Unfortunately, the Federal Tariff Service, in its order made no provision for a separate kind for fish and fish products. So today for this voyage fishermen pay a lot more than for the transportation of timber, or even than for the transportation of hydrocarbons".
Draconian prices are opened to question of the return of the "Communards Nikolaev" in the Far East in the same way. "In the ballast with asserted tariffs "Atomflot "takes 1,000 rubles per ton, which is of course very inefficient. If you take oil or mineral oil - it will be 480 rubles per ton, as if to take the fish - 1048 rubles", Andrew Kraini sounded rough calculation.
Rosrybolovstvo already has taken steps to remove the unfair disbalance. "On Friday I held the negotiations are very complicated and long, with the Federal Tariff Service, the head of "Rosatom" Sergey Kiriyenko, the Deputy Transport Minister Viktor Olersky, the general director of "Atomflot" Vyacheslav Ruksha, and all agreed that tariffs would be revised. It may be that even on this trip rate will be revised downward, and on future trips for the next year, I believe that we can reduce tariffs four times on transportation by Northern Sea Route", head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries is optimistic .
"In terms of logic the icebreaker, which accompanies the cargo, no matter what the steamer is taking - fish, timber or coal. And now it turns out that the tariff for timber is 10 times cheaper than the transportation of fish, Sergei Saksin commented. The fact that the ship would go back that's for sure, but in which way we didn’t decide yet. If we receive discount from "Atomflot", it will change everything, because it’s the fundamental issue for us. We want our rates were at least at the level of timber (roundwood transportation costs 118 rubles per ton). Then there will be cost effective to send the ship back by NSR. While we are ready to take any associated goods practically for free".
The main recipient of Kamchatka salmon is a "Russian Fish Company". But the second batch of red fish, which in a few days TR "Captain Pryaha" will take while waiting for customers - both large and small. According to Sergei Saksin, delivery by sea may be affected even at a retail price of salmon, although pricing is largely dependent on the commercial networks. "I think it will definitely be cheaper by 15 percent, given the volume – it’s good money", the head of JSC "PBTF considers".
If the Federal Tariff Service will reconsider its order, making the tariffs for the transportation of fish sparer, its delivery by Northern Sea Route will be faster and more profitable for fishermen, and ultimately to the public, the head of Federal Agency for Fishery is sure. "We hope that next year we will be able to bring to St. Petersburg 80-100 tons of red fish. And here it gets going, not only in the north-west, but also throughout central Russia", Andrew Kraini shared his plans.
August 30, 2011
Indistinct tariff policy of the state creates risks for the Railways - Yakunin
Lack of an indistinct and long-term national tariff policy creates significant risks and high degree of uncertainty in the relationship with creditors, potential investors and partners up to review of contracts for new rolling stock of both Russian and foreign producers, the president of JSC " RZD "Vladimir Yakunin said in his blog.
He recalled that the Economic Development Ministry has proposed from 1 July to index freight transportation tariffs to 6% in 2012. Previously option of indexation of 7.4% was discussed. Railways, in turn, said that 6% of indexation would lead to 80 billion rubles of losses in 2012 in case of such a decision will be taken by the Russian government, the RZD-Partner reports.
"I’ve read in the newspapers, that at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov innovation in pricing for rail freight has been announced. Ministry of Economic Development has proposed to reduce the industry tariff indexation in 2012 to 6% and enter them only from July 1, but the final effective rate for the year has not yet been sounded. This is significantly smaller than even the "compromise" version of 7.4%, which had previously been discussed. This is not the fact that 40 billion rubles for the implementation of infrastructure projects will be indemnified. At the very least, the relevant intentions of the Government has not yet been confirmed", Yakunin said.
Functioning conditions of the railway industry at such a low indexation look very poor, he continued. "Correction" of Economic Development results in 80 billion rubles shortfall of funds to maintain the normal functioning of the railway infrastructure.
"I emphasize that it is at least about the tools necessary for normal technical condition of the network. As far as investments for renewal and development, such indexing is generally not intended to attract them", Yakunin said.
With the reduction of investment resources, the head of the railway monopoly says. It is inevitable that in 2012-2013 the Russian railway network would face with the natural limitations of infrastructure and not be able to increase transportation of certain types of cargo - construction, coal, oil products, ores.
"According to calculations presented in the Ministry of Economic Development in 2015 railways will not be able to carry traffic up to 70% growth of planned cargo base. This will inevitably have a serious impact on the macroeconomic situation, because each ton of cargo - a new production, new jobs, new taxes and new revenue. If the goods are not removed, and the budgetary system and industry are waiting for huge losses", the head of the Railways wrote.
Control of state monopoly tariffs, Vladimir Yakunin said, creates a positive impulses for the industry and reduces inflationary pressures on the economy. But since 2002, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, railroad rate increased 2.6, while rates in the coal industry - 5.1 times, in the fuel - 4.2 times, 3.7 times in metallurgy, in power - 3 times.
"Due to the control of rail tariffs transport component in the cost of production has declined in almost all types of cargo: the coking coal - by 40%, crude oil - by 41%, and so on. Thus, framework for the development of other sectors of the economy created, and to maintain this imbalance infinitely and rely only on the cost savings of railways is impossible", the head of the Railways said.
Lack of funds, he said, would lead to lack of funding of the industry and the growing scarcity of investment funds that have a direct impact on financing costs of technological security, development and innovation projects and "can lead to complete failure of the suburban complex reform".
In addition, the head of Railways noted, task to improve the effectiveness of cost management of state companies set by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "is simply impossible".
"For example, to improve energy efficiency, reduce cost of electricity investment in new rolling stock as well as the modernization of the network economy is needed, and they simply will not be. This is just one example", Yakunin concluded.
August 30, 2011

Federal Agency of State Property Management set the auction to sell 25.5% of the share capital of JSC "East Port"
Federal Agency of State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo) announced a holding of the auction to sell share in JSC "Vanino sea trading port" ("East Port"), accounting for 25.5% of the share capital of the company. This was reported in the materials of the agency.
In all 10 thousand 654 ordinary registered shares of the company in uncertificated form (state registration number - 1-01-01 435-D) will be put up for sale. Initial price of the shares is 892 million rubles. Auction step (the value of the initial price) - 20 million rubles.
The auction is opened by participants composition and the form of handing of proposals on the price of the property. Closing date for applications to participate in the auction - September 22, 2011.
JSC "Vanino sea trading port" - the largest stevedoring company in the Khabarovsk region. Through Vanino goods are supplied in the north-eastern regions of Russia, Japan, South Korea, China, Australia, U.S. and other Asia Pacific countries. Vanino port has berthing line 2.5 km length. Berths are part of the three production complexes and in accordance with its specialization equipped with the necessary handling equipment. Freight turnover of JSC "Port Vanino" increased by 0.2% - to about 6 million tons in 2010.
August 29, 2011

The largest companies in the key area
Programme of the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential" is constantly being improved, and the geography of the participants is expanding. There are new speakers, subjects of speeches are supplemented. The largest Russian and foreign companies express their intention to participate in the conference.
Let us recall that the conference will be held on 20-21 September 2011 within the framework of "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia". This year the venue will be "Boris Yeltsen Presidential Library" (St. Petersburg, Senate Square, 3).
At the initiative of the All-Russian National Front the Conference will be a key platform for the formation of the final proposals in the transport block of National programme on transport and transport infrastructure development in Russia.
The plenary sessions were supplemented by new relevant reports. Comprehensive report of "Rosmorport" management is planned. A separate report will be devoted to assessing the effectiveness of port and logistics of special economic zones. A report on the role of the JSC "RZD" in implementing transport-transit potential will be represented by the President of the company, Vladimir Yakunin.
The session "Motor transportation" promises to be an interesting with the report prepared by the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It will be devoted to interregional cooperation in solving traffic problems on the example of communication between Ufa and Kazan.
Among the new themes of the "Railway transportation" session is a report on the experience of the intermodal container trains on the example of "East Wind" and "Moskvich". Heated debate around the issues of unification of rates for the railway transport by type of communication and unification of tariffs on the light running is expected.
Finally, the session "Sea and river transportation" will please by long-awaited presentation on "Strategies of river transport development of the Russian Federation until 2030". A detailed discussion of the possibilities of the Northern Sea Route for transcontinental transportation and domestic needs of the Russian Federation is expected. One of the important topics of discussion will be a shortage of navigation pass resources of the basic domestic shipping directions and options for solving it. To develop this theme chairman of the board of "Maritime Bank" Igor Dergunov will focus on practical ways to solve the problem of reconstruction of the old gateways.
The urgency of the issues raised and their wide range of topics attract more and more new members at the conference.
Only for last week participation in the conference was confirmed by the heads of a number of leading Russian and foreign companies.
Among them are "INTER RAO UES", "Evraz Group S.A.", a group of "Akron", BaltTransServis, Inter Cargo Companies, JSC "Freight One", SibUgleMetTrans, Transcontainer, Independent Transport Company, D2 Insurance, SVT, Tenex, T- Trans, administrations of sea ports of St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk and Murmansk, St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University.
The following foreign companies have confirmed their participation for the same period: SIEMENS AG (Germany), the port of Hamina (Finland), Tschudi Logistics Holding AS (Norway), AS DBT (Estonia), the port of Aktau (Kazakhstan).
August 29, 2011

MARITIME BANK will help reconstruct gateways
Chairman of the Board of JSC "MARITIME BANK" Igor Dergunov will make a presentation at the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential", organized by the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia".
Topic of the report: "Gateways - how in practice to solve the problem of reconstruction?". Critical obsolescence and poor condition of hydraulic structures has become one of the greatest challenges for inland navigation. At the conference, the bank will present its version of an effective solution of this problem.
Let us recall that the MARINE BANK is one of the oldest financial institutions of present Russia. It was founded March 29, 1989. Specialization of the bank - maintenance of the industry of sea and river transport. The main areas of cooperation related to the financing of projects and ongoing activities of enterprises, the provision of guarantees and warranties, maintenance of accounts and ensuring payment, international settlements and conversion operations, management, temporarily available funds, the optimization of financial flows, the organization of investment and business cooperation, and consulting support .
August 29, 2011

EVRAZ will evaluate the potential of logistics
"Evraz Group SA" delegated their representatives to attend the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential", organized by the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia".
Thus, the conference will be attended by Logistics Director of trading company "Evraz" Pavel Lebedev. TC "Evraz" - a division of a vertically integrated mining and metallurgical company "Evraz Group SA", included among the twenty leaders of global steel industry. Company - the largest Russian supplier of long steel construction, industrial and transport use, hardware and consumer goods, coal products and products of coke production.
August 26, 2011
The deficit is not due to the loading resources shortage of car park - Salman Babayev
The deficit is not due to the loading resources rolling stock shortages, but due to the peculiarities of the owners of rolling stock. This was stated by vice-president on commercial traffic of JSC "RZD" Salman Babayev at a roundtable on the current state of rail freight market and the prospects of its development, the RZD-Partner reports.
Press-service of the company, in turn, said that in connection with the development of the market of freight cars operating a problem of high level of oncoming light running of the same type of cars has appeared. "This is due to the fact that enterprises use their own rolling stock for transportation of its cargo in the main base and, as a rule, in one direction. And operating companies are interested in high-income rate on the wagon, which often do not meet the expectations of shippers", it’s said in a news release.
Salman Babayev also reported that only for 15 days in August 156 thousand freight cars in the light running followed a network of Russian railways. Thus, increase in the number of devoid open car far outstrips growth in coal loading in the West-Siberian Railway. In the Kuzbass area there are average over 30 thousand devoid open cars, and only 7.5 thousand cars are loaded a day.
"Further growth of freight wagons will limit the processing capacity of the railway", he said.
The roundtable participants agreed that increasing the capacity of the Russian railways in the present conditions is possible by increasing public investment in infrastructure.
The early adoption of the Rules of transportation of private empty cars developed by JSC "RZD" together with the non-profit partnership "Board members of the services market operators of railway rolling stock", which will optimize the use of infrastructure is needed. At the moment the document is getting through the endorsement of relevant departments.
August 26, 2011

From the beginning of the year "Petrolesport" container turnover exceeded 500 thousand TEUs
JSC "Petrolesport" (a part of Global Ports) from 1 January 2011 to date has exceeded 500 thousand TEUs. According to the press service of the company, in 2010, such a result was achieved only at the beginning of December, and just last year the terminal handled 541 thousand 120 TEUs.
According to the Commercial Director of JSC "Petrolesport" Alexander Svetlichny, improvement of last year's figures became possible due to implementation of the development of the terminal, including directed at improving the quality of service. The result is a growing number of shipping lines calling on "Petrolesport". In particular, in 2011, calls of ocean lines MSC and OOCL renewed. Additional factor for the increase of container turnover of "Petrolesport" was the organization of regular railway communication with the company "Logistics Park "Yanino".
The development of "Petrolesport" is carried out in accordance with the concept developed by the company with Hamburg Port Consulting. The program of the terminal development involves the increase of the capacity of container terminal to 2.3 million TEUs (now - 1 million TEUs). For the realization of the investment "Petrolesport" in 2011-2012 will be allocated more than $ 160 million.
JSC "Petrolesport" is stevedoring company of the Big Port of St. Petersburg. It carries out transshipment of container and ro-ro and other cargo, including refrigerated and bulk ones. JSC "Petrolesport" is part of the Global Ports Investments PLC.
Global Ports Investments PLC - the Russian operator of container terminals. Global Ports is included in the group "N-Trance", which is one of the private operators in the market of transport services and infrastructure in Russia. Global Ports Terminals located in the Baltic and the Far Eastern basin, which are key regions of the trade flows. Global Ports manages three Russian container terminals ("Petrolesport" and "Moby Dick" in St. Petersburg and the "Eastern Stevedoring Company" at the port Eastern) and two container terminals in Finland ("Multi-Link Helsinki", "Multi-Link Kotka"). The Global Ports also includes a logistics park "Yanino" near St. Petersburg and oil terminal Vopak E.O.S., located in Estonia. In June 2011 Global Ports has placed global depositary receipts on the London Stock Exchange.
August 25, 2011

"INTER RAO UES": Energy Without Borders
Representatives of top management of "INTER RAO UES" holding company will attend the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential", organized by the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia".
Today, "INTER RAO UES" is a diversified energy holding company, managing assets in Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova and Finland. Holding company included assets in the generation, engineering, distribution and trading in Russia and abroad.
The company employs over 2300 staff. Consolidated revenues of JSC "INTER RAO UES" for 2010 (Russian and foreign assets) amounted to 2 billion euros.
By 2020, the holding company plans to enter the top 10 of world's largest energy companies.
August 25, 2011
Russian Railways predicts 80 billion rubles losses in 2012
According to RZD-Partner in 2012 the JSC "RZD" expects losses of 80 billion rubles, when increasing of railway tariffs by 6% in the II half of 2012, at a briefing on Wednesday, the chief of department of planning and budgeting of RZD Ilya Ryaschin said.
Also, the company needs 40 billion rubles for the development of railways. Earlier Railways expected to receive this amount in 2012, with indexation of 7.4%, "Finmarket" reports.
The government is discussing the indexation of 6% from the II half of 2012.
August 25, 2011

Meeting of the Coordination Board of sea checkpoint "Big Port of St. Petersburg"
A meeting of the Coordinating Council of the seaport checkpoint "Big Port of St. Petersburg" took place.
During the meeting they discussed issues on the agenda, including changes in the composition of the Coordinating Council, approval of changes in the technological scheme (TC) of the organization of passing through the state border of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals in the sea checkpoint "Big Port St. Petersburg ", made by Baltic Customs in connection with the release of the Federal Law of 28.12.2010 ¹ 394-FZ and the order of the Russian FCS from 04.05.2011 ¹ 930; approving the list of first stage of the sea checkpoint (SCP) "Big Port of St. Petersburg" for commission investigation to determine their readiness for the bringing to an interdepartmental committee (IDC) and the discussion of SCP "Fort Constantine" readiness to the presentation to the IDC.
The participants adopted the changes in the TC of SCP "Big Port of St. Petersburg" area, discussed and approved the readiness of WFP "Fort Constantine" area to the IDC under conditions of elimination of comments received from the FCS. Also during the meeting a list of areas of SCP "Big Port of St. Petersburg" for commission inspection in order to make them at the IDC was defined and approved.
August 24, 2011

FCT (St. Petersburg) in 2011 increased capacity by 22.7% - to 1.35 million TEUs
JSC "First Container Terminal" (FCT) as a result of complex activities carried out in 2011 increased capacity by 22.7% compared to 2010 - to 1.35 million TEUs per year. It is reported by the press service of "National Container Company" (NCC), which network includes the FCT.
In 2011, at the terminal rear zone that is treated with RTG-technology was expanded, technology of "dry port" between FCT and "Logistics-terminal" is started up and 5 new container trucks are put into operation.
In addition, FCT received 4 RTG-cranes of Konecranes production, delivered from the terminal "Ukrtranscontainer" (Ilyichevsk, Ukraine). Delivery has been made in the rotation of equipment between the terminals of the NCC.
Cranes are transferred to FCT with a view to increasing production capacity and increase storage capacity. RTG capacity of 40 tons could serve 6 rows of containers in stacks up to 5 tiers. In view of cranes delivered on FCT 16 RTG will work.
Let us recall the existing investment programme of FCT provides for increasing its capacity to 1.6 million TEUs by 2015.
"National Container Company" (NCC) is Russia's largest container terminal operator. Network of NCC terminals includes a "First Container Terminal", "Ust-Luga Container Terminal" (Leningrad region) and a rear container terminal and logistics center "Logistics-terminal" (Shushary, St. Petersburg). In 2010 the turnover of container terminals running the NCC has exceeded 1.3 million TEUs.
August 23, 2011

Novatek: the development of oil and gas industry of the future
Representatives of top management of JSC "Novatek" will participate in the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential", organized by the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia".
The company is positioning itself as Russia's largest independent natural gas producer and second largest producer of natural gas in Russia, after JSC "Gazprom". JSC "NOVATEK" is engaged in the exploration, extraction, processing and selling of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons and has fifteen years experience in the Russian oil and gas industry.
The conference will be attended by First Deputy Chairman of JSC "Novatek" Mikhail Popov, Director of marketing and sales of liquid hydrocarbons Alexei Kuvandykov.
Let us recall that the development of one of the largest projects of JSC "Novatek" - "Yamal LNG" has been already discussed in the previous conferences, organized this year within the framework of Project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital"
This project includes the development of one of the largest gas fields – South-Tambeyskoye, where proven reserves of natural gas are 1.3 trillion cubic meters. Now the issue of building on the base of the deposit of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) production plant is on the agenda. This is the second largest plant in Russia, and much more powerful than on Sakhalin. The plant is needed in order not to transport gas by pipeline, but by sea.
The project "Yamal LNG" is planned to build a new seaport in the Ob Bay near the village of Sabetta. Work in this direction is already underway. And tanker fleet of ice class consisting of at least 20 ships will be built.
"The unique location of the Yamal is able to create flexible, competitive logistic model, which provides year-round supplies of liquefied natural gas to markets in Europe and North America, as well as direct deliveries of LNG to the Asia-Pacific region through the Northern Sea Route, the coordinator of the " UNITED RUSSIA " Party Project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Eugene Miskevich said. – The use of the Northern Sea Route during the navigation season can significantly reduce the cost and time of delivery of liquid hydrocarbons in the Asia-Pacific region. For example, duration of transportation to China along the Northern Sea Route is less by 20%, in South Korea by 32%, in Japan 54%, compared to the traditional routes. That is why the LNG plant, located near the mine, is a must".
Estimated date of putting the LNG plant into operation is 2016. Arrangement and necessary quantity of drilling for putting of deposit into operation must be completed, a port must be built and a tanker fleet of icebreaking class must be formed by this moment.
Implementation of "Yamal LNG" Programme will contribute to a substantial increase in production and export of LNG and will enable our country to take 10 percent of the world market of this energy source.
Do not forget that the deposit development, construction of new ports, fleet and infrastructure is tens of thousands of new jobs. Creation and implementation of innovative technologies in gas processing in arctic conditions will give impetus to development of science. Construction of drilling platforms, icebreakers and tankers will load the Russian shipbuilding companies with the work.
August 23, 2011
Tanker-giant went to transit through the Northern Sea Route
On Saturday, August 20, in transit along the Northern Sea Route by convoying of icebreakers of Rosatomflota the tanker "Vladimir Tikhonov" went out. This tanker type of size is "Suezmax" and its deadweight is more than 162 thousand tons. The tanker head for the Asia-Pacific region. It’s more than 120 thousand tons of gas condensate of JSC "Novatek" on its board, Rosatomflot reports.
For the first time in history, a tanker of this size will pass the Northern Sea Route. For comparison, this year all the transits of TNSR were made by tankers with deadweight of 73,000 tons at most, with a cargo of 60,000 tons.
Tanker-giant will be convoyed by nuclear-powered icebreakers "Yamal" and "50 Years of Victory" of Rosatomflot. The latter only August 16 completed cruises to the North Pole and almost immediately left the home port, following the tanker "Vladimir Tikhonov."
According to experts, too much trouble is not expected, because August-September is the most optimal time for shipping along the Northern Sea Route. Now "Vladimir Tikhonov" moves on the Barents Sea in the direction of Cape of Desire.
Also by the end of the week bulk cargo ship «Sanko Odyssey» with deadweight of 74 800 tons must go out from Murmansk. It will contain more than 70,000 tons of iron ore concentrate of JSC "Eurochem", produced by Kovdor mining-and-processing integrated works. Bulk cargo ship will head for the ports of China. It will also be convoyed on the Northern Sea Route by nuclear-powered icebreakers of Rosatomflot.
August 22, 2011

Regions of the Baltic Customs activity are changed
Changes in the regions of the Baltic Customs posts are set. The corresponding order ¹ 1625 from 09.08.2011 of the Federal Customs Service of Russia entered into force on August 22, 2011, the press service of the Baltic Customs reports.
In accordance with the order the territory of JSC "First Stevedoring Company" and JSC "Second Stevedoring Company", as well as the territory of seaport Big Port of St. Petersburg, located on Vasilevsky Island and Kanonersky Island, formerly located in the region of the customs post Gavan, now enter in the region of the customs post Lesnoy port.
Taking into account the geographic specificity of the Big Port of St. Petersburg, the regions of the Baltic Customs posts (Pushkinskiy, Gavan, Lesnoy port, Turuhtannyi) established in view of binding to the cadastral number of land plots within the boundaries of Big Port of St. Petersburg.
Region of the Central Customs office is set: port Big Port of St. Petersburg, with the exception of the Lomonosov harbor, and multi-checkpoint Passenger Port of St. Petersburg.
Region of Kronstadt post has not changed: Kronstadt area of St. Petersburg, a municipality - the town of Lomonosov of Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg, Lomonosov Harbor of seaport Big Port of St. Petersburg and multilateral checkpoint Kronstadt, an island Kotlin and post Base Litke.
August 22, 2011

Vedomosti appraised losses of Russia from the Customs Union
Russia's budget in the first half of 2011 could loss about 18.5 billion rubles due to the fact that import duties in the Customs Union allocated to the budgets of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, according to a previously derived formula, not based on actual import data. It is reported by "Vedomosti" newspaper on August 22 with reference to anonymous sources.
When the forming the Customs Union countries agreed that Russia would receive 87.97 percent of all import duties, Belarus - 4.7 percent and 7.33 percent of Kazakhstan: these figures were based on the percentage of the total imports. However in the first quarter of 2011 it turned out that Russia had 92.1 per cent of total imports, while in the second quarter - 91.98 percent.
At the end of June 2011 in the Russian Finance Ministry it was already said that a future revision of the allocation of import duties in the Customs Union was not ruled out. However "Vedomosti" noted that Belarus and Kazakhstan are satisfied with the existing agreement.
According to data for the period from September 2010 (the month, when the allocation of import duties entered into force) to June 1 of 2011, the Russian budget received from Belarus 18.22 billion rubles of import duties, from Kazakhstan - 23.1 billion. At the same time, Russia itself has sent to Belarus 24.11 billion, and in Kazakhstan - 37.6 billion.
In summer 2010, the Accounting Chamber of Russia published a report according to which the loss of the Russian budget, related to changes in tariffs for entry into the Customs Union, amounted to 158 million dollars. At the same time at the Institute of Economic Forecasting it is estimated that in the long term benefits of the Customs Union will amount to 400 billion dollars. In the spring of 2011, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that if Ukraine joins a customs union, it will give her 6,5-9 billion a year.
August 19, 2011
"Belkomur" is included in the development strategy for the North-West Federal District
Ministry of Regional Development of Russia made the decision to include the project of "Belkomur" railway construction and deep-sea port near Arkhangelsk in the strategy of socio-economic development of North-West Federal District until 2020, the government of the Arkhangelsk region said.
"The construction project is also approved by the Federal agency of sea and river transport of the Russian Federation and the Directorate of state customer of sea transport development programs of the Federal agency Rosmorrechflot ", the head of the investment policy and foreign economic administration of ministry of economic development of the Arkhangelsk region, Andrei Dunayev said. Cargo Base of new port is unsubstantiated by conclusions of leading transportation agencies".
On the basis of its geographical position Arkhangelsk is the most convenient transit point for both the Northern Sea Route, as well as for the construction of logistics and distribution center and complex base providing oil and gas projects.
Arkhangelsk transport nodal point is already a major transit point for supplies that provide big oil and gas projects in Arctic and Siberia. Synchronous implementation of the projects of a new deepwater port of Arkhangelsk region and the railway "Belkomur" building intensifies economic activity and increase the investment attractiveness of the North european part of Russia.
Let us recall that the construction of a new deep-water region "Severnyi" of Arkhangelsk sea port and railway "Belkomur" form the basis of a comprehensive program of industrial and infrastructural development of the Arkhangelsk region, Komi Republic and Perm region.
August 18, 2011

The first customs and logistics terminal in Far-Eastern federal district will start its work in September
First the Russian Far East customs and logistics terminal for clearance of goods transported by motor transport will begin work in Blagoveshchensk in September 2011.
Blagoveshchensk customs post of Blagoveshchensk customs is located on the warehouse areas of temporary storage of CJSC "Trading port Blagoveshchensk", that is the centre of customs and logistics terminal "Blagoveshchensk". Work to bring the stock to the level of the terminal is completed.
Until the end of 2011 it’s expected to complete the movement of the customs post of the Customs Border Ussuri customs to logistics terminal "Pogranichny", the creation of which was initiated by CJSC "ROSTEK-Primorye".
In the future we plan to create a terminal in the Khasan customs (checkpoint Kraskino), 2 terminals in the Ussuri Customs (Markov and Poltavka). In addition, in the long term it’s planned to create customs and logistics terminal in the region of Birobidzhan Customs (Nizhneleninskoye) and Khabarovsk Customs (checkpoint Khabarovsk - Fuyuan that is planned for construction on Grand Ussuri). Also, another terminal should appear in the region of the Blagoveshchensk Customs activity (checkpoint Kanikurgan - Chanfatun, village Kanikurgan Amur region planned to build is planned to be build).
Work is carried out within the framework of the Concept of customs clearance and customs control of goods in places close to the Russian border, that is meant before 2020.
August 18, 2011

Coordinating Council of multilateral automobile checkpoint Torfyanovka
August 16 a meeting of the Coordinating Council of multilateral automobile checkpoint (MAC) Torfyanovka took place. It was attended by the head of the Northwest Territorial Administration (NWTA) of Rosgranitsa Michael Smolkin. Also representatives of the media were invited at the meeting.
The main issues of the meeting were the discussion of measures to create favorable conditions for uninterrupted crossing the state border checkpoint in the period of the end of the summer holidays and school holidays and changes in the composition of the Coordination Council of MAC Torfyanovka - in connection with the transfer of the transport control functions to the customs authorities from the Coordinating Council representative of state road supervision was took out. During the meeting it was noted that changes to the passport of checkpoint and the implementation of the proposed technological scheme, endorsed at the last Coordinating Council, was approved by Rosgranitsa.
At the suggestion of Rosgranitsa from August 20, if necessary, strengthening of border shift details will be made, and in case of a sharp increase in traffic intensity and the appearance of queues before the checkpoint - the use of all lanes for passenger vehicles customs clearance and reversible motion.
August 17, 2011

Construction of a port Bronk is a timely decision - Vadim Tulipanov
Construction of port Bronk is a timely decision, chairman of the City Legislative Assembly Vadim Tyulpanov says.
"After the St. Petersburg ring road finally closed up, all the prerequisites for the construction of a major port in Lomonosov are created. Using of the ring road will aloow to redirect transit flows of port cargo, which will benefit and the ecological environment and traffic situation in St. Petersburg. In addition, an outer harbour is 4,500 new jobs and billions of dollars in tax revenues to the federal and municipal budgets ", Vadim Tulipanov says.
"Also our project ("St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia ". - Ed.) participates in the development of other major Russian ports. In this area we work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation, Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport and Rosmorport ", Vadim Tulipanov added.
The issue of the need for the construction of the outer harbor Bronk was raised in 2008. The same year, the Ministry of Transport and the Government of St. Petersburg began to develop the "Concept of development of promising areas (outer harbors) of Big Port of St. Petersburg". Pile foundation driving in of first 2 berths in the port Bronk began in July 2011.
Let us recall Bronk port is being built on the southern coast of the Finnish Gulf. After the completion of its construction port will be able to take container of Panamax class and Finnstar class ferries. Private investment in the project will be 39 billion rubles. The contribution of federal budget will be $ 16 billion of dollars, that will be used to finance the construction of the approach channel and navigation infrastructure.
Multi-functional sea transshipment complex (MSTC) "Bronk" will include three specialized complexes: a container terminal, terminal of rolling cargo and logistics center. The area of the container terminal will be 107 hectares, rolling cargo terminal - 57 hectares, the logistics center - 42 hectares. The length of berthing line container terminal will be 1176 m (5 berths) and rolling cargo terminal - 630 m (3 berths). The building of capacities for transshipment of cargo from road to ship and back is planned. The capacity of the queue I MSTC "Bronk" will handle 1.45 million TEUs of container and 260 thousand units of ro-ro cargo. In the future we plan to increase the capacity of the complex to 1.9 million TEUs of container and 260 thousand units of ro-ro cargo a year.
August 17, 2011

Vladimir Yakunin will reveal plans of "Russian Railways"
President of JSC "Russian railways" Vladimir Yakunin will make a presentation at the IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential", organized by the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party Project "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia".
The implementation of russian international projects in the field of railway transportation on the following directions "East-West", "North-South" and the development of intermodal container transportation by rail will be tough upon in his speech.
Let us recall IV International Conference "Transport and Transit Potential" will be held September 20-21, 2011 in St. Petersburg. Very wide range of issues concerning the industry development will be discussed, the year results of state policy realization in the sphere of transport will be summed up, and the issues of modernization of the branch system will be raised at the conference. At this time working sessions are structured by types of transport.
The conference resolution with suggestions and proposals will be sent to committees of the State Duma, departments and agencies to improve legislation and government regulation of transportation. Also, the resolution will be passed to the All-Russian National Front to include its provisions in the National Front Programme.
August 16, 2011

Vnesheconombank will be a strategic investor of the project "Belkomur"
Vnesheconombank and OJSC Interregional company "Belkomur" today signed a memorandum of expectancies for project to build the railway "Belkomur" / Archangelsk - Syktyvkar - Perm / Solikamsk /.
"This is a starting point, the actual start of the project that is important not only for the country, but for the whole complex social and economic development in many regions", - the Head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaiser said at a press conference in ITAR-TASS.
According to him "The Republic of Komi is a key element in this project, and when we create a regional company "Belkomur ", and when we passed all the stages of selection for financing from the investment of the Russian Federation".
"Unfortunately, the funding was frozen because of certain circumstances, Vyacheslav Gaiser reminded. Then there was a corresponding instruction of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and we worked out this model, came to the principle of public-private partnership".
Now it’s turn of the development of documentation, going out on concession model and the search for strategic investors. "Our task is to move gradually and reach the start of the building by 2015, which will give a major boost to the socio-economic development of territories", Gaiser said.
Opening the conference, he said he did not want to turn it into a "report on the progress of the republic", celebrating the 90th anniversary of the foundation, "for me it is much more correct question format", he said.
The project of the railway "Belkomur" building inscribed in the framework of a complex program of industrial and infrastructural development of the Komi Republic, Perm region and Arkhangelsk region. It provides for the construction of a new railway with total length of 1155 km, including new construction - 715 km, and the rest - the reconstruction and strengthening of existing lines.
In the future, the new road will provide the shortest route to northern Europe and regions of Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia, creating good conditions for transit of goods through Russia.
Total investment in the project is estimated at more than 400 billion rubles.
August 15, 2011

Tulpanov: the complex of protective structures - transit, environment, protecting people and historical heritage
The leader of the Party Project "UNITED RUSSIA" "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia", Chairman of the City Legislative Assembly Vadim Tulpanov commented upon the opening of the complex of flooding protective structures of the city (CPS).
"During the construction of the CPS, which stretched for more than 30 years, a whole generation of citizens who can not remember serious flooding, Vadim Tulpanov said, even the unfinished dam substantially restrained beats of the elements. But it was not always the case. I think that long-lived inhabitants of St. Petersburg remember devastating flood of 1924, when as the result of the storm nearly the entire historic city center was flooded, more than five thousand buildings were damaged, and 19 bridges were destroyed. About 15 thousand citizens have left their homes then. Serious damage to infrastructure of the city was caused by major flooding in 1955 and 1975.
Therefore, completion of construction of the complex of protective structures is of great importance not only to improve the environmental situation in the city due to the direction of transit transport to finally shutting Belt road. First and foremost this is ensuring safety of the inhabitants of the capital and its historical heritage.
As the leader of the Party Project, which advocates a platform for strategic decision-making in the field of transport and transit policy, I believe that the unique experience of St. Petersburg for the construction of the complex of protective structures will be discussed at the conferences and our project will arouse not only Russian but also international interest".
Let us recall that the idea of creating of a flood protection system of St. Petersburg, in fact, as old as the northern capital. In 1706, after a hurricane disaster Peter I ordered to raise the coastal areas.
After the catastrophic floods in 1824, the director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Transport Pierre Dominique Bazin was first who proposed building of a dam in the Finnish Gulf, almost the same route by which it is laid right now. However, the proposal was considered unrealistic.
The construction of the complex was started only in 1979. A grand opening of the complex took place on August 12 this year, in the presence of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who described the situation as "historic event".
August 15, 2011

Freight traffic on the Northern Sea Route will increase by several times
In the next ten years it is expected rapid growth in freight traffic on the Northern Sea Route. Under existing conditions of climate change convoying of heavier ships has became possible. In August the largest in the history of this route tanker will set out on the Northern Sea Route from Murmansk. By estimates of the Ministry of Transportation, freight traffic on NSR will increase to 64 million tons per year up to 2020 (in 2010 the total turnover on the NSR of 1.8 million tons). All ambitious plans of Russia concerning the development of the Arctic are associated with the Northern Sea Route. In Naryan-Mar August 6, Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev met with leaders of the Arctic regions on the issue of prospects of this important transport corridor. To increase traffic on the Northern Sea Route it’s necessary to have new icebreakers and developed infrastructure, and especially the systems of navigation and communication, as well as bases for search and rescue services. At a meeting in Naryan-Mar Patrushev acknowledged that the infrastructure of the NSR does not meet the requirements of the national interests of Russia. "Because of this investment attractiveness of this major resource base of the country reduced ", he stressed.
August 12, 2011

"The positive decision" on the reconstruction of Trans-Siberian Railway will be made by August 20 "- Dmitry Kozak
Ministries of transport of the Russian Federation and economic development of the Russian Federation, as well as JSC "Russian Raylways" by August 20 will make positive decision on the reconstruction of highways Trans-Siberian Railway to increase its capacity in connection with the construction of the railway Kyzyl - Kuragino to coal fields in the Ulug-Khem coalfield in Tuva, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak said.
"There was a recent meeting of the government, the appropriate order according to preliminary reports was made, they are already prepared, and by August 20 the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Economic Development and the Railways should be made a positive decision on the reconstruction of the Trans-Siberian Railway," - Dmitry Kozak said. He stressed that the decision "will be of great value" for the development of Tuva, "highly subsidized" republic "with a low level of economic development."
"The crisis did not allow the railway to recover its investment program. At present, while the decision to increase the corresponding power of the Trans-Siberian branch is not taken ", Dmitry Kozak said.
As previously was reported, the autumn of 2010 "Yenisei Industrial Company" (YIC, previously included in the "United Industrial Corporation" of the former senator of Tuva Sergei Pugachev), Evraz Group, JSC "Severstal", the Federal Agency of Railway Transport (Roszheldor) and the Ministry of Regional Development have signed memorandum on the establishment of a consortium for the construction of a branch of Kyzyl-Kuragino. YIC owns the license for Elegest field (the company have there an open production of tens of thousands of tons of coal per month, which transports by avtocoalers).
The deputy head of Roszheldor Leonid Bershanski stated that the project cost is estimated at 96 billion rubles. In the state plans to invest 48 billion rubles (this amount will remain unchanged in any case, even with the revision of project cost). In expected prices, the cost of the railway is estimated at 128 billion rubles (now - 110.6 billion rubles) with the normative period of construction of 4-5 years.
August 11, 2011

Increase of work efficiency
Public Council meeting at the Northwest Territorial Administration of Rosgranitsa that was held 08/05/2011, was dedicated to issues of a unified information system creation for the operation of checkpoints and its integration into the electronic inter-agency cooperation, which eventually should include all systems of government agencies. The progress of the project of inter-agency integrated automated information system was discussed, which is a key element of the new face of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. Members of the public council appealed to the Federal Agency of the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation to consider whether Rosgranitsa could assume the role of organizer of the technological process of exchange of information between the business community, government regulatory agencies and government departments and agencies.
An analysis of the regulatory authorities on oil tankers at the port moorage of St. Petersburg for the period from 23 June to 22 July 2011 was presented at the meeting. This analysis showed that in the course of technological scheme of the organization of the passing through the state border of people, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals in the sea checkpoint sea port "Big Port of St. Petersburg" the intensity of berths increased by 12, 9%. The number of vessels treated during this period - 35. At the same time, this analysis showed that the acceleration of the control operations in accordance with the approved technological scheme is not sufficient condition to attract additional volumes of cargo. And now the growth of traffic will depend on the competitive balance of the tariff policy. On account of time savings per year 54 tankers with deadweight of 15 to 40 tons could be handled. But, so far, these vessels are moored in the Baltic and Finnish ports, and St. - Petersburg loses up to 25% of the traffic.
August 11, 2011

Svetogorsk development
In the city of Svetogorsk of Vyborg district of Leningrad region the workshop of the North-West Territorial Administration (NWTA) of Rosgranitsa with the government of the Leningrad region, Vyborg district administration and the Svetogorsk urban settlement took place.
The issues of land allocation for NWTA Rosgranitsa for designing-prospecting work and subsequent transfer of land in federal ownership were discussed at the meeting. The need for these plots is due to an objective need for the development of rail and road checkpoints across the state border of Russia. The development of checkpoints in Svetogorsk includes the reclassification of railway checkpoint on a multilateral, holding of his renovation and expansion of railway and multilateral automobile checkpoints.
The parties agreed to prepare necessary information about the financial status and the existence parcels of land that are planned to be chosen. This information in a short time must be given by the administration of the municipality of Svetogorsk under control of the government of Leningrad region.
August 11, 2011

It is planned to build a coal and oil terminals on the western shore of the Kola Bay
Construction of a new coal port "Lavna" will begin on the west coast of the Kola Bay. Implementation of this project will take place within the framework of comprehensive development of the Murmansk transport hub.
It’s planned to build a coal and oil terminals on the west coast of the Kola Bay at the expense of private investors. It is expected that traffic hub may draw 84 million tons up to 2020. At the moment this program is in development by order of the Russian Ministry of Transport.
Minister of Transport and Communications of the Murmansk region Yuri Chuikov said, "We began the second phase of the projection, just the other day in Murmansk, a meeting with a representative of the October Railway was held. It means that operations are conducted fairly and efficiently in accordance with the schedule".
However the eastern shore of Kola Bay also develops. It continues to increase freight traffic of Murmansk commercial seaport. The main type of cargoes are coal and apatite concentrate.
August 5, 2011

Inter-departmental commission checked the piers in Ust-Luga
Reconstructed sea passenger permanent multi-crossing checkpoint of Russian border in the seaport of Ust-Luga meets the requirements of construction, reconstruction, fitting out of buildings, structures that are necessary for the organization of border, customs and other types of control carried out at a checkpoint at the border of the Russian Federation.
This decision was taken at the meeting of interdepartmental committee (IAC) in the Port of Ust-Luga, chaired by D. S. Vavilov - Head of the arrangement of the objects of the state border check points, and administration of the Federal agency of the development of the state border of the Russian Federation. The representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Rosgranitsa, the Border Guard Department of the FSB of Russia, St. - Petersburg and Leningrad region, Federal Agency of sea and river transport, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in St. - Petersburg and Leningrad region, the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Federal service on customers' rights protection and human well-being surveillance of Leningrad region took part in the work of the commission.
In accordance with the project decision the maximum capacity of the checkpoint within the piers 4 and 5 will be 30 million tones of oil a year. It was also decided to amend the application to the Order of the Federal Agency of Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation from 28.04.2009 ¹ 60 "On the discovery of checkpoint of the Russian border at a port of Ust-Luga", which define the limits of complex of liquid goods.
August 3, 2011

A new customs and logistics terminal was opened at the Russian-Latvian border
August 3 on the Russian-Latvian border, passing through the territory of the Pskov region, a new customs and logistics terminal (TLT) Ltd. "The Terminal M9" was opened.
This object of transport and logistics infrastructure is located 700 meters away from the international automobile checkpoint "Burachki" of Sebezh Customs, on the federal highway "Moscow - Riga" (M9) at the border of Russia and the EU. The terminal can handle about 4,000 vehicles crossing the border.
The warehouse complex, including enclosed areas, open space, administration space and the surrounding area, is located in a fenced area. The total warehouse area is 3,000 square meters. Also, there is space for goods detained on administrative cases that require special storage conditions, and the place for storage of goods with high background radiation in storage.
About 100 jobs will be created due to the appearance of the terminal. Since September 12 the terminal will be operating at full capacity.
August 2, 2011

The current tariff system is adequate to the configuration of the railway transportation market - the view
The current tariff system is adequate to current configuration of the railway market, the Deputy Head of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS of Russia) Tamara Stebunova said.
"The current tariff system is presented by the order of tariffing currently used in transportation technologies provided by the rules of cargo transportation by railways", Stebunova said.
Unfortunately the issue of inadequacy of the tariff system to reform demands often rises by traffic market participants when the current levels do not meet the expectations of various market entities. "It is rather a subjective assessment of the tariff system and the main argument is the economic regulator of the validity of decisions", the Deputy Head of the FTS added.
Another aspect of the problem is when in a "running" of the new technologies of interaction between different market participants the tariff system is imposed by requirements not only as a source of compensation costs, but also as an additional commissioning tool that can provide the optimum in a new system of relations between all participants in the transport market, Stebunova noted.
In her view, by this approach to the tariff system the question of the adequacy of the tariff system to reform demands is inevitable.
August 1, 2011

The results of coordinating board meeting of railway checkpoint "Buslovskaya"
On the 29th of July a meeting of the coordinating council of railway checkpoint "Buslovskaya" took place.
In accordance with the decision of the board changes in the passport of railway checkpoint have been made and approved. The changes concerned point 4 of the part about the implementation order definition of concractualobligations for the facilities and buildings. The membership of state control bodies was specified. Immigration control was excluded.
Specifications of the passport of checkpoint are planned and conducted at least 2 times a year. Last changes were made in 2010.
Also it was decided to put into operation passport of checkpoint "Buslovskaya" on the 1st of August 2011.
July 26, 2011

In the I half of the year Russian Railways invested over 4.3 billion rubles into the development of approaches to the ports of the Gulf of Finland
In the I half of 2011 "Russian Railways" has sent more than 4.32 billion for the realization of the project "Complex reconstruction of the Mga - Gatchina - Weimarn - Ivangorod and railway approaches to ports on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland".
In the current year it is planned to complete the reconstruction of the stations Mga, a block signal station 22 km, Weimarn, Kerstovo, Kotly-2. The second phase of construction of traction substations of Gatchina and Novolisino will be completed.
The reconstruction of the contact system and construction of the second track on the areas of Pustynka - 22 km, Weimarn - Kerstovo, Kotly 2 - Luzhskaia.
The Project provides for the creation of the necessary conditions to boost trade between Russia and the EU through the port of Ust-Luga through a complex reconstruction of the railway lines.
July 22, 2011

A single vision of development of transport complex of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region will be approved by the new Government of the Russian Federation
The developer of the concept of the transport system of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region untill 2020 will be known on the 26th of July, 2011.
It’s stated in the terms of reference for the competition that the first part of the work should include analysis of the current state of the transport system of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and the second - its development program until 2020. This document should be developed no later than March 30, 2012 by the contractor who will win the competition.
The terms of reference also states that this scientific work must update program for integrated development of the St. Petersburg transportation hub, which was developed by order of Ministry of Transport in 2008. According to the terms of reference actualization is necessary in particular due to the fact that "the financial crisis did not allow to adopt program developed in the 2008".
July 21, 2011

Anniversary of the the public reception Head of the project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" Sergey Sedov
On the 20th of July, 2011 the manager of "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" Project, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Vadim Tulpanov congratulated the honored worker of Transport of Russia, Head of the public reception of the Project Party "UNITED RUSSIA", "Saint-Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" Sergey Sedov on the 65-year anniversary.
The meeting was held in a festive atmosphere in one of the most beautiful buildings in St. Petersburg, where currently the Russian Sea Register of Shipping is situated. Life of hero of the day is closely connected with this place. For 27 years Sergey has been working for the benefit of the Russian Sea Register of Shipping, Russia's first classification society with the nearly 100-year history. Currently Sergey is the First Deputy Director General of Sea Register.
Not by chance he was appointed as the Head of the public reception of the project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia". All work activity of celebrant was and is associated with the sea and waterways. For example, in 1984 Sergey Sedov was appointed as Deputy Director of the Register of the USSR by the Minister of Sea Fleet of the USSR. Sergey Sedov made a significant contribution to almost each area the Register. This is the solution of problems which is faced by the maritime world and the Russian fleet (including work to ensure its competitiveness), and the introduction of quality systems according to international ISO standards, aimed at improving the quality of the PC, and work to ensure recognition of MS by international organizations and other states, and much, much more. Dignified work of Sergei Nikolaevich for the benefit of maritime industry of the country was marked by the Decree of the President of Russia and the medal "For Service to the Motherland» II degree.
Despite the fact that the meeting of Tyulpanov and Sedov was held in a festive atmosphere, attention was also paid to work issues. During the meeting they touched upon the theme of the project "St. Petersburg - the Sea Capital of Russia" as a whole, as well as preparations for the international conference "Transport and Transit Potential", that is to be held in September 2011
July 15, 2011

Ukraine intends to propose to Russian Federation joint development of railway hubs system
The government of Ukraine intends to turn to Russia with a proposal of joint creation of railway hubs system in.
As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure of the Republic Boris Kolesnikov said, it is about creating of railway hubs "like air ones".
This idea has been worked out by the Ukrainian side.
Let us recall that Ukraine has already offered Russia a joint project of “Slavutich – Sapsan”. It’s an infrastructure project for the construction of high-speed rail line Kiev – Moscow.
The length of main line is 0.83 sq km, most of which, 0.51 thousand, will be held on Russian territory. The total project cost is projected at $ 10 billion.
July 14, 2011

Direction is indicated for roads
The transport system of Russia will cost more than 13 trillion rubles till 2020
The total funding of the transport industry of the Russian Federation, founded in the paper is 13.68 trillion. rubles, 7.045 trillion. rubles of which are from the federal budget.
The profile group of experts of the “Strategy 2020” introduced the concept of a new state programme on development of the transportation system through 2020 which cost is more than 13 trillion rubles. As a result of the program realization transport mobility of the population should increase by 34.1% and the number of accidents in transport should reduce by 20.1%. However, the document does not describe the specific mechanisms to achieve these figures, identifying only that private investors have to take the half of all spending on themselves.
The concept of state program “Development of Transport System”, designed for years 2012-2019, is published by experts of the “Strategy 2020”. The intention of the new state program is to combine two existing specialized FTP (for the development of the transport system from 2010 to 2019 and upgrading of a single air traffic management system of the Russian Federation from 2009 to 2018) and a comprehensive program to ensure public safety in transportation. In addition, it’s proposed to include eight new subprograms in the state program.
July 13, 2011

For the first time bulk carriers “Mikhail Kutuzov” and “Dmitry Pozharsky” went to a voyage by the Northern Sea Route to China in a caravan
For the first time bulk carriers of the Murmansk Shipping Company “Mikhail Kutuzov” and “Dmitry Pozharsky” went to a voyage by the Northern Sea Route in a caravan. Vessels will deliver a cargo of iron ore concentrate from the port of Murmansk to Dzhintang (China).
The total distance from Murmansk to the ports of Northern China is 6.9 thousand miles. Estimated time of arrival at discharge port is the first decade of August.
The recipients of the cargo are the large steel plants in Northeastern China, the cost of goods –is about $ 8 million. Cargo owner “EuroChem” plans to increase trans-shipment of iron ore concentrate through port of Murmansk to 3 million tons in 2012. Appropriate strategic arrangements have been made between “EuroChem”, “Murmansk Sea Trade Port”, “Murmansk Shipping Company” and “Atomflot”.
“Murmansk Shipping Company” specializes in marine transportation of general cargo and passengers by own fleet, fleet of subsidiaries and involved (chartered) fleet. Navy Ship Holding has 300 vessels with total deadweight of about 2 million tons. The main shareholders of the “Murmansk Shipping Company” are “Arctic Technology” (62.7%) and the state.
“EuroChem” is one of the ten world leaders of the agrochemical industry production capacity. The main products are nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. “EuroChem” is a vertically integrated company, combining mining, manufacturing, logistics and distribution network. The company has a license to develop the potash fields in Russia.
July 8, 2011

Active dredging began at the newly built terminal of LPG in Ust-Luga
Dredging of the navigation period of 2011 in the mooring area on the construction of a complex for transshipment of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) "Sibur-Portenergo" in Ust-Luga (Leningrad region) entered the active phase. Technical fleet carries out the seizure and removal of bottom soil to increase the depth of the waters from the existing 1,6-4,5 m to 13.5 m.
The completion of cleaning the bottom after the construction of berths is expected in the second quarter of 2012.
Work on the creation of water approaches and the area of waters of the complex for transshipment of LPG are conducted within the federal target program "Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)".
After completion of the waterworks, docks and dredging the end the terminal can accommodate gas carriers and tankers up to 185 meters, complete with a deadweight of up to 47 tons and cargo capacity to 50 thousand cubic meters. The total design capacity of the complex is designed for handling up to 1.5 million tons of liquefied petroleum gas and up to 2.5 million tons of light oil (petrol gas stable) per year.
State customer of works is the Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport , on whose behalf "Rosmorport" signed a contract for dredging. Works on the complex area of LPG are performed by "North Dredging".
Investment program of "Sibur" includes dozens of projects aimed at expanding and building of new facilities. In 2010 the company sent more than 58 billion rubles on investment development.
July 4, 2011

"Technological" meeting of Public Council at the North-west territorial administration of Rosgranitsa
June 30, the meeting of the Public Council at the North-west territorial administration of Rosgranitsa devoted to two issues: summing up sea port "Sea Facade" monitoring and the dynamics of the technological scheme changes with the view of its compliance with the Model Scheme, according to the order ¹ 247 of Ministry of Transport. Of course, the second issue on the agenda brought more active discussion, it has undoubted importance.
Questions of promotion, implementation of technological schemes of checkpoints are constantly under control of Rosgranitsa and market participants, as they directly affect the problem of converting the module of powder firefighting of the Big port of St. Petersburg. And, finally, the competitive position of ports in the Baltic depends on the correct and thoughtful approach to this issue.
The delay in solution of the possibility of combining of the loading and unloading work control operations continues to give rise to complaints of market operators. But, in turn, representatives of border and customs services have a claim on the organization of the stevedores. As the Head of Rosgranitsa Mr. Smolkin noted, optimal and balanced approach to solving this important problem must be found in a dialogue between business entities on the one hand and State Defense Committee on the other. So it was decided to the possibility of combining of the loading and unloading work control operations on tankers thanks. It was achieved also due to the work of the Public Council. The next step is the introduction of such technological solutions for the container trucks.
As a result of discussion it was decided to hold a meeting of working committee for the development of technical conditions of checkpoints organization at the following Big ports of St. Petersburg PD: 37, 67, 69, 101 B, 101 B within next two months. These ports have been recognized as the best prepared ones for realization of approved technological schemes in full.
July 4, 2011
Victor Olersky: this year four conventional icebreaker and an atomic one will be laid in Russia
This year four conventional icebreakers and an atomic one will be laid in Russia. This was announced by Deputy Transport Minister Viktor Olersky at the board meeting of Rosmorrechflot.
Victor Olersky summed up the results of water transport industry work. He noted that progress is made in some areas, but part of the plans still could not be implemented. So there is a building of search-and-rescue fleet. In particular, he noted that on June 30 he attended a flag rising at the new vessel in St. Petersburg. In the past two weeks there was hard work with different departments on the budget elaboration of the new icebreakers construction. At a recent meeting Vladimir Putin noted especially the need for such construction. This year, four icebreakers will be laid: three with a capacity of 18 MW and one - 25 MW, as well as atomic icebreaker. One of the goals of the Ministry of Transportation, an agency of sea and river transport is to create conditions for ships construction. Before the summer break in first reading the State Duma will approve a bill on state support of shipbuilding and navigation, which was developed with the active participation of the Ministry of Transport. There are some problems in the construction of waterworks. It is quite possible that soon a joint venture with a foreign company, which will help resolve this problem, will be set up.
At the board meeting Acting General Director of "Rosmorport" Andrew Lavrishchev reported about completion of work at the Strategy of the development of port infrastructure of Russia until 2030. As a follow-up it’s proposed to endorse the overall strategy, and give comments to the document into "Rosmorport". Deputy Head of the agency Konstantin Stasiuk and Deputy Head of the "Rosmorport" Dmitry Ustyugov reported about leasing activities in the property management of organizations that are lower ones of Rosmorrechflot. The Council took note of the messages and later would prepare a resolution on this issue. General Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Morsvyazsputnik" Andrew Kuropjatnik made a report about the progress of the Complex integrated system "MoRe".
July 1, 2011

Freight turnover of the Russian Federation ports is to grow by 6-7% in 2011. Forecast
Freight turnover of the Russian Federation ports is to grow by 6-7% in 2011 compared with 2010 - up to 560 million tons. It was forecasted during the Council meeting of the Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport of the Russian Federation by the Deputy transport Minister Viktor Olersky.
Let us recall that the turnover of Russian ports grew by 5.9% in 2010 - to 525.85 million tonnes. The volume of dry cargo amounted to 211.5 million tonnes (+6.6%), liquid bulk cargo - 314 350 000 tonnes (+5.5%). The volume of transshipment of export cargo rose by 5% - to 404.19 million tonnes. The volume of transshipment of imported goods amounted to 39.34 million tonnes (43.8%), transit - 45.96 million tonnes (+2.7%), cabotage - 36.35 million tonnes (-7.5%).
Freight turnover of Russian ports decreased by 0.6% to 213.1 million tonnes for 5 months of 2011. The volume of dry cargo amounted to 85.9 million tons (1%), liquid bulk cargo - 127.2 million tons (-1.6%). Export cargo were handled 161.7 million tonnes (-3.4%). The volume of transshipment of imported goods amounted to 19.1 million tonnes (34%), transit - 21.4 million tons (+16.2%), cabotage - 10.9 million tons (-23.8%).
July 1, 2011

At the internal borders of the Customs Union customs control is abolished
At the internal borders of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan the customs control is abolished from today.
Thus, the customs control is transferred to the outer borders of the Union.
Russian customs authorities stop the customs operations and all functions of customs control on goods and vehicles traveling on the territory of Russia, which are carried out at checkpoints at the state border of the Russian Federation at its Kazakh section now. At the Russian-Belarusian border at the post of notification remained operations controlling the transit of goods from third countries will be discontinued. Posts of notification will be eliminated.
Earlier the Chief of analytical department of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Ivin explained that the status of the state border between Russia and Kazakhstan will continue after July 1, 2011. But on the Belarusian part of Russia's borders there won’t be "any evidence" of the state border.
June 30, 2011

Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran are looking for sources of financing the construction of railway line Rasht - Astara
Transport Minister of Russian Federation Igor Levitin told reporters that Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran are considering funding sources of the railway line Rasht-Astara (Iran - Azerbaijan) construction in the transport corridor North – South.
Igor Levitin said, "Russia has sufficient funds to develop a transport corridor North-South through the territory of Azerbaijan to Iran, and now we look a source of financing of railway Rasht - Astara ."
According to him, a memorandum of understanding signed by the JSC "Russian Railways", the railway authorities of Azerbaijan and Iran is not an intergovernmental agreement but it’s the agreement between economic entities of these three countries.
According to "News-Azerbaijan” the document signed in February this year, make provision for the construction of the railway line after which the Russian railway system will be connected with Iran one.
The project of the line building is of great importance for the development of international transport corridor North - South. According to experts its product market is estimated at 25-26 million tons by 2015.
A large part of the corridor runs through the railways of Russia, what is 33 and 53% of the total length of the onshore part of the corridor (2513 km).
Experts also note that the creation of a direct rail service along the western coast of the Caspian Sea can significantly affect the growth of the transport market in the region and become a good stimulus for the expansion of foreign economic relations of these countries with Europe.
June 29, 2011

“Transgarant” invested more than 70 million rubles into infrastructure of the warehouse complex “Stroyopttorg” (Khabarovsk)
New railway lines 700 m long designed for reception and processing of container trains is started of operation in the Khabarovsk warehouse “Stroyopttorg”, which is one of the infrastructure projects of train operator “Transgarant”, as well as warehouse area of 1.8 thousand square meters is completely renovated The press-service of “Transgarant” reported thet investment in the work is over 70 million rubles.
Objects are started of operation within the framework of the complex large-scale modernization, which is primarily aimed at the development of container terminal capacity that is situated in its territory. Construction is part of the strategy of the transport group FESCO, which includes “Transgarant” for the development of express service delivery by container trains with maximum use of their own capabilities. “Stroyopttorg” is involved as a terminal for handling containers in the new weekly service FESCO Amur Shuttle from station Silicate in Moscow to station the Red River in the Khabarovsk that is adjoined to territory of “Stroyopttorg”.
“Transgarant” provides services for rail transport of goods for industrial use. “Transgarant” combines subsidiaries "Transgarant-Ukraine», SIA Tektrans (Riga), "Transgarant-East" warehouse "Stroyopttorg" (Khabarovsk). The rolling stock of the Transgarant companies consists of both universal and specialized cars and has 16 thousand units. Their own trucks up to 76%. The property includes 5 main and 2 shunting locomotives. Branches and representative offices are situated in 26 cities of Russia, CIS and Baltic States. Annual traffic is 25 million tons and freight turnover is 35 billion ton-km.
JSC “Stroyopttorg” is a warehouse complex located within the boundaries of Khabarovsk, on the territory of 9.2 ha. The area of warehouses in the complex is 20 thousand square meters. 8.8 thousand square meters. m. of it are heated warehouses and 11.2 thousand square meters. m are occupied by cold storage. There are open areas for storage of wood, metal and petroleum products.
June 28, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev approved the ratification of the agreement on common principles of technical regulation in the Customs Union
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a federal law “On the ratification of agreement on common principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation”. It’s reported by the press office of the President. The law was passed by the Parliament on June, 15 2011 and the Federation Council approved it on June 22, 2011.
The agreement was signed on November 18, 2010 in St. Petersburg and aimed to set common rules and technical regulation of similar mechanisms in the Customs Union to remove technical barriers in trade and to ensure the free movement of goods.
According to the agreement, the Commission of the Customs Union is the depositary of agreement.
Also states that technical regulations Union have a direct effect on its customs territory. The order of their development, adoption, amendment and cancellation, as well as the entry into force and transitional provisions are established by the Commission.
Also the formation of a common list of products for which mandatory requirements are established within the Customs Union is provided. The Commission is empowered to approve the list and order of its conduct.
In addition, it is stated that technical regulations are developed only in relation to products included in the above mentioned list, “if it is not against regulations adopted by EAEC, and its expiry date is the day of coming into force of EAEC proper technical regulations o”. In the form of a separate agreement between the parties the agreement also defines the procedure for adopting of emergency measures to prevent the release into circulation of dangerous products.
June 27, 2011

A number of infrastructure projects of Russian Railways enter the stage of implementation - an opinion
Today a number of priority infrastructure projects of JSC “Russian Railways” go on the stage of practical implementation, the Chief of the Central directorate of terminal and warehouse complex management of the company Andrey Kryazhev said.
“Primarily we are talking about the project to build a terminal and logistics center “White Rust “in the Moscow region which includes contrailer terminal. German and Finnish Railways and leading strategic partners of JSC “Russian Railways showed the interest in its implementation,” Andrey Kryazhev said.
According to him, currently the preproject assessment results of land "rail ports" creation in Primorye, the industrial area of Shushary (St. Petersburg) and in the Krasnodar region are considered. Business plans for the construction of terminal and logistics centers in Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad and Moscow are discussed, Mr. Kryazhev added.
June 24, 2011

The law on the Russian shipbuilding and navigation support is necessary - the Commission of the Council of Federation on the national sea policy
The Council of Federation (CF) of the Federal Assembly of Russia on the National Marine Policy considers that it’s necessary to pass a law on the support of the Russian shipbuilding and navigation (Bill ¹ 555755-5 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of measures supported the Russian shipbuilding industry and navigation “). It’s reported by the press service of the Federation Council.
On Thursday, June 23, 2011, in the Primorye Krai in the plant “Zvezda” the commission held a meeting on “The problems of regulatory and legal provision of the shipbuilding industrial complex construction”. In addition to committee members the representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the administration and the legislature of Primorye Krai, enterprises, companies and organizations involved in the construction of the shipbuilding industrial complex participated in the meeting.
The Bill on the Russian shipbuilding and shipping support will provide a number of significant tax benefits to both ship owners during the use of the vessel, and shipbuilders who fill orders of ship building under the Russian flag. Thereby, the attractiveness of the Russian International Ship Register for ship owners will increase, the number of shipbuilding orders in domestic shipyards will also grow, and the State will receive economic benefit from the development of the industry. On May 31, 2011 by order of the President of Russia the Project has been introduced into the State Duma. The Ministry of Transportation is pending document consideration in the first reading on July 7. The work on the bill is headed by Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Viktor Olersky.
Let us remind that a project on two super shipyards building is under realization in the Primorye Krai. The financing of the works is included in the subprogram of preparation for the Summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2012.
JSC “United Shipbuilding Corporation” in and the South Korean concern Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in common are implementing a project to create super shipyard “The Star-DSME” in the plant “Zvezda” in Bolshoi Kamen. The future shipyard already has a number of customers including large companies such as JSC “Rosneft”, JSC “Transneft”, JSC “Gazprom”, JSC “Sovcomflot”. Project implementation period is from 2010 to 2012.
A Russian-Singaporean shipyard “East – Raffles” which will produce vessels, offshore platforms and other marine equipment will be built on the basis of the 30th shipyard in the Danube village in Chazhma Bay. The laying of shipyard foundation took place in November 2009. The total project cost is estimated at $ 1 billion, the main investor will be Vnesheconombank. Chinese Shipyard Yantai Concern will receive 25% in the project Far East Center of Shipbuilding and Repair will receive the remaining share. It was supposed that the Russian and Chinese sides will invest in the project according to their shares in the joint venture and the share of Yantai Raffles in the project can grow to 50%. It is planned that the shipyard will build modern drilling platforms of the fifth and sixth generation, as well as drilling equipment and equipment for production of LNG.